
4917 lines
181 KiB
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# Copyright (C) 2017 Jeremiah Orians
# Copyright (C) 2022 Andrius Štikonas
# This file is part of stage0.
# stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with stage0. If not, see <>.
.intel_syntax noprefix
.global _start
# Register usage:
# RAX, RSI, RDI => Temps
# R13 => MALLOC
# R15 => stderr flag
# Struct TYPE format: (size 56)
# NEXT => 0
# SIZE => 8
# OFFSET => 16
# INDIRECT => 24
# MEMBERS => 32
# TYPE => 40
# NAME => 48
# Struct TOKEN_LIST format: (size 40)
# NEXT => 0
# S => 16
# TYPE => 24
# ARGS/DEPTH => 32
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
mov rbp, rsp # save stack pointer
mov [rip+image_handle], rcx # save image_handle
mov [rip+system], rdx # save system
mov r14, [rdx+96] # system->boot
# Open Loaded Image protocol
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, r9 # arg1 = image_handle
call open_protocol # open protocol
mov rdi, rax # save image
# Get root file system
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rdi+24] # arg1 = root_device = image->device
mov [rip+root_device], rcx # save root_device
call open_protocol # open protocol
mov rcx, rax # get rootfs
# Get root directory
lea rdx, [rip+rootdir] # arg2 = &rootdir
sub rsp, 16 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
add rsp, 16 # deallocate stack
# Push command line arguments onto stack
mov rbx, [rdi+56] # options = image->load_options
mov rdx, rbx # save beginning of load_options
add rbx, [rdi+48] # go to the end of load_options
push 0 # Save end of arguments (NULL) onto stack
cmp rbx, rdx # Check if we are done
je loop_options_done # We are done
sub rbx, 2 # --options
mov al, [rbx] # *options
cmp al, 0x20 # if *options != ' '
jne loop_options # then continue looping
mov BYTE PTR [rbx], 0 # zero it
add rbx, 2 # ++options
push rbx # push another argument onto stack
jmp loop_options # next argument
# Open file for reading
pop r8 # arg3 = in
push 1 # Set exit code in case of failure
cmp r8, 0 # If NULL
je failed_input # then exit
lea rdx, [rip+fin] # arg2 = &fin
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
mov r9, 1 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
cmp rax, 0 # If failed to open
jne failed_input # then exit
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
# Open file for writing
pop r8 # arg3 = out
push 1 # Set exit code in case of failure
cmp r8, 0 # If NULL
je failed_output # then exit
lea rdx, [rip+fout] # arg2 = &fout
push 0 # arg5 = 0
mov r9, 7 # to get 0x8000000000000003 we set the rightmost 3 bits and then do right rotation by 1
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
# Allocate ourselves 16 MiB of memory
mov rdx, 0x1000000 # allocate 16 MiB of memory for malloc pool
call allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov [rip+malloc_pointer], rax # save malloc pointer
mov [rip+malloc_pool], rax # save the beginning of malloc pool
# Zero allocated memory buffer
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
add rax, 0x1000000 # end of malloc area
dec rax # next byte
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 0 # zero it
cmp rax, [rip+malloc_pointer] # if we are not done yet
jne zero_loop # then continue looping
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
# cc_amd64 needs quite a lot of stack space when building M2-Planet
# which is not guaranteed to be available on UEFI (it guarantees at least 128 KiB).
# Therefore we will allocate an extra space on heap and use part of it for user stack
mov rax, 0x400000 # Allocate 4 MiB for user stack
call malloc
mov [rip+user_stack], rax # Save user stack
call exit_uefi_stack # Switch to user stack
mov r15, 0 # Not writing to stderr yet
call fix_types # Resolve relative addresses in types struct to absolute
mov rax, 0 # HEAD = NULL
call read_all_tokens # Read all tokens
call Reverse_List # Reverse order
# call debug_list # Try to figure out what is wrong
mov [rip+global_token], rax # Set global_token
call program # Convert into program
lea rax, [rip+header_string1] # Our header string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [rip+output_list] # Our output_list
call recursive_output # Print core program
# lea rax, [rip+header_string2] # Our Enable debug
# call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+header_string3] # Our second label
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [rip+globals_list] # Our globals
call recursive_output # Get them
lea rax, [rip+header_string4] # Our final header
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [rip+strings_list] # Our strings
call recursive_output # Get them
lea rax, [rip+header_string5] # Our final header
call File_Print # Print it
# program completed Successfully
mov rax, 0 # Set exit code 0
# Free pool
push rax # save exit code
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
call enter_uefi_stack # Switch back to UEFI stack
mov rcx, [rip+malloc_pool] # arg1 = malloc_pool
call free_pool # system->boot->free_pool(malloc_pool)
mov rcx, [rip+fout] # get fout
call close_file # close fout
mov rcx, [rip+fin] # get fin
call close_file # close fin
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # get rootdir
call close_file # close rootdir
mov r8, [rip+image_handle] # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rip+root_device] # arg1 = root_device
call close_protocol # close protocol
mov r8, [rip+image_handle] # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, r8 # arg1 = image_handle
call close_protocol # close protocol
pop rax # restore exit code
abort: # used for debugging only
mov rsp, rbp # restore stack
ret # return to UEFI
header_string1: .asciz "\n# Core program\n"
header_string2: .asciz "\n:ELF_data\n"
header_string3: .asciz "\n# Program global variables\n"
header_string4: .asciz "\n# Program strings\n"
header_string5: .asciz "\n:ELF_end\n"
# Resolve relative addresses in types struct to absolute
# Uses RAX to store current type, RBX for temp
push rbx # Protect RBX
lea rax, [rip+prim_types] # Get address of prim_types
mov [rip+global_types], rax # Write it to global_types
mov rbx, [rax+48] # Get offset to NAME
add rbx, rax # Get NAME
mov [rax+48], rbx # Store NAME
mov rbx, [rax+40] # Get offset to TYPE
add rbx, rax # Get TYPE
mov [rax+40], rbx # Store TYPE
mov rbx, [rax+24] # Get offset to INDIRECT
add rbx, rax # Get INDIRECT
mov [rax+24], rbx # Store INDIRECT
mov rbx, [rax] # Get offset to NEXT
cmp rbx, 0 # If no more types
je fix_types_done # Then we are done
add rbx, rax # Get NEXT
mov [rax], rbx # Store NEXT
add rax, 56 # Go to next type
jmp fix_type
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# read_all_tokens function
# Receives FILE* in R15 and Token_List* in RAX
# Tokenizes all input and returns updated list in RAX
# Returns TOKEN in RAX
# Uses RAX for C
mov [rip+Token], rax
call fgetc
cmp rax, -4 # Check for EOF
je read_all_tokens_done # Stop if found
call get_token # Read all tokens
jmp read_all_tokens_loop # Loop
mov rax, [rip+Token]
# get_token function
# Receives INT in RAX and FILE* in R15
# Makes a list of TOKEN_LIST
# C and STRING_INDEX are stored in memory, RCX is used for S and RDX is used for current
# Returns C in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
mov rax, 40 # Malloc CURRENT
call malloc # Get Pointer
mov rdx, rax # Set CURRENT
mov rax, 256 # Malloc the string
call malloc # Get pointer to S
mov rcx, rax # Set S
mov [rdx+16], rcx # CURRENT->S = S
mov [rip+string_index], rcx # S[0]
mov rax, [rip+C] # Using C
call clear_white_space # Clear WhiteSpace
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
cmp rax, -4 # Check for EOF
je get_token_abort # if EOF abort
cmp rax, 35 # Check for '#'
jne get_token_alpha # Nope
# Deal with # line comments
call purge_macro # Let it handle it
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp reset # Try again
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
lea rbx, [rip+alphas] # Get alphanumerics
call In_Set # See if in set
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne get_token_symbol # Otherwise
# Store keywords
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
call preserve_keyword # Store
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp get_token_done # Be done with this token
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
lea rbx, [rip+symbols] # Get symbols
call In_Set # See if in set
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne get_token_strings # Otherwise
# Store symbols
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
call preserve_symbol # Store
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp get_token_done # Be done with this token
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
lea rbx, [rip+strings] # Get strings
call In_Set # See if in set
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne get_token_comment # Otherwise
# Store String
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
call consume_word # Store
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp get_token_done # Be done with this token
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
cmp rax, 47 # IF '/' == C
jne get_token_else # Otherwise
call consume_byte # Hope it just is '/'
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
cmp rax, 42 # IF '*' we have '/*'
jne get_token_comment_line # Check for '//'
# Deal with /* block comments */
call fgetc # get next C
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
mov rax, [rip+C] # Using C
cmp rax, 47 # IF '/' != C
je get_token_comment_block_done # be done
mov rax, [rip+C] # Using C
cmp rax, 42 # IF '*' != C
je get_token_comment_block_iter # jump over
# Deal with inner loop
call fgetc # get next C
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp get_token_comment_block_inner # keep going
call fgetc # get next C
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp get_token_comment_block_outer
call fgetc # get next C
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp reset # throw away, try again
cmp rax, 47 # IF '/' we have //
jne get_token_done # keep if just '/'
# Deal with // line comment
call fgetc # drop to match
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
jmp reset # throw away, try again
mov rax, [rip+C] # Send C
call consume_byte
mov [rip+C], rax # Set C
mov rax, [rip+Token] # TOKEN
mov [rdx+8], rax # CURRENT->PREV = TOKEN
mov [rdx], rax # CURRENT->NEXT = TOKEN
mov [rip+Token], rdx # TOKEN = CURRENT
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, [rip+C] # Return C
# Malloc isn't actually reserving memory here.
# It just updates the pointer in our already reserved storage pool.
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, [rip+malloc_pointer] # Get malloc pointer
xchg rax, rbx # Put it in place
add rbx, rax # Request number of desired bytes
mov [rip+malloc_pointer], rbx # Save malloc_pointer
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# clear_white_space function
# Receives INT C in RAX and FILE* in R15
# Returns first non-whitespace char in RAX
cmp rax, 32 # Check for ' '
je clear_white_space_wipe # wipe it out
cmp rax, 10 # Check for '\n'
je clear_white_space_wipe # wipe it output
cmp rax, 9 # Check for '\t'
jne clear_white_space_done # looks like non-whitespace
call fgetc # Read a new byte
cmp rax, -4 # Check for EOF
je clear_white_space_done # Short circuit
jmp clear_white_space # iterate
# In_Set function
# Receives Char C in RAX and CHAR* in RBX
# Returns 1 if true, zero if false in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov cl, [rbx] # Read char
movzx rcx, cl # Zero extend it
cmp rax, rcx # See if they match
je In_Set_True # return true
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for NULL
je In_Set_False # return false
add rbx, 1 # s = s + 1
jmp In_Set_loop # Keep looping
mov rax, 1 # Set True
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, 0 # Set FALSE
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
alphas: .asciz "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
symbols: .asciz "<=>|&!-"
strings: .byte 34, 39, 0
# purge_macro function
# Receives CH in RAX
# Reads chars until Line feed is read
# returns line feed
call fgetc # read next char
cmp rax, 10 # Check for '\n'
jne purge_macro # Keep going
# preserve_keyword function
# Receives INT C in RAX
# collects all chars in keyword
# Returns C in RAX
# Uses RCX for INT C
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # Setup C
lea rbx, [rip+alphas] # Concerning ourselves with "abc.."
call In_Set # Check if alphanumerics
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne preserve_keyword_label # Otherwise check for label
mov rax, rcx # Pass C
call consume_byte # consume that byte
mov rcx, rax # Update C
jmp preserve_keyword_loop # keep looping
mov rax, rcx # Fix return
cmp rax, 58 # Check for ':'
jne preserve_keyword_done # be done
# Fix our goto label
call fixup_label # Fix the label
mov rax, 32 # Return Whitespace
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# preserve_symbol function
# Receives INT C in RAX
# collects all chars in symbol
# Returns C in RAX
# Uses RCX for INT C
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # Setup C
lea rbx, [rip+symbols] # Concerning ourselves with "<=>.."
call In_Set # Check if symbol
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne preserve_symbol_done # Otherwise be done
mov rax, rcx # Pass C
call consume_byte # consume that byte
mov rcx, rax # Update C
jmp preserve_symbol_loop # keep looping
mov rax, rcx # Fix return
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# consume_word function
# receives INT C in RAX
# returns INT C in RAX
# Uses RAX for C, RBX for FREQ and RCX for ESCAPE
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, rax # FREQ = C
mov rcx, 0 # ESCAPE = FALSE
cmp rcx, 0 # IF !ESCAPE
jne consume_word_escape # Enable escape
cmp rax, 92 # if '\\'
jne consume_word_iter # keep state
mov rcx, 1 # ESCAPE = TRUE
jmp consume_word_iter # keep going
mov rcx, 0 # ESCAPE = FALSE
call consume_byte # read next char
cmp rcx, 0 # IF ESCAPE
jne consume_word_loop # keep looping
cmp rax, rbx # IF C != FREQ
jne consume_word_loop # keep going
call fgetc # return next char
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# consume_byte function
# Receives INT C in RAX
# Inserts C into string S, updates String S
# Returns Next char in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, [rip+string_index] # S[0]
mov [rbx], al # S[0] = C
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
mov [rip+string_index], rbx # Update S
call fgetc
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# fixup_label function
# Receives S in RCX
# prepends ':' to string and returns registers unchanged
# Uses RAX for HOLD, RBX for PREV and RCX for S[0]
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, 58 # HOLD = ':'
mov rcx, [rdx+16] # HOLD_STRING[0]
mov rbx, rax # PREV = HOLD
mov al, [rcx] # HOLD = HOLD_STRING[I]
movzx rax, al # make useful
mov [rcx], bl # HOLD_STRING[I] = PREV
add rcx, 1 # I = I + 1
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == HOLD
jne fixup_label_loop # Keep looping
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# fgetc function
# Returns -4 (EOF) or char in RAX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, [rip+fin] # arg1 = fin
push 1 # size = 1
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
mov rsi, 0 # zero rsi
push rsi # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &input
sub rsp, 24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fin->read()
add rsp, 24 # deallocate stack
pop rax # save input to rax
pop rsi # save size to rsi
# If the file ended (0 bytes read) return EOF
cmp rsi, 0 # if size == 0
jne fgetc_1
mov rax, -4 # Put EOF in rax
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
ret # return
# Reverse_List function
# Receives List in RAX
# Returns the list reversed in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, rax # Set HEAD
mov rax, 0 # ROOT = NULL
cmp rbx, 0 # WHILE HEAD != NULL
je Reverse_List_Done # Stop otherwise
mov rcx, [rbx] # NEXT = HEAD->NEXT
mov [rbx], rax # HEAD->NEXT = ROOT
mov rax, rbx # ROOT = HEAD
mov rbx, rcx # HEAD = NEXT
jmp Reverse_List_Loop # Keep Going
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# recursive_output function
# Receives list in RAX
# walks the list and prints the I->S for all nodes backwards
# Uses RBX for I
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
cmp rax, 0 # Check for NULL
je recursive_output_done # Skip the work
mov rbx, rax # I = Head
mov rax, [rbx] # Iterate to next Token
call recursive_output # Recurse
mov rax, [rbx+16] # Using S
call File_Print # Print it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# File_Print function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX
# calls fputc for every non-null char
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, rax # Protect S
cmp rax, 0 # Protect against nulls
je File_Print_Done # Simply don't try to print them
mov al, [rbx] # Read byte
movzx rax, al # zero extend
cmp rax, 0 # Check for NULL
je File_Print_Done # Stop at NULL
call fputc # write it
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp File_Print_Loop # Keep going
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# fputc function
# receives CHAR in RAX
# writes char and returns
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
cmp r15, 2 # Check if printing to system error
jne fputc_file # Else print to file
# Print to stderr
cmp rax, '\n' # If we have LF, we need to append CR
pushf # Protect condition
mov rcx, [rip+system] # get system
mov rcx, [rcx+64] # system->out (system->err doesn't print anything for some reason)
mov [rip+WCHAR], rax # Convert to WCHAR
lea rdx, [rip+WCHAR] # arg3 = *WCHAR
sub rsp, 16 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # system->err->output_string(system->err, WCHAR*)
add rsp, 16 # deallocate stack
popf # Restore condition
jne fputc_done # We are done if not LF
mov rax, '\r' # Carriage return
call fputc # Print it
jmp fputc_done # We are done
mov rcx, [rip+fout] # arg1 = fout
push 1 # set size
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
push rax # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &output
sub rsp, 24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+40] # fout->write()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
ret # return
# program function
# receives nothing, returns nothing
# Uses RAX for type_size
# The binary initialized the globals to null, so we can skip those steps
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
cmp rax, 0 # Check if NULL
je program_done # Be done if null
mov rbx, [rax+16] # GLOBAL_TOKEN->S
lea rax, [rip+constant] # "CONSTANT"
call match # IF GLOBAL_TOKEN->S == "CONSTANT"
cmp rax, 0 # If true
jne program_else # Looks like not a constant
# Deal with minimal constant case
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov rbx, 0 # NULL
mov rcx, [rip+global_constant_list] # global_constant_list
call sym_declare # Declare that constant
mov [rip+global_constant_list], rax # global_constant_list = sym_declare(global_token->s, NULL, global_constant_list);
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next
mov [rax+32], rbx # global_constant_list->arguments = global_token->next
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next->next
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->next->next;
jmp new_type # go around again
call type_name # Figure out the type_size
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == type_size
je new_type # it was a new type
# Add to global symbol table
mov rbx, rax # put type_size in the right spot
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov rcx, [rip+global_symbol_list] # Using global_symbol_list
call sym_declare # Declare symbol
mov [rip+global_symbol_list], rax # global_symbol_list = sym_declare(global_token->s, type_size, global_symbol_list);
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->next
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+semicolon] # ";"
call match # if(match(";", global_token->s))
cmp rax, 0 # If true
jne program_function # looks like not a match
# Deal with the global variable
mov rbx, [rip+globals_list] # Using globals_list
lea rax, [rip+program_string_0] # ":GLOBAL_"
call emit # Emit it
mov rbx, rax # update globals_list
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+8] # global token->prev
mov rax, [rax+16] # global token->prev->s
call emit # Emit it
mov rbx, rax # update globals_list
lea rax, [rip+program_string_1] # "\nNULL\n"
call emit # Emit it
mov [rip+globals_list], rax # update globals_list
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
jmp new_type # go around again
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_paren] # "("
call match # if(match(";", global_token->s))
cmp rax, 0 # If true
jne program_error # Otherwise deal with error case
# Deal with function definition
call declare_function # Lets get the parsing rolling
jmp new_type # Keep looping through functions
# Deal with the case of something we don't support
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Strings needed by the program function
program_string_0: .asciz ":GLOBAL_"
program_string_1: .asciz "\nNULL\n"
# declare_function function
# Receives nothing and returns nothing
# Sets current function and adds it to the global function list
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, 0 # Using NULL
mov [rip+current_count], rax # current_count = 0
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+8] # global token->prev
mov rax, [rax+16] # global token->prev->s
mov rbx, 0 # NULL
mov rcx, [rip+global_function_list] # global_function_list
call sym_declare # sym_declare(global_token->prev->s, NULL, global_function_list);
mov [rip+function], rax # function = sym_declare(global_token->prev->s, NULL, global_function_list);
mov [rip+global_function_list], rax # global_function_list = function
call collect_arguments # collect all of the function arguments
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global token->s
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # ";"
call match # IF global token->s == ";"
cmp rax, 0 # If true
jne declare_function_full # It was a prototype
# Deal with prototypes
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax] # global token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global token = global token->next
jmp declare_function_done # Move on
# Deal with full function definitions
lea rax, [rip+declare_function_string_0] # "# Defining function "
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->s
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+declare_function_string_1] # "\n:FUNCTION_"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->s
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+declare_function_string_3] # "\n"
call emit_out # emit it
call statement # Recursively get the function pieces
mov rax, [rip+output_list] # output
mov rax, [rax+16] # output->s
lea rbx, [rip+declare_function_string_2] # "RETURN\n"
call match # IF output->s == "RETURN\n"
cmp rax, 0 # If true we can skip adding it
je declare_function_done # otherwise we need to add it
# Add the return to the end of a function lacking a return;
lea rax, [rip+declare_function_string_2] # "RETURN\n"
call emit_out # emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
declare_function_string_0: .asciz "# Defining function "
declare_function_string_1: .asciz "\n:FUNCTION_"
declare_function_string_2: .asciz "RETURN\n"
declare_function_string_3: .byte 10, 0
# collect_arguments function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Adds arguments to the function definition
# holds struct type* type_size in RCX, then replace with struct token_list* a in RCX when type_size is used
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+close_paren] # ")"
call match # IF global_token->S == ")"
cmp rax, 0 # we reached the end
je collect_arguments_done # be done
# deal with the case of there are arguments
call type_name # Get the type
mov rcx, rax # put type_size safely out of the way
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+close_paren] # ")"
call match # IF global_token->S == ")"
cmp rax, 0 # is a foo(int, char,void) case
je collect_arguments_common # deal with commas
# Trying second else
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+comma] # ","
call match # IF global_token->S == ","
cmp rax, 0 # then deal with the common
je collect_arguments_common # case of commas between arguments
# deal with foo(int a, char b)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov rbx, rcx # put type_size in the right place
mov rcx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rcx, [rcx+32] # function->args
call sym_declare # sym_declare(global_token->s, type_size, function->arguments);
mov rcx, rax # put a in a safe place
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args
cmp rax, 0 # IF function->args == NULL
jne collect_arguments_another # otherwise it isn't the first
# Deal with the case of first argument in the function
mov rax, -8 # -8
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->depth = -8
jmp collect_arguments_next # get to next
# deal with the case of non-first arguments
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args->depth
sub rax, 8 # function->args->depth - 8
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->depth = function->args->depth - 8
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov [rax+32], rcx # function->args = a
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+comma] # ","
call match # IF global_token->S == ","
cmp rax, 0 # then deal with the comma
jne collect_arguments_loop # otherwise loop
# keep foo(bar(), 1) expressions working
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
jmp collect_arguments_loop # keep going
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# statement function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Walks down global_token recursively to collect the contents of the function
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_curly_brace] # "{"
call match # IF global_token->S == "{"
jne statement_label # otherwise try label
# deal with { statement }
call recursive_statement # Statements inside of statements for days
jmp statement_done # Be done
mov al, [rbx] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 58 # IF global_token->S == ':'
jne statement_local # otherwise try locals
# deal with labels
mov rax, rbx # put global_token->S in the right spot
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_0] # Using "\t#C goto label\n"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
jmp statement_done # be done
mov rax, rbx # put global_token->S in the right place
lea rbx, [rip+prim_types] # pointer to primative types
call lookup_type # See if found
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == lookup_type(global_token->S, prim_types)
jne statement_local_success # Sweet a new local
# Second chance
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+struct] # "struct"
call match # IF global_token->S == "struct"
cmp rax, 0 # then we are a local
jne statement_if # otherwise try IF
call collect_local # Grab those locals
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+if_string] # Using "if"
call match # IF global_token->S == "if"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have an if statement
jne statement_do # otherwise try DO
# Deal with IF statement
call process_if # DO IT
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+do_string] # Using "do"
call match # IF global_token->S == "do"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a do statement
jne statement_while # otherwise try WHILE
# Deal with DO statement
call process_do # DO IT
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+while_string] # Using "while"
call match # IF global_token->S == "while"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a while statement
jne statement_for # otherwise try FOR
# Deal with WHILE statement
call process_while # DO IT
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+for_string] # Using "for"
call match # IF global_token->S == "for"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a for statement
jne statement_asm # otherwise try ASM
# Deal with FOR statement
call process_for # DO IT
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+asm_string] # Using "asm"
call match # IF global_token->S == "asm"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have an asm statement
jne statement_goto # otherwise try GOTO
# Deal with ASM statement
call process_asm # Hit it
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+goto_string] # Using "goto"
call match # IF global_token->S == "goto"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a goto statement
jne statement_return # Otherwise try RETURN
# Deal with GOTO statement
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_1] # Using "JUMP %"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_2] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_4] # Using "ERROR in statement\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure it has the required
jmp statement_done # Be done
lea rax, [rip+return_string] # Using "return"
call match # IF global_token->S == "return"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a return statement
jne statement_break # Otherwise try BREAK
# Deal with RETURN Statement
call return_result # Return anything they want
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+break_string] # Using "break"
call match # IF global_token->S == "break"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a break statement
jne statement_continue # Otherwise try CONTINUE
# Deal with BREAK statement
call process_break # Lets do some damage
jmp statement_done # be done
lea rax, [rip+continue_string] # Using "continue"
call match # IF global_token->S == "continue"
cmp rax, 0 # then we have a continue statement
jne statement_else # Otherwise we are punting to an expression
# Deal with CONTINUE statement
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_3] # Using "\n#continue statement\n"
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_4] # Using "ERROR in statement\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Don't forget the ";"
jmp statement_done # Be done
call expression # Collect expression
lea rax, [rip+statement_string_4] # Using "ERROR in statement\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # make sure we have it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
statement_string_0: .asciz "\t#C goto label\n"
statement_string_1: .asciz "JUMP %"
statement_string_2: .byte 10, 0
statement_string_3: .asciz "\n#continue statement\n"
statement_string_4: .asciz "ERROR in statement\nMissing ;\n"
# recursive_statement function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Walks the global_token list to build the contents of statements
# Uses struct token_list* frame in RCX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rcx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rcx, [rcx+8] # frame = function->locals
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+close_curly_brace] # Using "}"
call match # IF global_token->S == "}"
cmp rax, 0 # Then we are done recursing
je recursive_statement_cleanup # and then we clean up
# Deal with the recursive calls
call statement # Deal with another statement
jmp recursive_statement_loop # loop some more
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
lea rax, [rip+recursive_statement_string_0] # Using "RETURN\n"
mov rbx, [rip+output_list] # Using output
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # output->S
call match # IF output->S == "RETURN\n"
cmp rax, 0 # Then we can skip the clean up
je recursive_statement_done # and be done
# Deal with cleanup
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rbx, [rbx+8] # i = function->locals
lea rax, [rip+recursive_statement_string_1] # Using "POP_RBX\t# _recursive_statement_locals\n"
cmp rbx, rcx # IF frame != i
je recursive_statement_done # Otherwise be done
# Lets emit
call emit_out # emit it
mov rbx, [rbx] # i = i->next
jmp recursive_statement_locals # keep going
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov [rax+8], rcx # function->locals = frame
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
recursive_statement_string_0: .asciz "RETURN\n"
recursive_statement_string_1: .asciz "POP_RBX\t# _recursive_statement_locals\n"
# return_result function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Cleans up function and generates return
# Also handles returning expressions
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 59 # If global_token->S[0] == ';'
je return_result_cleanup # Go straight to cleanup
call expression # get the expression we are returning
lea rax, [rip+return_result_string_0] # Using "ERROR in return_result\nMISSING ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rbx, [rbx+8] # function->locals
lea rax, [rip+return_result_string_1] # Using "POP_RBX\t# _return_result_locals\n"
cmp rbx, 0 # IF NULL == i
je return_result_done # Be done
call emit_out # Emit out pop
mov rbx, [rbx] # i = i->NEXT
jmp return_result_locals # Keep going
lea rax, [rip+return_result_string_2] # Using "RETURN\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
return_result_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in return_result\nMISSING ;\n"
return_result_string_1: .asciz "POP_RBX\t# _return_result_locals\n"
return_result_string_2: .asciz "RETURN\n"
# collect_local function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Walks global_token list to create function locals
# Uses RCX for struct token_list* A
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call type_name # Get the local's type
mov rbx, rax # Put struct type* type_size in the right place
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov rcx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rcx, [rcx+8] # function->locals
call sym_declare # Declare it
mov rcx, rax # put it away safely
# Try for main
lea rax, [rip+main_string] # Using "main"
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # function->S
call match # IF match("main", function->s)
cmp rax, 0 # possible
jne collect_local_fresh # try to see if fresh function
# Ok we are in main, now to see if main is fresh
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+8] # function->locals
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == function->locals
jne collect_local_fresh # try to see if fresh function
# Sweet we are in a fresh main
mov rax, -40 # We start at -40
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->DEPTH = -40
jmp collect_local_common # Go to the commons
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == function->args
jne collect_local_first # Otherwise see if first
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+8] # function->locals
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == function->locals
jne collect_local_first # Otherwise try first
# Sweet we are in a fresh function
mov rax, -16 # We start at -16
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->DEPTH = -16
jmp collect_local_common # Go to the commons
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+8] # function->locals
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == function->locals
jne collect_local_else # Looks like we are just another local
# Ok we are the first local
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->args->depth
sub rax, 16 # function->arguments->depth - 16
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->DEPTH = function->arguments->depth - 16
jmp collect_local_common # Go to the commons
# Always the last to know
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+8] # function->locals
mov rax, [rax+32] # function->locals->depth
sub rax, 8 # function->locals->depth - 8
mov [rcx+32], rax # a->DEPTH = function->locals->depth - 8
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov [rax+8], rcx # function->locals = a
mov rcx, [rcx+16] # a->S
lea rax, [rip+collect_local_string_0] # Using "# Defining local "
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+collect_local_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rbx, [rax+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # Using "="
call match # IF match("=", global_token->s)
cmp rax, 0 # Deal with assignment
jne collect_local_done # Otherwise finish it
# Deal with assignment
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
call expression # Recurse
lea rax, [rip+collect_local_string_2] # Using "ERROR in collect_local\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+collect_local_string_3] # Using "PUSH_RAX\t#"
call emit_out # emit it
mov rax, rcx # put A->S where it belongs
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+collect_local_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
collect_local_string_0: .asciz "# Defining local "
collect_local_string_1: .byte 10, 0
collect_local_string_2: .asciz "ERROR in collect_local\nMissing ;\n"
collect_local_string_3: .asciz "PUSH_RAX\t#"
# process_asm function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Simply inlines the asm statements
# Uses RBX for global_token temp storage
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+process_asm_string_0] # Using "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 34 # IF global_token->S[0] == '"'
jne process_asm_done # Otherwise be done
mov rax, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
add rax, 1 # global_token->S + 1
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+process_asm_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->NEXT
jmp process_asm_iter # keep going
lea rax, [rip+process_asm_string_2] # Using "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+process_asm_string_3] # Using "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
process_asm_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING (\n"
process_asm_string_1: .byte 10, 0
process_asm_string_2: .asciz "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING )\n"
process_asm_string_3: .asciz "ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING ;\n"
# process_if function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Increments current_count recurses into expression + statement
# Uses RCX for char* NUMBER_STRING
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+current_count] # Using current count
mov rbx, rax # Preparing for update
add rbx, 1 # current_count + 1
mov [rip+current_count], rbx # current_count = current_count + 1
call numerate_number # convert to string
mov rcx, rax # put NUMBER_STRING in place
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_0] # Using "# IF_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_1] # Using "ERROR in process_if\nMISSING (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call expression # Recurse to get the IF(...) part
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_2] # Using "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %ELSE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_3] # Using "ERROR in process_if\nMISSING )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call statement # Recursive to get the IF(){...} part
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_4] # Using "JUMP %_END_IF_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_5] # Using ":ELSE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+else_string] # Using "else"
call match # IF global_token->S == "else"
cmp rax, 0 # Then we need to collect the else too
jne process_if_done # Otherwise finish up
# deal with else statement
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
call statement # Recurse to get the ELSE {...} part
lea rax, [rip+process_if_string_6] # Using ":_END_IF_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
process_if_string_0: .asciz "# IF_"
process_if_string_1: .asciz "ERROR in process_if\nMISSING (\n"
process_if_string_2: .asciz "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %ELSE_"
process_if_string_3: .asciz "ERROR in process_if\nMISSING )\n"
process_if_string_4: .asciz "JUMP %_END_IF_"
process_if_string_5: .asciz ":ELSE_"
process_if_string_6: .asciz ":_END_IF_"
# save_break_frame microfunction
# Overwrites RAX and RBX
# Saves break frame on stack
# Returns to caller
pop rbx # Save return Address
mov rax, [rip+break_frame] # Get break_frame
push rax # Store as nested_locals
mov rax, [rip+break_target_head] # Get break_target_head
push rax # Store as nested_break_head
mov rax, [rip+break_target_func] # Get break_target_func
push rax # Store as nested_break_func
mov rax, [rip+break_target_num] # Get break_target_num
push rax # Store as nested_break_num
push rbx # Put return back in place
ret # Return to caller
# restore_break_frame microfunction
# Overwrites RAX and RBX
# Restores break frame from stack
# Returns to caller
pop rbx # Save return Address
pop rax # Get nested_break_num
mov [rip+break_target_num], rax # Restore break_target_num
pop rax # Get nested_break_func
mov [rip+break_target_func], rax # Restore break_target_func
pop rax # Get nested_break_head
mov [rip+break_target_head], rax # Restore break_target_head
pop rax # Get nested_locals
mov [rip+break_frame], rax # Restore break_frame
push rbx # Put return back in place
ret # Return to caller
# set_break_frame microfunction
# Receives char* head in RAX and char* num in RBX
# Overwrites RAX and RBX
# Returns to calling function
mov [rip+break_target_head], rax # update break_target_head
mov [rip+break_target_num], rbx # update break_target_num
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rbx+8] # function->LOCALS
mov [rip+break_frame], rax # break_frame = function->LOCALS
mov rax, [rbx+16] # function->S
mov [rip+break_target_func], rax # break_target_func = function->S
ret # Return to sender
# process_do function
# Receives Nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Increments current_count and leverages save/restore_break_frame pieces
# Uses RCX for char* NUMBER_STRING
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call save_break_frame # Save the frame
mov rax, [rip+current_count] # Using current count
mov rbx, rax # Preparing for update
add rbx, 1 # current_count + 1
mov [rip+current_count], rbx # current_count = current_count + 1
call numerate_number # convert to string
mov rcx, rax # put NUMBER_STRING in place
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_0] # Using "DO_END_"
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call set_break_frame # Set the frame
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_1] # Using ":DO_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
call statement # Do the DO {...} part
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_2] # Using "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING while\n"
lea rbx, [rip+while_string] # Using "while"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_3] # Using "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call expression # Do the WHILE (...) part
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_4] # Using "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_5] # Using "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_6] # Using "TEST\nJUMP_NE %DO_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_do_string_7] # Using ":DO_END_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
call restore_break_frame # Restore the old break frame
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
process_do_string_0: .asciz "DO_END_"
process_do_string_1: .asciz ":DO_"
process_do_string_2: .asciz "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING while\n"
process_do_string_3: .asciz "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING (\n"
process_do_string_4: .asciz "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING )\n"
process_do_string_5: .asciz "ERROR in process_do\nMISSING ;\n"
process_do_string_6: .asciz "TEST\nJUMP_NE %DO_"
process_do_string_7: .asciz ":DO_END_"
# process_while function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Increments current_count and leverages save/restore_break_frame pieces
# Uses RCX for char* NUMBER_STRING
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call save_break_frame # Save break_frame
mov rax, [rip+current_count] # Using current count
mov rbx, rax # Preparing for update
add rbx, 1 # current_count + 1
mov [rip+current_count], rbx # current_count = current_count + 1
call numerate_number # convert to string
mov rcx, rax # put NUMBER_STRING in place
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_0] # Using "END_WHILE_"
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call set_break_frame # Set it and forget it
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_1] # Using ":WHILE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_2] # Using "ERROR in process_while\nMISSING (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call expression # Deal with the WHILE (...) part
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_3] # Using "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %END_WHILE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_4] # Using "# THEN_while_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_5] # Using "ERROR in process_while\nMISSING )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call statement # Deal with the {....} part
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_6] # Using "JUMP %WHILE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_while_string_7] # Using ":END_WHILE_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
call restore_break_frame # Restore the old break frame
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
process_while_string_0: .asciz "END_WHILE_"
process_while_string_1: .asciz ":WHILE_"
process_while_string_2: .asciz "ERROR in process_while\nMISSING (\n"
process_while_string_3: .asciz "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %END_WHILE_"
process_while_string_4: .asciz "# THEN_while_"
process_while_string_5: .asciz "ERROR in process_while\nMISSING )\n"
process_while_string_6: .asciz "JUMP %WHILE_"
process_while_string_7: .asciz ":END_WHILE_"
# process_for function
# Receives Nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Increments current_count and leverages save/restore_break_frame pieces
# Uses RCX for char* NUMBER_STRING
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call save_break_frame # Save the frame
mov rax, [rip+current_count] # Using current count
mov rbx, rax # Preparing for update
add rbx, 1 # current_count + 1
mov [rip+current_count], rbx # current_count = current_count + 1
call numerate_number # convert to string
mov rcx, rax # put NUMBER_STRING in place
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_0] # Using "FOR_END_"
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call set_break_frame # Set it and forget it
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_1] # Using "# FOR_initialization_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_2] # Using "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make Sure we have it
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call match # IF global_token->S == ";"
cmp rax, 0 # Then no initializer
je process_for_terminator # And skip getting the expression
# Deal with FOR (...; case
call expression # Get the FOR ( ... ; part
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_3] # Using ":FOR_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_4] # Using "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;1\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call expression # Get the FOR ( ; ... ; Part
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_5] # Using "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %FOR_END_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_6] # Using "JUMP %FOR_THEN_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_7] # Using ":FOR_ITER_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_8] # Using "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;2\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call expression # Get the FOR (;;...) part
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_9] # Using "JUMP %FOR_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_10] # Using ":FOR_THEN_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_11] # Using "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call statement # Get FOR (;;) {...} part
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_12] # Using "JUMP %FOR_ITER_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Passing NUMBER_STRING
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
lea rax, [rip+process_for_string_13] # Using ":FOR_END_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID_out # uniqueID_out(function->s, number_string)
call restore_break_frame # Restore the old break frame
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
process_for_string_0: .asciz "FOR_END_"
process_for_string_1: .asciz "# FOR_initialization_"
process_for_string_2: .asciz "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING (\n"
process_for_string_3: .asciz ":FOR_"
process_for_string_4: .asciz "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;1\n"
process_for_string_5: .asciz "TEST\nJUMP_EQ %FOR_END_"
process_for_string_6: .asciz "JUMP %FOR_THEN_"
process_for_string_7: .asciz ":FOR_ITER_"
process_for_string_8: .asciz "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;2\n"
process_for_string_9: .asciz "JUMP %FOR_"
process_for_string_10: .asciz ":FOR_THEN_"
process_for_string_11: .asciz "ERROR in process_for\nMISSING )\n"
process_for_string_12: .asciz "JUMP %FOR_ITER_"
process_for_string_13: .asciz ":FOR_END_"
# process_break function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Handles the break out of loops case
# Uses RBX for struct token_list* break_frame and RCX for struct token_list* I
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+break_target_head] # Catch big error
cmp rax, 0 # IF(NULL == break_target_head)
je process_break_bad # I'm sorry Mr White but you have stage-3 lung cancer
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rcx, [rax+8] # I = function->LOCALS
mov rbx, [rip+break_frame] # Put break_frame in the right spot
lea rax, [rip+process_break_string_1] # Using "POP_RBX\t# break_cleanup_locals\n"
cmp rcx, 0 # IF (NULL == I)
je process_break_cleaned # We are done
cmp rbx, rcx # IF I != break_frame
je process_break_cleaned # We are done
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rcx, [rcx] # I = I->NEXT
jmp process_break_iter # Keep looping
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+process_break_string_2] # Using "JUMP %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+break_target_head] # Get what we are in
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+break_target_func] # Get what function we are in
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+underline] # Using "_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+break_target_num] # Get dem digits
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+process_break_string_3] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+process_break_string_4] # Using "ERROR in break statement\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Breaking badly
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
# call line_error # Write useful debug info
mov rax, rcx # put S in the right place
call File_Print # print it
lea rax, [rip+process_break_string_0] # Ending string
call File_Print # print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
process_break_string_0: .asciz "Not inside of a loop or case statement"
process_break_string_1: .asciz "POP_RBX\t# break_cleanup_locals\n"
process_break_string_2: .asciz "JUMP %"
process_break_string_3: .byte 10, 0
process_break_string_4: .asciz "ERROR in break statement\nMissing ;\n"
# expression function
# Receives Nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Walks global_token and updates output_list
# Uses RAX and RBX for match and RCX for char* store
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call bitwise_expr # Collect bitwise expressions
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # "="
call match # IF global_token->S == "="
cmp rax, 0 # We have to deal with assignment
jne expression_done # Looks like nope
# Deal with possible assignment
lea rcx, [rip+expression_string_1] # Assume "STORE_CHAR\n" by default
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+8] # global_token->PREV
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->PREV->S
lea rax, [rip+close_bracket] # Using "]"
call match # IF global_token->S == "]"
cmp rax, 0 # Then we might have a char
jne expression_int # Otherwise INT
mov rbx, [rip+current_target] # Using current_target
mov rbx, [rbx+48] # current_target->NAME
lea rax, [rip+type_char_indirect_name] # Using "char*"
call match # Intentional inefficiency because I feel like it
cmp rax, 0 # IF current_target->NAME == "char*"
jne expression_int # Do char anyway
jmp expression_common # Looks like we have to use "STORE_CHAR\n"
lea rcx, [rip+expression_string_0] # Use "STORE_INTEGER\n"
lea rax, [rip+expression] # Passing expression
call common_recursion # Recurse
mov rax, rcx # Using Store
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, 0 # Using NULL
mov [rip+current_target], rax # current_target = NULL
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
expression_string_0: .asciz "STORE_INTEGER\n"
expression_string_1: .asciz "STORE_CHAR\n"
# bitwise_expr function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Walks global_token list and updates output list
# Just calls other functions
call relational_expr # Walk up the tree
call bitwise_expr_stub # Let general recursion do the work
# bitwise_expr_stub function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Just calls general_recursion a bunch
# Uses RAX, RBX, RCX and RDX for passing constants to general recursion
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
lea rax, [rip+relational_expr] # Using relational_expr
lea rbx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub_string_0] # Using "AND_rax_rbx\n"
lea rcx, [rip+bitwise_and] # Using "&"
lea rdx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+relational_expr] # Using relational_expr
lea rbx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub_string_0] # Using "AND_rax_rbx\n"
lea rcx, [rip+logical_and] # Using "&&"
lea rdx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+relational_expr] # Using relational_expr
lea rbx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub_string_1] # Using "OR_rax_rbx\n"
lea rcx, [rip+bitwise_or] # Using "|"
lea rdx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+relational_expr] # Using relational_expr
lea rbx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub_string_1] # Using "OR_rax_rbx\n"
lea rcx, [rip+logical_or] # Using "||"
lea rdx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+relational_expr] # Using relational_expr
lea rbx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub_string_2] # Using "XOR_rbx_rax_into_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+bitwise_xor] # Using "^"
lea rdx, [rip+bitwise_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
bitwise_expr_stub_string_0: .asciz "AND_rax_rbx\n"
bitwise_expr_stub_string_1: .asciz "OR_rax_rbx\n"
bitwise_expr_stub_string_2: .asciz "XOR_rbx_rax_into_rax\n"
# relational_expr function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Walks global_token list and updates output list
# just calls other function
call additive_expr # Walk up the tree
call relational_expr_stub # Recurse
# relational_expr_stub function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Just calls general_recursion a bunch
# Uses RAX, RBX, RCX and RDX for passing constants to general recursion
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_0] # Using "CMP\nSETL\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+less_than_string] # Using "<"
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_1] # Using "CMP\nSETLE\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+less_than_equal_string] # Using "<="
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_2] # Using "CMP\nSETGE\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+greater_than_equal_string] # Using ">="
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_3] # Using "CMP\nSETG\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+greater_than_string] # Using ">"
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_4] # Using "CMP\nSETE\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+equal_to_string] # Using "=="
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+additive_expr] # Using additive_expr
lea rbx, [rip+relational_expr_stub_string_5] # Using "CMP\nSETNE\nMOVEZX\n"
lea rcx, [rip+not_equal_string] # Using "!="
lea rdx, [rip+relational_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
relational_expr_stub_string_0: .asciz "CMP\nSETL\nMOVEZX\n"
relational_expr_stub_string_1: .asciz "CMP\nSETLE\nMOVEZX\n"
relational_expr_stub_string_2: .asciz "CMP\nSETGE\nMOVEZX\n"
relational_expr_stub_string_3: .asciz "CMP\nSETG\nMOVEZX\n"
relational_expr_stub_string_4: .asciz "CMP\nSETE\nMOVEZX\n"
relational_expr_stub_string_5: .asciz "CMP\nSETNE\nMOVEZX\n"
# additive_expr function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Walks global_token list and updates output list
# just calls other function
call postfix_expr # Walk up the tree
call additive_expr_stub # Recurse
# additive_expr_stub function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Just calls general_recursion a bunch
# Uses RAX, RBX, RCX and RDX for passing constants to general recursion
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_0] # Using "ADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+plus_string] # Using "+"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_1] # Using "SUBTRACT_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rbx_to_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+minus_string] # Using "-"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_2] # Using "MULTIPLY_rax_by_rbx_into_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+multiply_string] # Using "*"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_3] # Using "XCHG_rax_rbx\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rdx %0\nDIVIDE_rax_by_rbx_into_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+divide_string] # Using "/"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_4] # Using "XCHG_rax_rbx\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rdx %0\nMODULUS_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rdx_to_rax\n"
lea rcx, [rip+modulus_string] # Using "%"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_5] # Using "COPY_rax_to_rcx\nCOPY_rbx_to_rax\nSAL_rax_cl\n"
lea rcx, [rip+left_shift_string] # Using "<<"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Using postfix_expr
lea rbx, [rip+additive_expr_stub_string_6] # Using "COPY_rax_to_rcx\nCOPY_rbx_to_rax\nSAR_rax_cl\n"
lea rcx, [rip+right_shift_string] # Using ">>"
lea rdx, [rip+additive_expr_stub] # And recurse
call general_recursion # Hit it
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
additive_expr_stub_string_0: .asciz "ADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_1: .asciz "SUBTRACT_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rbx_to_rax\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_2: .asciz "MULTIPLY_rax_by_rbx_into_rax\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_3: .asciz "XCHG_rax_rbx\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rdx %0\nDIVIDE_rax_by_rbx_into_rax\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_4: .asciz "XCHG_rax_rbx\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rdx %0\nMODULUS_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rdx_to_rax\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_5: .asciz "COPY_rax_to_rcx\nCOPY_rbx_to_rax\nSAL_rax_cl\n"
additive_expr_stub_string_6: .asciz "COPY_rax_to_rcx\nCOPY_rbx_to_rax\nSAR_rax_cl\n"
# postfix_expr function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Walks global_token list and updates output list
# just calls other function
call primary_expr # Walk up the tree
call postfix_expr_stub # Recurse
# postfix_expr_stub function
# Receives nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Checks for "[" and "->" and deals with them otherwise does nothing
# Uses RAX, RBX, RCX and RDX for passing constants to general recursion
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_bracket] # Using "["
call match # IF global_token->S == "["
cmp rax, 0 # then we have an array
jne postfix_expr_stub_arrow # Otherwise try arrow
# Deal with array
call postfix_expr_array # Get it
call postfix_expr_stub # Recurse
lea rax, [rip+arrow_string] # Using "->"
call match # IF global_token->S == "->"
cmp rax, 0 # Then we need to deal with struct offsets
jne postfix_expr_stub_done # Otherwise be done
# Deal with arrow
call postfix_expr_arrow # Get it
call postfix_expr_stub # Recurse
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# unary_expr_sizeof function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Uses RCX for A->SIZE
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+unary_expr_sizeof_string_0] # Using "ERROR in unary_expr\nMissing (\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
call type_name # Get the type
mov rcx, [rax+8] # Set A->TYPE
lea rax, [rip+unary_expr_sizeof_string_1] # Using "ERROR in unary_expr\nMissing )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+unary_expr_sizeof_string_2] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rcx # Put A->SIZE in the right place
call numerate_number # Turn into string
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+unary_expr_sizeof_string_3] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
unary_expr_sizeof_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in unary_expr\nMissing (\n"
unary_expr_sizeof_string_1: .asciz "ERROR in unary_expr\nMissing )\n"
unary_expr_sizeof_string_2: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
unary_expr_sizeof_string_3: .byte 10, 0
# postfix_expr_array function
# Receives Nothing
# Returns Nothing
# Uses RBX for struct type* ARRAY and RCX for char* ASSIGN
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+current_target] # ARRAY = current_target
push rax # Protect it
lea rax, [rip+expression] # Using expression
call common_recursion # Recurse
pop rbx # Restore array
mov [rip+current_target], rbx # current_target = ARRAY
lea rcx, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_0] # ASSIGN = "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
lea rax, [rip+type_char_indirect_name] # Using "char*"
mov rbx, [rbx+48] # current_target->NAME
call match # IF current_target->NAME == "char*"
cmp rax, 0 # load a byte
jne postfix_expr_array_large # Otherwise adjust
# Deal with loading byte
lea rcx, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_1] # ASSIGN = "LOAD_BYTE\n"
jmp postfix_expr_array_common # Do the next bit
# deal with arrays made of things other than chars
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_2] # Using "SAL_rax_Immediate8 !"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+current_target] # Using current_target
mov rax, [rax+24] # current_target->INDIRECT
mov rax, [rax+8] # current_target->INDIRECT->SIZE
call ceil_log2 # ceil_log2(current_target->indirect->size)
call numerate_number # numerate_number(ceil_log2(current_target->indirect->size))
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_3] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_4] # Using "ADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_5] # Using "ERROR in postfix_expr\nMissing ]\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_bracket] # Using "]"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # Using "="
call match # IF global_token->S == "="
cmp rax, 0 # We need to preserve address
jne postfix_expr_array_done # Otherwise be done
# Clearing out assign
lea rcx, [rip+postfix_expr_array_string_6] # ASSIGN = ""
mov rax, rcx # Using ASSIGN
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
postfix_expr_array_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
postfix_expr_array_string_1: .asciz "LOAD_BYTE\n"
postfix_expr_array_string_2: .asciz "SAL_rax_Immediate8 !"
postfix_expr_array_string_3: .byte 10, 0
postfix_expr_array_string_4: .asciz "ADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
postfix_expr_array_string_5: .asciz "ERROR in postfix_expr\nMissing ]\n"
postfix_expr_array_string_6: .byte 0
# ceil_log2 function
# Receives int a in RAX
# Performs log2 on A and
# Returns result in RAX
# Uses RBX for INT A and RCX for INT RESULT
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, 0 # RESULT = 0
mov rbx, rax # put A in right place
sub rax, 1 # (A - 1)
and rax, rbx # A & (A - 1)
cmp rax, 0 # IF 0 == (A & (A - 1))
jne ceil_log2_iter # Starting from -1
mov rcx, -1 # RESULT = -1
cmp rbx, 0 # IF A > 0
jle ceil_log2_done # Otherwise be done
add rcx, 1 # RESULT = RESULT + 1
shr rbx # A = A >> 1
jmp ceil_log2_iter # Keep looping
mov rax, rcx # Return RESULT
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# postfix_expr_arrow function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Emits a bunch and updates current_target
# Uses RBX for struct type* I
push rbx # Protect RBX
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_arrow_string_0] # Using "# looking up offset\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rbx, [rax+16] # Using global_token->S
mov rax, [rip+current_target] # Using current_target
call lookup_member # lookup_member(current_target, global_token->s)
mov rbx, rax # struct type* I = lookup_member(current_target, global_token->s)
mov rax, [rax+40] # I->TYPE
mov [rip+current_target], rax # current_target = I->TYPE
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, [rbx+16] # I->OFFSET
cmp rax, 0 # IF 0 != I->OFFSET
je postfix_expr_arrow_first # Then we don't need to do an offset
# Deal with needing an offset
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_arrow_string_1] # Using "# -> offset calculation\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rbx %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rbx+16] # I->OFFSET
call numerate_number # Convert to string
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_arrow_string_2] # Using "\nADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rbx+8] # I->SIZE
cmp rax, 4 # IF I->SIZE >= 4
jl postfix_expr_arrow_done # Otherwise be done
# Last chance for load
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rax+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # Using "="
call match # IF global_token->S == "="
cmp rax, 0 # Then we have assignment and should not load
je postfix_expr_arrow_done # Be done
# Deal with load case
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr_arrow_string_3] # Using "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
postfix_expr_arrow_string_0: .asciz "# looking up offset\n"
postfix_expr_arrow_string_1: .asciz "# -> offset calculation\nLOAD_IMMEDIATE_rbx %"
postfix_expr_arrow_string_2: .asciz "\nADD_rbx_to_rax\n"
postfix_expr_arrow_string_3: .asciz "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
# primary_expr function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rax+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+sizeof_string] # Using "sizeof"
call match # See if match
cmp rax, 0 # IF match
jne primary_expr_neg # Otherwise try negatives
# Deal with sizeof
call unary_expr_sizeof # Lets do this
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 45 # IF global_token->S[0] == "-"
jne primary_expr_not # Otherwise try logical NOT
# Deal with negative numbers
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %0\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Passing postfix_expr
call common_recursion # Get what it is notting
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_1] # Using "SUBTRACT_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rbx_to_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 33 # IF global_token->S[0] == "!"
jne primary_expr_bin # Otherwise try '~'
# Deal with logical not
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_2] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %1\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Passing postfix_expr
call common_recursion # Get what it is notting
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_3] # Using "XOR_rbx_rax_into_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 126 # IF global_token->S[0] == "~"
jne primary_expr_paren # Otherwise try paren
# Deal with binary NOT
lea rax, [rip+postfix_expr] # Passing postfix_expr
call common_recursion # Get what it is notting
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_4] # Using "NOT_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 40 # IF global_token->S[0] == "("
jne primary_expr_ch # Otherwise try char
# deal with nesting
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
call expression # Lets recurse
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_5] # Using "Error in Primary expression\nDidn't get )\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 39 # Using "'"
jne primary_expr_str # Otherwise try string
# Deal with chars
call primary_expr_char # Handle that char
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 34 # Using '"'
jne primary_expr_var # Otherwise try a variable
# Deal with strings
call primary_expr_string # Handle that string
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
lea rbx, [rip+primary_expr_string_6] # Using "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"
call In_Set # See if we have a match
cmp rax, 1 # IF match
jne primary_expr_num # otherwise try number
# Deal with variables
call primary_expr_variable # Deal with variable
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
lea rbx, [rip+primary_expr_string_7] # Using "0123456789"
call In_Set # See if we have a match
cmp rax, 1 # IF match
jne primary_expr_fail # otherwise we failed hard
# Deal with numbers
call primary_expr_number # Collect the number
jmp primary_expr_done # Be done
# looks like we hit bad input
# abort before it gets bad
call primary_expr_failure # No match means failure
pop rbx # Restore RBX
primary_expr_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %0\n"
primary_expr_string_1: .asciz "SUBTRACT_rax_from_rbx_into_rbx\nMOVE_rbx_to_rax\n"
primary_expr_string_2: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %1\n"
primary_expr_string_3: .asciz "XOR_rbx_rax_into_rax\n"
primary_expr_string_4: .asciz "NOT_rax\n"
primary_expr_string_5: .asciz "Error in Primary expression\nDidn't get )\n"
primary_expr_string_6: .asciz "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"
primary_expr_string_7: .asciz "0123456789"
# primary_expr_variable function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Walks global and updates output
# Uses RAX for struct token_list* a and RCX for char* S
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rcx, [rax+16] # S = global_token->S
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, rcx # Using S
mov rbx, [rip+global_constant_list] # Using global_constant_list
call sym_lookup # sym_lookup(s, global_constant_list)
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == sym_lookup(s, global_constant_list)
je primary_expr_variable_local # Try locals next
# Deal with constant load
mov rbx, [rax+32] # a->ARGS
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_variable_string_2] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rbx+16] # a->ARGS->S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_variable_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
jmp primary_expr_variable_done # Be done
mov rax, rcx # Using S
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rbx, [rbx+8] # function->locals
call sym_lookup # sym_lookup(s, function->locals)
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == sym_lookup(s, function->locals)
je primary_expr_variable_arguments # try arguments next
# Deal with local load
call variable_load # Collect it
jmp primary_expr_variable_done # Be done
mov rax, rcx # Using S
mov rbx, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rbx, [rbx+32] # function->args
call sym_lookup # sym_lookup(s, function->args)
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == sym_lookup(s, function->args)
je primary_expr_variable_function # try functions next
# Deal with argument load
call variable_load # Collect it
jmp primary_expr_variable_done # Be done
mov rax, rcx # Using S
mov rbx, [rip+global_function_list] # Using global_function_list
call sym_lookup # sym_lookup(s, global_function_list)
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == sym_lookup(s, global_function_list)
je primary_expr_variable_global # try globals next
# Deal with functions
call function_load # Deal with the function
jmp primary_expr_variable_done # Be done
mov rax, rcx # Using S
mov rbx, [rip+global_symbol_list] # Using global_symbol_list
call sym_lookup # sym_lookup(s, global_symbol_list)
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == sym_lookup(s, global_symbol_list)
je primary_expr_variable_error # Give up
# Deal with globals
call global_load # Collect that global
jmp primary_expr_variable_done # Be done
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
# call line_error # Write useful debug info
mov rax, rcx # put S in the right place
call File_Print # print it
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_variable_string_0] # Ending string
call File_Print # print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
primary_expr_variable_string_0: .asciz " is not a defined symbol\n"
primary_expr_variable_string_1: .byte 10, 0
primary_expr_variable_string_2: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
# function_call function
# Receives char* S in RAX and int BOOL in RBX
# Builds stack frames before and tears them down after function calls
# Uses RCX for char* S, RDX for int BOOL, RSI for PASSED
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rsi # Protect RSI
mov rcx, rax # Put S in place
mov rdx, rbx # Put BOOL in place
mov rsi, 0 # PASSED = 0
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_0] # Using "ERROR in process_expression_list\nNo ( was found\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call require_match # Make sure we have it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_1] # Using "PUSH_RDI\t# Prevent overwriting in recursion\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_2] # Using "PUSH_RBP\t# Protect the old base pointer\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_3] # Using "COPY_RSP_to_RDI\t# Copy new base pointer\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 41 # IF global_token->S[0] == ")"
je function_call_gen_done # Then no arguments to send
# looks like we have arguments to collect
call expression # Collect the argument
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_4] # Using "PUSH_RAX\t#_process_expression1\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rsi, 1 # PASSED = 1
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 44 # IF global_token->S[0] == ","
jne function_call_gen_done # Otherwise we are done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
call expression # Collect the argument
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_5] # Using "PUSH_RAX\t#_process_expression2\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
add rsi, 1 # PASSED = PASSED + 1
jmp function_call_gen_iter # Keep trying
# All is collected
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_6] # Using "ERROR in process_expression_list\nNo ) was found\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_paren] # Using ")"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
cmp rdx, 0 # IF(BOOL == TRUE)
jne function_call_static # Otherwise it is a static call
# Deal with a passed function pointer
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_7] # Using "LOAD_BASE_ADDRESS_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rcx # Using S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_8] # Using "\nLOAD_INTEGER\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_9] # Using "COPY_rdi_to_rbp\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_10] # Using "CALL_rax\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_13] # Using "POP_RBX\t# _process_expression_locals\n"
jmp function_call_cleanup # Clean up
# Deal with fixed function name
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_9] # Using "COPY_rdi_to_rbp\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_11] # Using "CALL_IMMEDIATE %FUNCTION_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rcx # Using S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_12] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_13] # Using "POP_RBX\t# _process_expression_locals\n"
cmp rsi, 0 # IF PASSED > 0
jle function_call_done # Otherwise be done
# The desired string is already in RAX
call emit_out # Emit it
sub rsi, 1 # PASSED = PASSED - 1
jmp function_call_cleanup # Keep going
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_14] # Using "POP_rbp\t# Restore old base pointer\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_call_string_15] # Using "POP_rdi\t# Prevent overwrite\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
function_call_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in process_expression_list\nNo ( was found\n"
function_call_string_1: .asciz "PUSH_RDI\t# Prevent overwriting in recursion\n"
function_call_string_2: .asciz "PUSH_RBP\t# Protect the old base pointer\n"
function_call_string_3: .asciz "COPY_RSP_to_RDI\t# Copy new base pointer\n"
function_call_string_4: .asciz "PUSH_RAX\t#_process_expression1\n"
function_call_string_5: .asciz "PUSH_RAX\t#_process_expression2\n"
function_call_string_6: .asciz "ERROR in process_expression_list\nNo ) was found\n"
function_call_string_7: .asciz "LOAD_BASE_ADDRESS_rax %"
function_call_string_8: .asciz "\nLOAD_INTEGER\n"
function_call_string_9: .asciz "COPY_rdi_to_rbp\n"
function_call_string_10: .asciz "CALL_rax\n"
function_call_string_11: .asciz "CALL_IMMEDIATE %FUNCTION_"
function_call_string_12: .byte 10, 0
function_call_string_13: .asciz "POP_RBX\t# _process_expression_locals\n"
function_call_string_14: .asciz "POP_RBP\t# Restore old base pointer\n"
function_call_string_15: .asciz "POP_RDI\t# Prevent overwrite\n"
# variable_load function
# Receives struct token_list* A in RAX
# Returns nothing
# Updates output and current_target
# Uses RCX for A
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # Protect A
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call match # IF global_token->S == "("
cmp rax, 0 # Then it might be a function
jne variable_load_regular # Otherwise it is regular
mov rbx, [rcx+24] # A->TYPE
mov rbx, [rbx+48] # A->TYPE->NAME
lea rax, [rip+type_function_name] # Using "FUNCTION"
call match # IF A->TYPE->NAME == "FUNCTION"
cmp rax, 0 # Then it must be a function
jne variable_load_regular # otherwise just another regular
# deal with function
mov rax, [rcx+32] # A->DEPTH
call numerate_number # Convert to string
mov rbx, 0 # pass 0 for true
call function_call # Create the function call
jmp variable_load_done # Be done
mov rax, [rcx+24] # A->TYPE
mov [rip+current_target], rax # current_target = A->TYPE
lea rax, [rip+variable_load_string_0] # Using "LOAD_BASE_ADDRESS_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rcx+32] # A->DEPTH
call numerate_number # Convert to string
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+variable_load_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
# Check for special case of assignment
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # Using "="
call match # IF global_token->S == "="
cmp rax, 0 # Then we skip loading
je variable_load_done # And be done
# Deal with common case
lea rax, [rip+variable_load_string_2] # Using "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
variable_load_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_BASE_ADDRESS_rax %"
variable_load_string_1: .byte 10, 0
variable_load_string_2: .asciz "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
# function_load function
# Receives struct token_list* a in RAX
# Returns nothing
# Uses RCX to hold A->S
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rax, [rax+16] # A->S
mov rcx, rax # Protect A->S
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_paren] # Using "("
call match # IF global_token->S == "("
cmp rax, 0 # The we need to do a function call
jne function_load_regular # Otherwise just load it's address
# Deal with function call
mov rax, rcx # Using A->S
mov rbx, 1 # Using FALSE
call function_call # Deal with it
jmp function_load_done # Be done
lea rax, [rip+function_load_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &FUNCTION_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rcx # Using A->S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+function_load_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
function_load_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &FUNCTION_"
function_load_string_1: .byte 10, 0
# global_load function
# Receives struct token_list* A in RAX
# Returns nothing
# Uses RBX to hold A->S
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, rax # Set as A
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # Set as A->S
mov rax, [rax+24] # A->TYPE
mov [rip+current_target], rax # current_target = A->TYPE
lea rax, [rip+global_load_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &GLOBAL_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rbx # Using A->S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+global_load_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+equal] # "="
call match # IF global_token->S == "="
cmp rax, 0 # We need to skip for assignment
je global_load_done # and be done
# Otherwise we are loading the contents
lea rax, [rip+global_load_string_2] # Using "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
global_load_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &GLOBAL_"
global_load_string_1: .byte 10, 0
global_load_string_2: .asciz "LOAD_INTEGER\n"
# sym_lookup function
# Receives char* S in RAX and struct token_list* symbol_list in RBX
# Uses I->S in RAX, S in RBX and I in RCX
# Returns match or NULL
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rbx # I = symbol_list
mov rbx, rax # Put S in the right place
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == I
je sym_lookup_done # We failed to find match
mov rax, [rcx+16] # Using I->S
call match # IF I->S == S
cmp rax, 0 # then be done
je sym_lookup_done # Failed
mov rcx, [rcx] # I = I->NEXT
jmp sym_lookup_iter # otherwise keep looping
mov rax, rcx # Return I
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# primary_expr_number function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Simply uses current global token to update output and then steps to next global_token
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_number_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call emit_out # Emit it
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_number_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
primary_expr_number_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
primary_expr_number_string_1: .byte 10, 0
# primary_expr_string function
# receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# creates entries for string and calls to generate string output
# uses RCX for char* number_string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, [rip+current_count] # Using current_count
mov rax, rbx # And putting it in the right place
call numerate_number # Get the string
mov rcx, rax # protect number_string
add rbx, 1 # current_count + 1
mov [rip+current_count], rbx # current_count = current_count + 1
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &STRING_"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
mov rbx, rcx # Put number_string in the right place
call uniqueID_out # Make it unique
# Generate the target
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_string_string_1] # Using ":STRING_"
mov rbx, [rip+strings_list] # Using strings_list
call emit # Emit it
mov rbx, rax # put new strings_list in place
mov rax, [rip+function] # Using function
mov rax, [rax+16] # function->S
call uniqueID # Make it unique
mov rbx, rax # put new strings_list in place
# Parse the string
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call parse_string # convert to useful form
call emit # Emit it
mov [rip+strings_list], rax # Update Strings _list
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
primary_expr_string_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax &STRING_"
primary_expr_string_string_1: .asciz ":STRING_"
# primary_expr_char function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Updates output_list using global_token
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_char_string_0] # Using "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
add rax, 1 # global_token->S + 1
call escape_lookup # Get the char
call numerate_number # Convert to string
call emit_out # emit it
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_char_string_1] # Using "\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
primary_expr_char_string_0: .asciz "LOAD_IMMEDIATE_rax %"
primary_expr_char_string_1: .byte 10, 0
# primary_expr_failure function
# Receives nothing
# Does not return but aborts hard
# Complains about the bad input
# call line_error # Get line of issue
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_failure_string_0] # Using "Received "
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+primary_expr_failure_string_1] # Using " in primary_expr\n"
call File_Print # Print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
primary_expr_failure_string_0: .asciz "Received "
primary_expr_failure_string_1: .asciz " in primary_expr\n"
# general_recursion function
# Receives FUNCTION F in RAX, char* S in RBX, char* name in RCX and FUNCTION iterate in RDX
# Returns nothing
# Uses RCX for char* S, RDX for FUNCTION iterate and RBP for FUNCTION F
# But generally recurses a shitload
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rbp # Protect RBP
mov rbp, rax # Protect F
mov rax, rcx # Put name in the right place
mov rcx, rbx # Protect S
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
call match # IF match(name, global_token->s)
cmp rax, 0 # If true we do
jne general_recursion_done # Otherwise skip it
# Deal with the recursion
mov rax, rbp # Put F in the right place
call common_recursion # Recurse
mov rax, rcx # Put S in the right place
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, rdx # Put iterate in the right place
call rax # Down the rabbit hole
pop rbp # Restore RBP
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# promote_type function
# Receives struct type* a in RAX and struct type* b in RBX
# Returns the most recent type in RAX
# Uses RAX for struct type* I, RCX for struct type* A and RDX for struct type* B
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
cmp rbx, 0 # IF NULL == B
je promote_type_done # Just return A
mov rcx, rax # Put A in place
mov rdx, rbx # Put B in place
mov rax, rbx # IF NULL == A
cmp rcx, 0 # Then we just return B
je promote_type_done # Be done
# Looks like we need to walk the list
mov rcx, [rcx+48] # A->NAME
mov rdx, [rdx+48] # B->NAME
mov rax, [rip+global_types] # I = global_types
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == I
je promote_type_done # Just be done
mov rbx, [rax+48] # I->NAME
cmp rbx, rcx # IF(A->NAME == I->NAME)
je promote_type_done # Be done
cmp rbx, rdx # IF(B->NAME == I->NAME)
je promote_type_done # Be done
mov rbx, [rax+24] # I->INDIRECT
mov rbx, [rbx+48] # I->INDIRECT->NAME
cmp rbx, rcx # IF(A->NAME == I->INDIRECT->NAME)
je promote_type_done # Be done
cmp rbx, rdx # IF(B->NAME == I->INDIRECT->NAME)
je promote_type_done # Be done
mov rax, [rax] # I = I->NEXT
jmp promote_type_iter # Keep going
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# common_recursion function
# Receives FUNCTION F in RAX
# Returns Nothing
# Walks global_token list and update output_list
# Updates current_target
# Uses RBX to hold FUNCTION F and struct type* last_type
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, rax # Put FUNCTION F safely out of the way
lea rax, [rip+common_recursion_string_0] # Using "PUSH_RAX\t#_common_recursion\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, rbx # Prepare for function call
mov rbx, [rip+current_target] # Get last type
call rax # F();
mov rax, [rip+current_target] # Get current_target
call promote_type # get the right type
mov [rip+current_target], rax # Set new current_target
lea rax, [rip+common_recursion_string_1] # Using "POP_RBX\t# _common_recursion\n"
call emit_out # Emit it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
common_recursion_string_0: .asciz "PUSH_RAX\t#_common_recursion\n"
common_recursion_string_1: .asciz "POP_RBX\t# _common_recursion\n"
# require_match function
# Receives char* message in RAX and char* required in RBX
# Returns nothing
# Uses RCX to hold message and updates global_token
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # put the message somewhere safe
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call match # IF required == global_token->S
cmp rax, 0 # we are fine
je require_match_good # otherwise pain
# Deal with bad times
# call line_error # Tell user what went wrong
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
mov rax, rcx # using our message
call File_Print # Print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort HARD
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->next
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# uniqueID Function
# Receives char *S in RAX, struct token_list* l in RBX and char* num in RCX
# Returns updated struct token_list* L in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
call emit # emit(s, l)
mov rbx, rax # Put L in correct place
lea rax, [rip+underline] # Using "_"
call emit # emit("_", l)
mov rbx, rax # Put L in correct place
mov rax, rcx # Put num in correct place
call emit # emit(num, l)
mov rbx, rax # Put L in correct place
lea rax, [rip+uniqueID_string_0] # Using "\n"
call emit # emit("\n", l)
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
uniqueID_string_0: .byte 10, 0
# uniqueID_out function
# Receives char* S in RAX and char* num in RBX
# Returns nothing
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rbx # Put num in right spot
mov rbx, [rip+output_list] # Using output_list
call uniqueID # Get updated list
mov [rip+output_list], rax # output_list = uniqueID(s, output_list, num)
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# emit_out function
# Receives char* S in RAX
# Returns nothing
# Updates output_list
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, [rip+output_list] # Using output_list
call emit # emit it
mov [rip+output_list], rax # update it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# emit function
# Receives char *s in RAX and struct token_list* head in RBX
# Returns struct token_list* T in RAX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # put S out of the way
mov rax, 40 # sizeof(struct token_list)
call malloc # get T
mov [rax], rbx # t->next = head;
mov [rax+16], rcx # t->s = s;
pop rcx # Restore RCX
# escape_lookup function
# Receives char* c in RAX
# Returns integer value of char in RAX
# Aborts hard if unknown escape is received
# Uses RCX to hold char* C
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # Put char* C in safe place
mov al, [rcx] # Load c[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 92 # If '\\' != c[0]
jne escape_lookup_done # Be done
mov rbx, rcx # Prepare for walk
add rbx, 1 # increment
mov bl, [rbx] # load c[1]
movzx rbx, bl # make it useful
cmp rbx, 120 # Check if \x??
je escape_lookup_hex # Deal with hex
# Deal with \? escapes
mov rax, 10 # Guess "\n"
cmp rbx, 110 # If n
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
mov rax, 9 # Guess "\t"
cmp rbx, 116 # If t
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
mov rax, rbx # "\\", "'" and '"' all encode as themselves
cmp rbx, 92 # If "\\"
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
cmp rbx, 39 # IF "'"
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
cmp rbx, 34 # IF '"'
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
mov rax, 13 # Guess "\r"
cmp rbx, 114 # IF r
je escape_lookup_done # Be done
# Looks like we have no clue what we are doing
# Aborting hard
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
lea rax, [rip+escape_lookup_string_0] # Using "Unknown escape received: "
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, rcx # Using C
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+escape_lookup_string_1] # Using " Unable to process\n"
call File_Print # Print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Give up on C and just assume they know what they are doing
add rcx, 2 # increment
mov al, [rcx] # c[2]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
add rcx, 1 # increment
call char2hex # Get the hex value
sal rax, 4 # c << 4
mov bl, [rcx] # c[3]
movzx rbx, bl # make it useful
xchg rax, rbx # protect c << 4
call char2hex # Get the hex value
add rax, rbx # hex(c[2]) << 4 + hex(c[3])
jmp escape_lookup_done # Be done
escape_lookup_string_0: .asciz "Unknown escape received: "
escape_lookup_string_1: .asciz " Unable to process\n"
# char2hex function
# Receives char in RAX
# Returns hex or aborts hard
sub rax, 48 # Try 0-9
cmp rax, 10 # Otherwise fun times
jl char2hex_done # Be done
# Deal with A-F
and rax, 0xDF # Unset High bit turning a-f into A-F
sub rax, 7 # Shift down into position
cmp rax, 10 # Everything below A is bad
jl char2hex_fail # And should fail
cmp rax, 16 # Make sure we are below F
jl char2hex_done # If so be done
# Time to fail hard
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
lea rax, [rip+char2hex_string_0] # Using "Tried to print non-hex number\n"
call File_Print # Print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
char2hex_string_0: .asciz "Tried to print non-hex number\n"
# parse_string function
# Receives char* string in RAX
# Returns cleaned up string
# Protects char* string in RBX
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, rax # Protect char* string
call weird # Determine if we have a weird string
cmp rax, 0 # If weird
je parse_string_weird # Deal with it
# Dealing with regular string
mov rax, rbx # Passing Char* string
call collect_regular_string # Collect it
jmp parse_string_done # Be done
mov rax, rbx # Passing Char* string
call collect_weird_string # Collect it
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# weird function
# Receives char* string in RAX
# Returns true(0) or false(1) in RAX
# Uses RCX to hold char* string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rax # Place string in safe place
add rcx, 1 # increment past the "
mov al, [rcx] # Load a char
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == C
je weird_false # Nothing weird found
cmp rax, 92 # IF '\\'
jne weird_escaped # Deal with escaping
# Deal with escape
mov rax, rcx # We are passing the string
call escape_lookup # to look it up
add rcx, 1 # string = string + 1
mov bl, [rcx] # get string[1]
movzx rbx, bl # make it useful
cmp rbx, 120 # IF 'x' == string[1]
jne weird_escaped # otherwise skip the gap
add rcx, 2 # string = string + 2
push rax # Protect C in case we need it
lea rbx, [rip+weird_string_0] # Use "\t\n !#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
call In_Set # To find if weird
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
pop rax # Restore C
jne weird_true # Then not weird
add rcx, 1 # string = string + 1
# Last chance for weird
lea rbx, [rip+weird_string_1] # Use "\t\n\r "
call In_Set # Check for special case
cmp rax, 1 # IF TRUE
jne weird_reset # Otherwise not in the special case
# Deal with possible special case
mov al, [rcx] # Load string[1]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 58 # IF string[1] == ":"
je weird_true # Then we hit the special case
jmp weird_reset # Keep trying
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, 0 # Return true
jmp weird_done # Be done
mov rax, 1 # Return false
jmp weird_done # Be done
weird_string_0: .byte 9, 10
.asciz " !#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
weird_string_1: .byte 9, 10, 13, 32, 0
# collect_regular_string function
# Receives char* string in RAX
# Malloc and creates new string to return in RAX
# Uses RCX for return string and RDX for passed string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Protect our passed string
mov rax, 256 # We need 256 bytes of storage
call malloc # Get our new pointer
mov rcx, rax # put it in place
push rax # protect until done
mov al, [rdx] # string[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 0 # See if we hit the end
je collect_regular_string_done # And be done
cmp rax, 92 # IF string[0] == '\\'
je collect_regular_string_escaped # Deal with that mess
# deal with boring char
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = string[0]
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
jmp collect_regular_string_reset # And keep going
mov rax, rdx # Using string
call escape_lookup # Get the char
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = escape_lookup(string)
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov al, [rdx] # string[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
cmp rax, 120 # IF 'x' == string[1]
jne collect_regular_string_reset # Otherwise keep going
add rdx, 2 # Increment it
jmp collect_regular_string_reset # Keep going
mov rax, 34 # Using '"'
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = '"'
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov rax, 10 # Using "\n"
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = '\n'
pop rax # Return our new string
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# collect_weird_string function
# Receives char* string in RAX
# Mallocs and returns char* hold in RAX
# Uses RCX for char* hold and RDX for char* string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Protect our passed string
mov rax, 512 # We need 512 bytes of storage
call malloc # Get our new pointer
mov rcx, rax # put it in place
push rax # protect until done
mov rax, 39 # Using "'"
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = "'"
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
mov al, [rdx] # Read a byte
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == string[0]
je collect_weird_string_done # Be done
mov rax, 32 # Using ' '
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = ' '
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov rax, rdx # Using string
call escape_lookup # Get the char
call hex8 # Update RCX
mov al, [rdx] # Read a byte
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
cmp rax, 92 # IF string[0] == '\\'
jne collect_weird_string_reset # Otherwise keep going
mov al, [rdx] # Read a byte
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
add rdx, 1 # Increment it
cmp rax, 120 # IF 'x' == string[1]
jne collect_weird_string_reset # Otherwise keep going
add rdx, 2 # Increment it
jmp collect_weird_string_reset # Keep going
mov rax, 32 # Using ' '
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = ' '
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov rax, 48 # Using '0'
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = '0'
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = '0'
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov rax, 39 # Using "'"
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = "'"
add rcx, 1 # Increment it
mov rax, 10 # Using "\n"
mov [rcx], al # hold_string[index] = '\n'
pop rax # Return our new string
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# HEX to ascii routine
# Receives INT in RAX and CHAR* in RCX
# Stores ascii of INT in CHAR*
# Returns only modifying RAX and RCX
push rax # Protect bottom nibble
shr rax, 4 # do high nibble first
call hex4 # Store it
pop rax # do low nibble
and rax, 0xf # isolate nibble
add al,'0' # convert to ascii
cmp al,'9' # valid digit?
jbe hex1 # yes
add al,7 # use alpha range
mov [rcx], al # store result
add rcx, 1 # next position
# type_name function
# Receives nothing
# Returns type_size in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+struct] # Using "struct"
call match # IF global_token->S == "struct"
mov rcx, rax # Protect structure
cmp rax, 0 # need to skip over "struct"
jne type_name_native # otherwise keep going
# Deal with possible STRUCTs
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
mov rbx, [rip+global_types] # get all known types
call lookup_type # Find type if possible
mov rcx, rax # Set ret
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == ret
jne type_name_common # We have to create struct
# Create a struct
call create_struct # Create a new struct
mov rcx, 0 # We wish to return NULL
jmp type_name_done # be done
# Deal only with native types
mov rax, rbx # Put global_token->S in the right place
mov rbx, [rip+global_types] # get all known types
call lookup_type # Find the type if possible
mov rcx, rax # Set ret
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == ret
jne type_name_common # We need to abort hard
# Aborting hard
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
lea rax, [rip+type_name_string_0] # Print header
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+type_name_string_1] # Print footer
call File_Print # Print it
# call line_error # Give details
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->next
mov rax, [rbx+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 42 # IF global_token->S[0] == '*'
jne type_name_done # recurse
# Deal with char**
mov rcx, [rcx+24] # ret = ret->indirect
mov rbx, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rbx] # global_token->next
mov [rip+global_token], rbx # global_token = global_token->next
jmp type_name_iter # keep looping
mov rax, rcx # put ret in the right place
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
type_name_string_0: .asciz "Unknown type "
type_name_string_1: .byte 10, 0
# lookup_type function
# Receives char* s in RAX and struct type* start in RBX
# Returns struct type* in RAX
# Uses RBX for S and RCX for I
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rcx, rbx # I = Start
mov rbx, rax # Put S in place
cmp rcx, 0 # Check if I == NULL
je lookup_type_done # return NULL
mov rax, [rcx+48] # I->NAME
call match # Check if matching
cmp rax, 0 # IF I->NAME == S
je lookup_type_done # return it
mov rcx, [rcx] # Otherwise I = I->NEXT
jmp lookup_type_iter # And keep looping
mov rax, rcx # return either I or NULL
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# create_struct function
# Receives nothing
# Returns nothing
# Uses global_token to malloc a struct's definition
# Uses RCX for int OFFSET, RDX for struct type* head, RBP for struct type* I,
# RDI for member_size (Which is passed) and RSI for LAST
# RAX and RBX are used for scratch
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rbp # Protect RBP
push rdi # Protect RDI
push rsi # Protect RSI
mov rcx, 0 # OFFSET = 0
mov rdi, 0 # member_size = 0
mov rax, 56 # sizeof(struct type)
call malloc # malloc(sizeof(struct type))
mov rdx, rax # Set HEAD
mov rax, 56 # sizeof(struct type)
call malloc # malloc(sizeof(struct type))
mov rbp, rax # Set I
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov [rdx+48], rax # HEAD->NAME = global_token->S
mov [rbp+48], rax # I->NAME = global_token->S
mov [rdx+24], rbp # HEAD->INDIRECT = I
mov [rbp+24], rdx # I->INDIRECT = HEAD
mov rax, [rip+global_types] # Using global_types
mov [rdx], rax # HEAD->NEXT = global_types
mov [rip+global_types], rdx # global_types = HEAD
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, 8 # Using register size
mov [rbp+8], rax # I->SIZE = register size
lea rax, [rip+create_struct_string_0] # Using "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing {\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_curly_brace] # Using "{"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rsi, 0 # LAST = NULL
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
cmp rax, 125 # IF global_token->S[0] == "}"
je create_struct_done # be done
# Looks like we are adding members
# Lets see if it is a union
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
lea rbx, [rip+union] # Using "union"
call match # IF match(global_token->s, "union")
cmp rax, 0 # Deal with union
jne create_struct_single # Otherwise deal with singles
# Deal with union
mov rax, rsi # Put last in right place
mov rbx, rcx # put offset in right place
call build_union # ASSEMBLE
mov rsi, rax # last = build_union(last, offset)
add rcx, rdi # offset = offset + member_size
lea rax, [rip+create_struct_string_1] # Using "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
jmp create_struct_iter # keep going
# deal with singles
mov rax, rsi # Put last in right place
mov rbx, rcx # put offset in right place
call build_member # ASSEMBLE
mov rsi, rax # last = build_union(last, offset)
add rcx, rdi # offset = offset + member_size
lea rax, [rip+create_struct_string_1] # Using "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
jmp create_struct_iter # keep going
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+create_struct_string_1] # Using "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov [rdx+8], rcx # HEAD->SIZE = OFFSET
mov [rdx+32], rsi # HEAD->MEMBERS = LAST
mov [rbp+32], rsi # I->MEMBERS = LAST
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdi # Restore RDI
pop rbp # Restore RBP
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
create_struct_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing {\n"
create_struct_string_1: .asciz "ERROR in create_struct\n Missing ;\n"
# lookup_member function
# Receives struct type* parent in RAX and char* name in RBX
# Returns struct type* I in RAX
# Uses char* NAME in RBX, RCX for struct type* I and RDX to hold parent for errors
# Aborts hard if not found
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Protect Parent
mov rcx, [rax+32] # struct type* I = parent->MEMBERS
cmp rcx, 0 # IF I == NULL
je lookup_member_fail # Abort HARD
mov rax, [rcx+48] # Using I->NAME
call match # IF I->NAME == NAME
cmp rax, 0 # Then we have found the member
mov rax, rcx # Prepare for return
mov rcx, [rcx+32] # Prepare for loop I = I->MEMBERS
jne lookup_member_iter # Looks like we are looping
# I is already in RAX
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
lea rax, [rip+lookup_member_string_0] # Using "ERROR in lookup_member "
call File_Print # print it
mov rax, [rdx+48] # PARENT->NAME
call File_Print # print it
lea rax, [rip+arrow_string] # Using "->"
call File_Print # print it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call File_Print # print it
lea rax, [rip+lookup_member_string_1] # Using " does not exist\n"
call File_Print # print it
# call line_error # Write useful debug info
lea rax, [rip+lookup_member_string_2] # Using "\n"
call File_Print # print it
jmp Exit_Failure # Abort Hard
lookup_member_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in lookup_member "
lookup_member_string_1: .asciz " does not exist\n"
lookup_member_string_2: .byte 10, 0
# build_member function
# Receives struct type* last in RAX, int offset in RBX and global member_size in RDI
# Updates member_size in RDI and returns struct type* I in RAX
# Uses RCX for struct type* member_type and RDX for struct type* I
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Put last out of the way
mov rax, 56 # Allocate type
call malloc # Get I
mov [rax+32], rdx # I->MEMBERS = LAST
mov [rax+16], rbx # I->OFFSET = OFFSET
mov rdx, rax # Put I in place
call type_name # Get member_type
mov rcx, rax # Put in place
mov [rdx+40], rcx # I->TYPE = MEMBER_TYPE
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rbx, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov [rdx+48], rbx # I->NAME = global_token->S
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
# Check if we have an array
mov rbx, [rax+16] # global_token->S
lea rax, [rip+open_bracket] # Using "["
call match # IF global_token->S == "["
cmp rax, 0 # Then we have to deal with arrays in our structs
je build_member_array # So deal with that pain
# Deal with non-array case
mov rax, [rcx+8] # member_type->SIZE
mov [rdx+8], rax # I->SIZE = member_type->SIZE
jmp build_member_done # Be done
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
call numerate_string # convert number
mov rbx, [rcx+40] # member_type->TYPE
mov rbx, [rbx+8] # member_type->TYPE->SIZE
imul rax, rbx # member_type->type->size * numerate_string(global_token->s)
mov [rdx+8], rax # I->SIZE = member_type->type->size * numerate_string(global_token->s)
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+build_member_string_0] # Using "Struct only supports [num] form\n"
lea rbx, [rip+close_bracket] # Using "]"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rdi, [rdx+8] # MEMBER_SIZE = I->SIZE
mov [rdx+40], rcx # I->TYPE = MEMBER_TYPE
mov rax, rdx # Return I
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
build_member_string_0: .asciz "Struct only supports [num] form\n"
# build_union function
# Receives struct type* last in RAX, int offset in RBX and global member_size in RDI
# Updates member_size in RDI and returns struct type* LAST in RAX
# Uses RCX for struct type* last, RDX for int offset, RSI for int size and RDI for int member_size
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rsi # Protect RSI
mov rcx, rax # Put LAST in right spot
mov rdx, rbx # Put OFFSET in right spot
mov rsi, 0 # SIZE = 0
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
lea rax, [rip+build_union_string_0] # Using "ERROR in build_union\nMissing {\n"
lea rbx, [rip+open_curly_brace] # Using "{"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax+16] # global_token->S
mov al, [rax] # global_token->S[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 125 # IF global_token->S[0] == "}"
je build_union_done # Be done
# Collect union member
mov rax, rcx # Passing LAST
mov rbx, rdx # Passing offset
call build_member # build_member(last, offset)
mov rcx, rax # last = build_member(last, offset)
cmp rsi, rdi # IF member_size > size
jg build_union_size # Then update size
# deal with member_size > size
mov rsi, rdi # SIZE = MEMBER_SIZE
lea rax, [rip+build_union_string_1] # Using "ERROR in build_union\nMissing ;\n"
lea rbx, [rip+semicolon] # Using ";"
call require_match # Make sure we have it
jmp build_union_iter # Keep going
mov rdi, rsi # MEMBER_SIZE = SIZE
mov rax, [rip+global_token] # Using global_token
mov rax, [rax] # global_token->NEXT
mov [rip+global_token], rax # global_token = global_token->NEXT
mov rax, rcx # Return last
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
build_union_string_0: .asciz "ERROR in build_union\nMissing {\n"
build_union_string_1: .asciz "ERROR in build_union\nMissing ;\n"
# sym_declare function
# Receives char *s in RAX, struct type* t in RBX, and struct token_list* list in RCX
# Returns struct token_list* in RAX
# Uses RAX for A
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Get char *S safely out of the way
mov rax, 40 # Using sizeof(struct token_list)
call malloc # Get pointer to A
mov [rax], rcx # A->NEXT = LIST
mov [rax+16], rdx # A->S = S
mov [rax+24], rbx # A->TYPE = T
pop rdx # Restore RDX
# match function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX and CHAR* in RBX
# Returns 0 (TRUE) or 1 (FALSE) in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, rax # S1 in place
mov rdx, rbx # S2 in place
mov al, [rcx] # S1[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
mov bl, [rdx] # S2[0]
movzx rbx, bl # Make it useful
cmp rax, rbx # See if they match
jne match_False # If not
add rcx, 1 # S1 = S1 + 1
add rdx, 1 # S2 = S2 + 1
cmp rax, 0 # If reached end of string
je match_Done # Perfect match
jmp match_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
mov rax, 1 # Return false
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# numerate_number function
# Receives an INT A in RAX
# Returns char* result in RAX
# Allocates 16 bytes of memory
# Behaves badly when given a negative number too large
# Uses RAX for temp, RBX for DIVISOR, RDX for mod/0, RSI for result[i] and RBP for A
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rsi # Protect RSI
push rbp # Protect RBP
mov rbp, rax # Protect A
mov rax, 16 # 16 bytes
call malloc # Get our pointer
push rax # Protect our pointer
mov rsi, rax # put pointer in right place
mov rbx, 1000000000 # Set divisor to largest positive number that fits in 32bits
cmp rbp, 0 # Deal with 0 case
je numerate_number_ZERO # If it is
jg numerate_number_positive # If it is positive
# Deal with negative case
mov rax, 45 # Using "-"
mov [rsi], al # Write it
add rsi, 1 # increment
imul rbp, -1 # A = A * -1
mov rdx, 0 # Set top to 0
mov rax, rbp # Using A as bottom
idiv rbx # rdx:rax % rbx -> rdx + rdx:rax / rbx -> rax [Even if we don't want it]
cmp rax, 0 # IF 0 == (a / divisor)
jne numerate_number_iter # Clean up those leading Zeros
mov rdx, 0 # Set top to 0
mov rax, rbx # Using Divisor for bottom
mov rbx, 10 # Make this shit work because idiv 10 doesn't work
idiv rbx # rdx:rax % 10 -> rdx + rdx:rax / 10 -> rax [Even if we don't want it]
mov rbx, rax # Update divisor
jmp numerate_number_positive # Keep collecting
cmp rbx, 0 # IF DIVISOR < 0
jle numerate_number_done # Be done
mov rdx, 0 # Set top to 0
mov rax, rbp # Using A as bottom
idiv rbx # rdx:rax % rbx -> rdx + rdx:rax / rbx -> rax [Even if we don't want it]
add rax, 48 # ((a / divisor) + 48)
mov [rsi], al # Write it
mov rbp, rdx # a = a % divisor
mov rdx, 0 # Set top to 0
mov rax, rbx # Using Divisor for bottom
mov rbx, 10 # Make this shit work because idiv 10 doesn't work
idiv rbx # rdx:rax % 10 -> rdx + rdx:rax / 10 -> rax [Even if we don't want it]
mov rbx, rax # Update divisor
add rsi, 1 # increment
jmp numerate_number_iter # Keep going
pop rax # Restore our result
pop rbp # Restore RBP
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, 48 # Using '0'
mov [rsi], al # Write it
add rsi, 1 # increment
jmp numerate_number_done # Be done
# numerate_string function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX
# Returns value of CHAR* in RAX
# Uses RAX for VALUE, RBX for S, RCX for CH and RSI for NEGATIVE?
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rsi # Protect RSI
mov rbx, rax # put S in correct place
mov rax, 0 # Initialize to Zero
mov cl, [rbx+1] # S[1]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 120 # IF 'x' == S[1]
je numerate_hex # Deal with hex input
# Assume decimal input
mov rsi, 0 # Assume no negation
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 45 # IF '-' == S[0]
jne numerate_decimal # Skip negation
mov rsi, 1 # Set FLAG
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == S[0]
je numerate_decimal_done # We are done
imul rax, 10 # VALUE = VALUE * 10
sub rcx, 48 # CH = CH - '0'
cmp rcx, 9 # Check for illegal
jg numerate_string_fail # If CH > '9'
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for illegal
jl numerate_string_fail # IF CH < 0
add rax, rcx # VALUE = VALUE + CH
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp numerate_decimal # Keep looping
cmp rsi, 1 # Check if need to negate
jne numerate_string_done # Nope
imul rax, -1 # VALUE = VALUE * -1
jmp numerate_string_done # Done
add rbx, 2 # S = S + 2
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == S[0]
je numerate_string_done # We are done
shl rax, 4 # VALUE = VALUE << 4
sub rcx, 48 # CH = CH - '0'
cmp rcx, 10 # IF 10 >= CH
jl numerate_hex_digit # NO
sub rcx, 7 # Push A-F into range
cmp rcx, 15 # Check for illegal
jg numerate_string_fail # If CH > 'F'
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for illegal
jl numerate_string_fail # IF CH < 0
add rax, rcx # VALUE = VALUE + CH
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp numerate_hex_loop # Keep looping
mov rax, 0 # return ZERO
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Exit_Failure function
# Receives nothing
# And aborts hard
# Does NOT return
mov rax, 1 # All is wrong
jmp Done_1 # Exit gracefully
# rcx: file handle
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+16] # file_handle->close(file_handle)
pop rax # deallocate stack
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r9: agent_handle
# returns interface
push rax # allocate stack for interface
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &interface
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(handle, &guid, &interface, agent_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rax # get interface
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r8: agent_handle
mov r9, 0 # arg4 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(handle, &guid, agent_handle, 0)
add rsp, 32 # deallocate stack
# rdx: number of bytes to allocate
# r14: system->boot
# returns pointer in rax
push rdx # allocate stack for pool pointer
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &pool
mov rcx, 2 # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
sub rsp, 24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 2048, &pool)
add rsp, 24 # deallocate stack
pop rax # get pool
# rcx: memory pool
# r14: system->boot
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(pool)
pop rax # deallocate stack
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
# Switch to uefi stack
# does not change any other registers
mov [rip+temp_rax], rax # save RAX
pop rax # Save return address
mov [rip+user_stack], rsp # save user stack
mov rsp, [rip+uefi_stack] # restore system stack
push rax # Restore return address
mov rax, [rip+temp_rax] # restore RAX
# Switch to user stack
# does not change any other registers
mov [rip+temp_rax], rax # save RAX
pop rax # Save return address
mov [rip+uefi_stack], rsp # save system stack
2022-10-02 14:46:21 +01:00
mov rsp, [rip+user_stack] # restore user stack
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
push rax # Restore return address
mov rax, [rip+temp_rax] # restore RAX
# debug_list function
# Receives struct token_list* in RAX
# Prints contents of list and exits
# Does NOT return
mov r12, rax # Protect the list pointer
mov r15, 2 # write to standard error
# Header
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string0] # Using our first string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, r12 # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string1] # Using our second string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12] # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string2] # Using our third string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12+8] # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
# S
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string3] # Using our fourth string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12+16] # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
# S Contents
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string4] # Using our fifth string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12+16] # Use address of string
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL Pointer
jne debug_list_null # otherwise display
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string_null] # Give meaningful message instead
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string5] # Using our sixth string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12+24] # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
lea rax, [rip+debug_list_string6] # Using our seventh string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, [r12+32] # Use address of pointer
call numerate_number # Convert it into string
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, 10 # Add "\n"
call fputc # print it
call fputc # print it
mov r12, [r12] # TOKEN = TOKEN->NEXT
cmp r12, 0 # Check if NULL
jne debug_list_iter # iterate otherwise
mov rax, 666 # All is HELL
jmp abort # Call it a bad day
debug_list_string0: .asciz "Token_list node at address: "
debug_list_string1: .asciz "\nNEXT address: "
debug_list_string2: .asciz "\nPREV address: "
debug_list_string3: .asciz "\nS address: "
debug_list_string4: .asciz "\nThe contents of S are: "
debug_list_string5: .asciz "\nTYPE address: "
debug_list_string6: .asciz "\nARGUMENTS address: "
debug_list_string_null: .asciz ">::<NULL>::<"
# Keywords
union: .asciz "union"
struct: .asciz "struct"
constant: .asciz "CONSTANT"
main_string: .asciz "main"
argc_string: .asciz "argc"
argv_string: .asciz "argv"
if_string: .asciz "if"
else_string: .asciz "else"
do_string: .asciz "do"
while_string: .asciz "while"
for_string: .asciz "for"
asm_string: .asciz "asm"
goto_string: .asciz "goto"
return_string: .asciz "return"
break_string: .asciz "break"
continue_string: .asciz "continue"
sizeof_string: .asciz "sizeof"
plus_string: .asciz "+"
minus_string: .asciz "-"
multiply_string: .asciz "*"
divide_string: .asciz "/"
modulus_string: .asciz "%"
left_shift_string: .asciz "<<"
right_shift_string: .asciz ">>"
less_than_string: .asciz "<"
less_than_equal_string: .asciz "<="
greater_than_equal_string: .asciz ">="
greater_than_string: .asciz ">"
equal_to_string: .asciz "=="
not_equal_string: .asciz "!="
bitwise_and: .asciz "&"
logical_and: .asciz "&&"
bitwise_or: .asciz "|"
logical_or: .asciz "||"
bitwise_xor: .asciz "^"
arrow_string: .asciz "->"
# Frequently Used strings
# Generally used by require_match
open_curly_brace: .asciz "{"
close_curly_brace: .asciz "}"
open_paren: .asciz "("
close_paren: .asciz ")"
open_bracket: .asciz "["
close_bracket: .asciz "]"
comma: .asciz ","
semicolon: .asciz ";"
equal: .asciz "="
percent: .asciz "%"
newline: .asciz "\n"
underline: .asciz "_"
.quad type_int - type_void # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_void - type_void # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_void - type_void # TYPE
.quad type_void_name - type_void # NAME
.quad type_char - type_int # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_int - type_int # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_int - type_int # TYPE
.quad type_int_name - type_int # NAME
.quad type_file - type_char # NEXT
.quad 1 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_char_indirect - type_char # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_char - type_char # TYPE
.quad type_char_name - type_char # NAME
.quad type_file - type_char_indirect # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_char_double_indirect - type_char_indirect # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_char_indirect - type_char_indirect # TYPE
.quad type_char_indirect_name - type_char_indirect # NAME
.quad type_file - type_char_double_indirect # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_char_double_indirect - type_char_double_indirect # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_char_indirect - type_char_double_indirect # TYPE
.quad type_char_double_indirect_name - type_char_double_indirect # NAME
.quad type_function - type_file # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_file - type_file # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_file - type_file # TYPE
.quad type_file_name - type_file # NAME
.quad type_unsigned - type_function # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_function - type_function # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_function - type_function # TYPE
.quad type_function_name - type_function # NAME
.quad type_long - type_unsigned # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_unsigned - type_unsigned # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_unsigned - type_unsigned # TYPE
.quad type_unsigned_name - type_unsigned # NAME
.quad 0 # NEXT
.quad 8 # SIZE
.quad 0 # OFFSET
.quad type_long - type_long # INDIRECT
.quad 0 # MEMBERS
.quad type_long - type_long # TYPE
.quad type_long_name - type_long # NAME
type_void_name: .asciz "void"
type_int_name: .asciz "int"
type_char_name: .asciz "char"
type_char_indirect_name: .asciz "char*"
type_char_double_indirect_name: .asciz "char**"
type_file_name: .asciz "FILE"
type_function_name: .asciz "FUNCTION"
type_unsigned_name: .asciz "unsigned"
type_long_name: .asciz "long"
Address_of: .quad 0
C: .quad 0
Token: .quad 0
break_frame: .quad 0
break_target_func: .quad 0
break_target_head: .quad 0
break_target_num: .quad 0
current_count: .quad 0
current_target: .quad 0
function: .quad 0
global_constant_list: .quad 0
global_function_list: .quad 0
global_symbol_list: .quad 0
global_token: .quad 0
global_types: .quad 0
globals_list: .quad 0
output_list: .quad 0
string_index: .quad 0
strings_list: .quad 0
# Protocol GUIDs
.long 0x5b1b31a1
.short 0x9562
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x0964e5b22
.short 0x6459
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x39, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.quad 0
.quad 0
2022-10-02 14:33:41 +01:00
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
.long 0 # WCHAR with null terminator