
414 lines
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2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jeremiah Orians <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Some of the functions are deliberately inlined at the slight expense of
# binary size to avoid tricky jump calculations in hex0 code.
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
.global _start
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
mov rbp, rsp # save stack pointer
mov r15, rcx # save image_handle
mov r14, [rdx+96] # system->boot
# Open Loaded Image protocol
mov r9, r15 # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, r9 # arg1 = image_handle
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
push rax # allocate stack for image
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &image
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(image_handle, &guid, &image, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rdi # get image
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# Get root file system
mov r9, r15 # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rdi+24] # arg1 = root_device = image->device
mov r13, rcx # save root_device
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
push rax # allocate stack for rootfs
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &rootfs
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(root_device, &guid, &rootfs, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rcx # get rootfs
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# Get root directory
push rax # allocate stack for rootdir
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &rootdir
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rsi # get rootdir
# Push command line arguments onto stack
mov rbx, [rdi+56] # options = image->load_options
mov rdx, rbx # save beginning of load_options
add rbx, [rdi+48] # go to the end of load_options
push 0 # Save end of arguments (NULL) onto stack
cmp rbx, rdx # Check if we are done
je loop_options_done # We are done
sub rbx, 2 # --options
mov al, [rbx] # *options
cmp al, 0x20 # if *options != ' '
jne loop_options # then continue looping
mov BYTE PTR [rbx], 0 # zero it
add rbx, 2 # ++options
push rbx # push another argument onto stack
jmp loop_options # next argument
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# Open file for reading
pop r8 # arg3 = in
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
push rdx # allocate stack for fin
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fin
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push 1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop rdi # get fin
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# Open file for writing
pop r8 # arg3 = out
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
push rdx # allocate stack for fout
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fout
push 0 # arg5 = 0
push 7 # to get 0x8000000000000003 we set the rightmost 3 bits
pop r9 # and then do right rotation by 1
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop rbx # get fout
# Save variables that are needed for cleanup
push r13 # save root_device
push r14 # save system->boot
push r15 # save image_handle
push rsi # save rootdir
# Allocate pool for single-character label table
# pointer to table will be stored at the top of the stack
push rdx # allocate stack for table
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &table
xor edx, edx # zero rdx
mov dh, 0x8 # arg2 = 256 * 8 = 2048 = 0x800
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
sub rsp, 24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 2048, &table)
add rsp, 24 # deallocate stack
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov r15, -1 # Our flag for byte processing
mov r14, 0 # temp storage for the sum
mov r13, 0 # Our starting IP
call First_pass # Process it
# rewind input file
mov rcx, rdi # Using our input file
xor edx, edx # Offset Zero
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+56] # fin->set_position(fin, 0)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
mov r15, -1 # Our flag for byte processing
mov r14, 0 # temp storage for the sum
mov r13, 0 # Our starting IP
call Second_pass # Process it
jmp Done
call Read_byte
# Deal with EOF
cmp rax, -4
je First_pass_done
# Check for :
cmp rax, 0x3a
jne First_pass_0
# Deal with label
call StoreLabel
# Check for %
cmp rax, 0x25
je First_pass_pointer
# Deal with everything else
call hex # Process our char
# Deal with EOF
cmp rax, -4
je First_pass_done
# deal with -1 values
cmp rax, 0
jl First_pass
# deal with toggle
cmp r15, 0
je First_pass_1
add r13, 1 # Increment IP
not r15
jmp First_pass
# Deal with Pointer to label
call Read_byte # Drop the char
add r13, 4 # Increment IP
jmp First_pass # Loop again
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
# deal with EOF
cmp rax, -4
je EOF
# deal with line comments starting with #
cmp rax, 0x23
je ascii_comment
# deal with line comments starting with ;
cmp rax, 0x3b
je ascii_comment
# deal all ascii less than 0
cmp rax, 0x30
jl ascii_other
# deal with 0-9
cmp rax, 0x3a
jl ascii_num
# deal with all ascii less than A
cmp rax, 0x41
jl ascii_other
# deal with A-F
cmp rax, 0x47
jl ascii_high
# deal with all ascii less than a
cmp rax, 0x61
jl ascii_other
# deal with a-f
cmp rax, 0x67
jl ascii_low
# The rest that remains needs to be ignored
jmp ascii_other
call Read_byte
# Deal with EOF
cmp rax, -4
je Second_pass_done
# Simply drop the label
cmp rax, 0x3a
jne Second_pass_0
call Read_byte
jmp Second_pass
# Deal with pointer
cmp rax, 0x25
jne Second_pass_1
call StorePointer
jmp Second_pass
# Deal with everything else
call hex # Process our char
# Deal with EOF
cmp rax, -4
je Second_pass_done
# deal with -1 values
cmp rax, 0
jl Second_pass
# deal with toggle
cmp r15, 0
je print
# process first byte of pair
mov r14, rax
mov r15, 0
jmp Second_pass
sub rax, 0x30
sub rax, 0x57
sub rax, 0x37
mov rax, -1
call Read_byte
cmp rax, 0xd
je ascii_comment_cr
cmp rax, 0xa
jne ascii_comment
mov rax, -1
# process second byte of pair
# update the sum and store in output
shl r14, 4
add rax, r14
# flip the toggle
not r15 # r15 = -1
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov rdx, 1 # set the size of chars we want
call print_chars
add r13, 1 # Increment IP
jmp Second_pass
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = fin
push 1 # size = 1
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
xor esi, esi # zero rsi
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
push rsi # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &input
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fin->read()
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # save input to rax
pop rsi # save size to rsi
# If the file ended (0 bytes read) return EOF
test esi, esi # if size == 0
jne Read_byte_1
mov rax, -4 # Put EOF in rax
ret # return
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
# Writes bytes stored in rax
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov rcx, rbx # arg1 = fout
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
push rdx # set size
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
push rax # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &output
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+40] # fout->write()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
ret # return
call Read_byte # Get single char label
shl rax, 3 # Each label in table takes 8 bytes to store
mov rcx, [rsp+24] # Get table
add rax, rcx # Calculate offset
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
call Get_table_target
mov [rax], r13 # Write out pointer to table
add r13, 4 # Increment IP
call Get_table_target # Get address of pointer
mov rax, [rax] # Get pointer
sub rax, r13 # target - ip
mov rdx, 4 # set the size of chars we want
call print_chars
pop rcx # restore table
pop rsi # restore rootdir
pop r15 # restore image_handle
pop r14 # restore system->boot
pop r13 # restore root_device
# Free pool
# arg1 = table
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
2022-08-09 20:04:52 +01:00
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(table)
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
mov rcx, rdi # arg1 = fin
call [rcx+16] # fin->close()
mov rcx, rbx # arg1 = fout
call [rcx+16] # fout->close()
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
call [rcx+16] # rootdir->close()
mov r8, r15 # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, r13 # arg1 = root_device
xor r9, r9 # arg4 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(root_device, &guid, image_handle, 0)
mov r8, r15 # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, r8 # arg1 = image_handle
xor r9, r9 # arg4 = NULL
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(image_handle, &guid, image_handle, 0)
2022-08-07 21:45:05 +01:00
abort: # used for debugging only
mov rsp, rbp # restore stack
ret # return to UEFI
# Protocol GUIDs
.long 0x5b1b31a1
.short 0x9562
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x0964e5b22
.short 0x6459
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x39, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b