
468 lines
24 KiB
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2022-07-30 22:44:48 +01:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jeremiah Orians <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.global _start
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
mov rbp, rsp # save stack pointer
mov [rip+image_handle], rcx # save image_handle
mov rax, [rdx+64] # system->out
mov [rip+system_out], rax # save system->out
mov r14, [rdx+96] # system->boot
xor ecx, ecx # timeout = 0
xor edx, edx # watchdog_code = 0
xor r8, r8 # data_size = 0
xor r9, r9 # watchdog_data = 0
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+240] # system->boot->set_watchdog_timer
# Open Loaded Image protocol
push rax # allocate stack for image
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &image
push rdx # push last 64 bits onto stack
push rdx # push first 64 bits onto stack
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &guid
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, r9 # arg1 = image_handle
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(image_handle, &guid, &image, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
mov rax, [rsp+64] # get image
mov [rip+image], rax # save image
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# Command line args
mov rcx, rax # copy image to rcx
mov rbx, [rax+56] # options = image->load_options
# Skip application name
add rbx, 2 # ++options
mov al, [rbx] # *options
cmp al, 0x20 # if *options == ' '
je loop_options2 # then jump
test al, al # if options != 0
jne loop_options1 # then loop
# Use default_file
lea r12, [rip+default_file] # Use "kaem.amd64"
jmp root_fs # jump
add rbx, 2 # ++options
mov r12, rbx # save script file
# Get root file system
push rax # allocate stack for rootfs
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &rootfs
push rdx # push last 64 bits onto stack
push rdx # push first 64 bits onto stack
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &guid
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rcx+24] # arg1 = root_device = image->device
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(root_device, &guid, &rootfs, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
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mov rcx, [rsp+64] # get rootfs
# Get root directory
push rdx # allocate stack for rootdir
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &rootdir
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
2022-08-14 17:25:28 +01:00
pop r13 # save rootdir
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# Open file for reading
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push rdx # allocate stack for fin
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fin
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push 1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov r8, r12 # arg3 = script
mov rcx, r13 # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
test eax, eax # if status != EFI_SUCCESS
jne abort # then exit without closing file
mov r12, [rsp+40] # get fin
# Allocate pool for command
push rdx # allocate stack for command
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &command
xor edx, edx # zero rdx
mov dh, 0x10 # arg2 = 4096 = 0x1000
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 4096, &commmand)
mov rbx, [rsp+24] # get command
xor esi, esi # i = 0
xor r15, r15 # command_length = 0
call read_byte # read another byte c
cmp al, 0xa # if c == '\n'
je read_command_done # then we are done with this command
cmp al, 0x20 # if c == ' '
jne read_command_comments
test r15, r15 # and command_length == 0
jne read_command_comments
mov r15, rsi # command_length = i
cmp al, 0x23 # if c = '#' then process comment
jne read_command_store_char # else store char
call read_byte # get another char
cmp al, 0xa # if c != '\n'
jne read_command_skip_comment # continue reading until newline
jmp next_command # deal with another line
add rbx, rsi # rbx = &command[i]
mov [rbx], ax # command[i] = c
sub rbx, rsi # rbx = &command[0]
add rsi, 2 # location of the next char
jmp read_command # continue looping
test r15, r15 # if command_length == 0
je next_command # deal with another line
add rbx, rsi # rbx = &command[i]
mov WORD PTR [rbx], 0 # command[i] = 0
sub rbx, rsi # rbx = &command[0]
2022-08-14 14:12:06 +01:00
add rsi, 2 # add 2 to get string length with NULL terminator
2022-07-30 22:44:48 +01:00
lea rdx, [rip+prefix] # get prefix " +> "
2022-07-30 22:44:48 +01:00
call File_Print # print it
mov rdx, rbx # get command
call File_Print # print it
lea rdx, [rip+suffix] # get suffix "\n\r"
call File_Print # print it
# Remove command line options
add r15, rbx # go to the space separating command and its options
mov WORD PTR [r15], 0 # zero it to hide command line options
# Open executable file for reading
push rdx # allocate stack for fcmd
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fcmd
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push 1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov r8, rbx # arg3 = command
mov rcx, r13 # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
test eax, eax # if status != EFI_SUCCESS
jne print_error # then exit
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop rdi # get fcmd
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# Restore command line arguments
mov WORD PTR [r15], 0x20 # restore command line options by readding ' '
# Allocate pool for file_info
push rdx # allocate stack for file_info
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &file_info
xor edx, edx # zero rdx
mov dh, 0x10 # arg2 = 4096 = 0x1000
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 4096, &file_info)
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pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop r9 # get file_info (arg4 for get_info)
# Get file info
push r9 # save file_info
push rax # allocate stack for file_size
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &file_size
mov QWORD PTR [r8], 0x1000 # file_size = 0x1000
mov rdx, [rip+SIMPLE_FS_PROTOCOL+8] # EFI_FILE_INFO_PROTOCOL (last 64 bits)
push rdx # push last 64 bits onto stack
mov rdx, [rip+FILE_INFO_PROTOCOL] # EFI_FILE_INFO_PROTOCOL (first 64 bits)
push rdx # push first 64 bits onto stack
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &guid
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = fcmd
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+64] # fcmd->get_info(fcmd, &guid, &file_size, file_info)
add rsp, 56 # deallocate stack
pop rcx # restore file_info
mov rdx, [rcx+8] # get file_size
# Free file_info pool
push rdx # save file_size onto stack
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(file_info)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rdx # restore file_size from stack (arg2 for allocate_pool)
# Allocate pool for executable
push rdx # save file_size onto stack
push rdx # allocate stack for executable
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &executable
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, file_size, &executable)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop r15 # get executable
pop rdx # restore file_size
# Load executable into memory
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push rdx # save file_size onto stack
mov r8, r15 # arg3 = executable
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &file_size
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = fcmd
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fcmd->read(fcmd, &file_size, executable)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
# Close fcmd
push rax # allocate stack
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = fcmd
call [rcx+16] # fcmd->close(fcmd)
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pop rax # restore stack
pop rdi # restore file_size
# Allocate memory for device_path struct
push rdx # allocate stack for device_path
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &device_path
push 28 # 4 + sizeof(struct efi_device_path_protocol)
pop rdx # arg2 = 28
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 28, &device_path)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop r8 # get device_path
# Initialize struct
mov rax, r8 # Make a pointer to device_path members
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 1 # device_path->type = HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH
inc rax # next member
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 3 # device_path->subtype = MEMORY_MAPPED
inc rax # next member
mov WORD PTR [rax], 24 # device_path->length = 24
add rax, 2 # next member
mov DWORD PTR [rax], 1 # device_path->memory_type = EFI_LOADER_CODE
add rax, 4 # next member
mov QWORD PTR [rax], r15 # device_path->start_address = executable
add rax, 8 # next member
add r15, rdi # end_address = executable + file_size
mov QWORD PTR [rax], r15 # device_path->end_address = end_address
sub r15, rdi # restore r15 = executable
add rax, 8 # next member
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 0x7f # device_path[1].type = END_HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH
inc rax # next member
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 0xff # device_path[1].subtype = END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH
inc rax # next member
mov WORD PTR [rax], 4 # device_path[1].length = 4
# Load image
push r8 # save device_path
push rax # allocate stack for child_ih
push rsp # arg6 = &child_ih
push rdi # arg5 = file size
mov r9, r15 # arg4 = executable
# arg3 = device_path
mov rdx, [rip+image_handle] # arg2 = image_handle
xor ecx, ecx # arg1 = 0
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+200] # system->boot->load_image()
add rsp, 48 # deallocate_stack
pop rdi # save child_ih
# Free device_path pool
pop rcx # arg1 = device_path
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(device_path)
pop rax # deallocate stack
# Free executable pool
mov rcx, r15 # arg1 = executable
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(executable)
pop rax # deallocate stack
# Open Child Image
push rax # allocate stack for child_image
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &child_image
push rdx # push last 64 bits onto stack
push rdx # push first 64 bits onto stack
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &guid
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
mov r9, rdi # arg4 = child_ih
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = child_ih
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(child_ih, &guid, &child_image, child_ih, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
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add rsp, 64 # deallocate stack
pop rax # get child_image
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mov [rax+56], rbx # child_image->load_options = command
mov [rax+48], rsi # set child_image->load_options_size
mov rcx, [rip+image] # get image
mov rcx, [rcx+24] # image->device
mov [rax+24], rcx # child_image->device = image->device
# Run command
xor r8, r8 # arg3 = 0 (ExitData)
xor edx, edx # arg2 = 0 (ExitData size)
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mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = child_ih
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+208] # system->boot->start_image()
pop rcx # deallocate stack
pop rcx # deallocate stack
pop rcx # deallocate stack
test eax, eax # check if return code is 0
jne print_error # print error and exit
jmp next_command # process another line from kaem script
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push rax # save exit code
lea rdx, [rip+subprocess_error] # get error message
call File_Print # print it
pop rax # restore exit code
# Close script file and exit
# Free pool
mov rcx, rbx # arg1 = command
push rax # save exit code
2022-07-30 22:44:48 +01:00
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(commmand)
mov rcx, r12 # arg1 = fin
call [rcx+16] # fin->close(fin)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # restore exit code
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# Exit without closing script file
mov rsp, rbp # restore stack
# File_Print function
# Receives WCHAR* in RDX
mov rcx, [rip+system_out] # get system_out
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # system->out->output_string(system->out, WCHAR*)
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pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
# read_byte function
# reads a single character
mov rcx, r12 # arg1 = fin
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push 1 # size = 1
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
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push rsi # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &c
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push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fin->read()
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # save c to rax
pop rcx # save size to rcx
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# If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
test ecx, ecx # if size == 0
je terminate # then we are done
# Protocol GUIDs
.long 0x5b1b31a1
.short 0x9562
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x0964e5b22
.short 0x6459
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x39, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x09576e92
.short 0x6d3f
.short 0x11d2
# last 64-bits of GUID are identical to SIMPLE_FS_PROTOCOL
.byte 0x6B, 0, 0x61, 0, 0x65, 0, 0x6D, 0, 0x2E, 0
.byte 0x61, 0, 0x6D, 0, 0x64, 0, 0x36, 0, 0x34, 0, 0, 0 # L"kaem.amd64"
.byte 0x20, 0, 0x2B, 0, 0x3E, 0, 0x20, 0, 0, 0 # L" +> "
.byte 0x53, 0, 0x75, 0, 0x62, 0, 0x70, 0, 0x72, 0, 0x6F, 0, 0x63, 0, 0x65, 0
.byte 0x73, 0, 0x73, 0, 0x20, 0, 0x65, 0, 0x72, 0, 0x72, 0, 0x6F, 0, 0x72, 0
2022-07-30 22:44:48 +01:00
.byte 0x0A, 0, 0x0D, 0, 0, 0 # L"Subprocess error\n\r"
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0