
568 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jeremiah Orians <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
DEFINE add_rax, 4883C0
DEFINE add_rsp, 4883C4
DEFINE add_rbx, 4883C3
DEFINE add_rsi, 4883C6
DEFINE add_rbx,rsi 4801F3
DEFINE add_r15,rbx 4901DF
DEFINE add_r15,rdi 4901FF
DEFINE add_rbx,[rdi+BYTE] 48035F
DEFINE call E8
DEFINE call_[rcx+BYTE] FF51
DEFINE call_[r14+BYTE] 41FF56
DEFINE call_[r14+DWORD] 41FF96
DEFINE cmp_al, 3C
DEFINE cmp_rbx,rdx 4839D3
DEFINE inc_rax 48FFC0
DEFINE je8 74
DEFINE jne8 75
DEFINE jne 0F85
DEFINE lea_rdx,[rip+DWORD] 488D15
DEFINE lea_r8,[rip+DWORD] 4C8D05
DEFINE mov_dh, B6
DEFINE mov_rbp,rsp 4889E5
DEFINE mov_rbx,rax 4889C3
DEFINE mov_rbx,rcx 4889CB
DEFINE mov_rcx,rax 4889C1
DEFINE mov_rcx,rbx 4889D9
DEFINE mov_rcx,rdi 4889F9
DEFINE mov_rcx,r8 4C89C1
DEFINE mov_rcx,r9 4C89C9
DEFINE mov_rcx,r12 4C89E1
DEFINE mov_rcx,r15 4C89F9
DEFINE mov_rdi,rax 4889C7
DEFINE mov_rdx,rbx 4889DA
DEFINE mov_rdx,rsp 4889E2
DEFINE mov_rsp,rbp 4889EC
DEFINE mov_r8,rax 4989C0
DEFINE mov_r8,rbx 4989D8
DEFINE mov_r8,rdi 4989F8
DEFINE mov_r8,rsp 4989E0
DEFINE mov_r8,r15 4D89F8
DEFINE mov_r9,rax 4989C1
DEFINE mov_r9,rbx 4989D9
DEFINE mov_r9,rdi 4989F9
DEFINE mov_r9,r15 4D89F9
DEFINE mov_r15,rsi 4989F7
DEFINE mov_r15,rax 4989C7
DEFINE mov_[rax], C700
DEFINE mov_[rbx], C603
DEFINE mov_[r8], 49C700
DEFINE mov_[rax],BYTE C600
DEFINE mov_[rax],WORD 66C700
DEFINE mov_[rbx],WORD 66C703
DEFINE mov_[r15],WORD 6641C707
DEFINE mov_al,[rbx] 8A03
DEFINE mov_[rax],r15 4C8938
DEFINE mov_[rbx],ax 668903
DEFINE mov_rax,[rdx+BYTE] 488B42
DEFINE mov_rbx,[rdi+BYTE] 488B5F
DEFINE mov_rcx,[rcx+BYTE] 488B49
DEFINE mov_rcx,[rdi+BYTE] 488B4F
DEFINE mov_rdx,[rcx+BYTE] 488B51
DEFINE mov_r12,[rsp+BYTE] 4C8B6424
DEFINE mov_r14,[rdx+BYTE] 4C8B72
DEFINE mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] 488B0D
DEFINE mov_rdx,[rip+DWORD] 488B15
DEFINE mov_r8,[rip+DWORD] 4C8B05
DEFINE mov_[rax+BYTE],rbx 488958
DEFINE mov_[rax+BYTE],rcx 488948
DEFINE mov_[rax+BYTE],rsi 488970
DEFINE mov_[rip+DWORD],rcx 48890D
DEFINE mov_[rip+DWORD],rax 488905
DEFINE pop_rax 58
DEFINE pop_rcx 59
DEFINE pop_rdi 5F
DEFINE pop_rdx 5A
DEFINE pop_r8 4158
DEFINE pop_r9 4159
DEFINE push 6A
DEFINE push_rax 50
DEFINE push_rbx 53
DEFINE push_rdi 57
DEFINE push_rdx 52
DEFINE push_rsp 54
DEFINE push_r8 4150
DEFINE sub_rbx, 4883EB
DEFINE sub_rsp, 4883EC
DEFINE sub_rbx,rsi 4829F3
DEFINE sub_r15,rdi 4929FF
DEFINE test_eax,eax 85C0
DEFINE test_ecx,ecx 85C9
DEFINE test_r8,r8 4D85C0
DEFINE test_r15,r15 4D85FF
DEFINE xor_ecx,ecx 31C9
DEFINE xor_edx,edx 31D2
DEFINE xor_esi,esi 31F6
DEFINE xor_r8,r8 4D31C0
DEFINE xor_r9,r9 4D31C9
DEFINE xor_r15,r15 4D31FF
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
mov_rbp,rsp # save stack pointer
mov_[rip+DWORD],rcx %image_handle # save image_handle
mov_rbx,rcx # save image_handle
mov_rax,[rdx+BYTE] !64 # system->out
mov_[rip+DWORD],rax %system_out # save system->out
mov_r14,[rdx+BYTE] !96 # system->boot
xor_ecx,ecx # timeout = 0
xor_edx,edx # watchdog_code = 0
xor_r8,r8 # data_size = 0
xor_r9,r9 # watchdog_data = 0
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+DWORD] %240 # system->boot->set_watchdog_timer
# Open Loaded Image protocol
mov_r9,rbx # arg4 = image_handle
mov_rcx,rbx # arg1 = image_handle
call %open_protocol # open protocol
mov_rdi,rax # save image
mov_[rip+DWORD],rax %image # save image
# Get root file system
mov_r9,rbx # arg4 = image_handle
mov_rcx,[rdi+BYTE] !24 # arg1 = root_device = image->device
mov_[rip+DWORD],rcx %root_device # save root_device
call %open_protocol # open protocol
mov_rcx,rax # get rootfs
# Get root directory
lea_rdx,[rip+DWORD] %rootdir # arg2 = &rootdir
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !8 # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
# Push command line arguments onto stack
mov_rbx,[rdi+BYTE] !56 # options = image->load_options
mov_rdx,rbx # save beginning of load_options
add_rbx,[rdi+BYTE] !48 # go to the end of load_options
push !0 # Save end of arguments (NULL) onto stack
cmp_rbx,rdx # Check if we are done
je8 !loop_options_done # We are done
sub_rbx, !2 # --options
mov_al,[rbx] # *options
cmp_al, !0x20 # if *options != ' '
jne8 !loop_options # then continue looping
mov_[rbx], !0 # zero it
add_rbx, !2 # ++options
push_rbx # push another argument onto stack
jmp8 !loop_options # next argument
pop_r8 # get input file
test_r8,r8 # Check if argument is specified
jne8 !arg_done # then use it
# Else use default_file
lea_r8,[rip+DWORD] %default_file # Use "kaem.amd64"
# Open file for reading
push_rdx # allocate stack for fin
mov_rdx,rsp # arg2 = &fin
push !1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push !1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop_r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
# arg3 = script
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %rootdir # arg1 = rootdir
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !8 # rootdir->open()
test_eax,eax # if status != EFI_SUCCESS
jne %abort # then exit without closing file
mov_r12,[rsp+BYTE] !40 # get fin
# Allocate pool for command
xor_edx,edx # zero RDX
mov_dh, !0x10 # arg2 = 4096 = 0x1000
call %allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov_rbx,rax # get command
xor_esi,esi # i = 0
xor_r15,r15 # command_length = 0
call %read_byte # read another byte c
cmp_al, !0xa # if c == '\n'
je8 !read_command_done # then we are done with this command
cmp_al, !0x20 # if c == ' '
jne8 !read_command_comments
test_r15,r15 # and command_length == 0
jne8 !read_command_comments
mov_r15,rsi # command_length = i
cmp_al, !0x23 # if c == '#' then process comment
jne8 !read_command_store_char # else store char
call %read_byte # get another char
cmp_al, !0xa # if c == '\n'
jne8 !read_command_skip_comment # continue reading until newline
jmp8 !next_command # deal with another line
add_rbx,rsi # rbx = &command[i]
mov_[rbx],ax # command[i] = c
sub_rbx,rsi # rbx = &command[0]
add_rsi, !2 # location of the next char
jmp8 !read_command # continue looping
test_r15,r15 # if command_length == 0
je8 !next_command # deal with another line
add_rbx,rsi # rbx = &command[i]
mov_[rbx],WORD @0 # command[i] = 0
sub_rbx,rsi # rbx = &command[0]
add_rsi, !2 # add 2 to get string length with NULL terminator
lea_rdx,[rip+DWORD] %prefix # get prefix " +> "
call %File_Print # print it
mov_rdx,rbx # get command
call %File_Print # print it
lea_rdx,[rip+DWORD] %suffix # get suffix "\n\r"
call %File_Print # print it
# Remove command line options
add_r15,rbx # go to the space separating command and its options
mov_[r15],WORD @0 # zero it to hide command line options
# Open executable file for reading
push_rdx # allocate stack for fcmd
mov_rdx,rsp # arg2 = &fcmd
push !1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push !1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop_r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov_r8,rbx # arg3 = command
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %rootdir # arg1 = rootdir
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !8 # rootdir->open()
test_eax,eax # if status != EFI_SUCCESS
jne %print_error # then exit
add_rsp, !40 # deallocate stack
pop_rdi # get fcmd
# Restore command line arguments
mov_[r15],WORD @0x20 # restore command line options by readding ' '
# Allocate pool for file_info
xor_edx,edx # zero RDX
mov_dh, !0x10 # arg2 = 4096 = 0x1000
call %allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov_r9,rax # get file_info (arg4 for get_info)
# Get file info
push_rax # save file_info
push_rax # allocate stack for file_size
mov_r8,rsp # arg3 = &file_size
mov_[r8], %0x1000 # file_size = 0x1000
mov_rcx,rdi # arg1 = fcmd
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !64 # fcmd->get_info(fcmd, &guid, &file_size, file_info)
add_rsp, !40 # deallocate stack
pop_rcx # restore file_info
mov_rdx,[rcx+BYTE] !8 # get file_size
# Free file_info pool
push_rdx # save file_size onto stack
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+BYTE] !72 # system->boot->free_pool(file_info)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rdx # restore file_size from stack (arg2 for allocate_pool)
# Allocate pool for executable
push_rdx # save file_size onto stack
call %allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov_r15,rax # get executable
pop_rdx # restore file_size
# Load executable into memory
push_rdx # save file_size onto stack
mov_r8,r15 # arg3 = executable
mov_rdx,rsp # arg2 = &file_size
mov_rcx,rdi # arg1 = fcmd
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call_[rcx+BYTE] !32 # fcmd->read(fcmd, &file_size, executable)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
# Close fcmd
push_rax # allocate stack
mov_rcx,rdi # arg1 = fcmd
call_[rcx+BYTE] !16 # fcmd->close(fcmd)
pop_rax # restore stack
pop_rdi # restore file_size
# Allocate memory for device_path struct
push !28 # 4 + sizeof(struct efi_device_path_protocol)
pop_rdx # arg2 = 28
call %allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov_r8,rax # get device_path
# Initialize struct
mov_[rax],BYTE !1 # device_path->type = HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH
inc_rax # next member
mov_[rax],BYTE !3 # device_path->subtype = MEMORY_MAPPED
inc_rax # next member
mov_[rax],WORD @24 # device_path->length = 24
add_rax, !2 # next member
mov_[rax], %1 # device_path->memory_type = EFI_LOADER_CODE
add_rax, !4 # next member
mov_[rax],r15 # device_path->start_address = executable
add_rax, !8 # next member
add_r15,rdi # end_address = executable + file_size
mov_[rax],r15 # device_path->end_address = end_address
sub_r15,rdi # restore r15 = executable
add_rax, !8 # next member
mov_[rax],BYTE !0x7f # device_path[1].type = END_HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH
inc_rax # next member
mov_[rax],BYTE !0xff # device_path[1].subtype = END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH
inc_rax # next member
mov_[rax],WORD @4 # device_path[1].length = 4
# Load image
push_r8 # save device_path
push_rax # allocate stack for child_ih
push_rsp # arg6 = &child_ih
push_rdi # arg5 = file size
mov_r9,r15 # arg4 = executable
# arg3 = device_path
mov_rdx,[rip+DWORD] %image_handle # arg2 = image_handle
xor_ecx,ecx # arg1 = 0
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+DWORD] %200 # system->boot->load_image()
add_rsp, !48 # deallocate stack
pop_rdi # save child_ih
# Free device_path pool
pop_rcx # arg1 = device_path
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+BYTE] !72 # system->boot->free_pool(device_path)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
# Free executable pool
mov_rcx,r15 # arg1 = executable
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+BYTE] !72 # system->boot->free_pool(executable)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
# Open Child Image
mov_r9,rdi # arg4 = child_ih
push_rdx # save &LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL
mov_rcx,r9 # arg1 = child_ih
call %open_protocol # open protocol
mov_[rax+BYTE],rbx !56 # child_image->load_options = command
mov_[rax+BYTE],rsi !48 # set child_image->load_options_size
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %image # get image
mov_rcx,[rcx+BYTE] !24 # image->device
mov_[rax+BYTE],rcx !24 # child_image->device = image->device
mov_r8,rdi # arg3 = image_handle
pop_rdx # arg2 = &LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL
mov_rcx,r8 # arg1 = image_handle
call %close_protocol # close protocol
# Run command
xor_r8,r8 # arg3 = 0 (ExitData)
xor_edx,edx # arg2 = 0 (ExitData size)
mov_rcx,rdi # arg1 = child_ih
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call_[r14+DWORD] %208 # system->boot->start_image()
pop_rcx # deallocate stack
pop_rcx # deallocate stack
pop_rcx # deallocate stack
test_eax,eax # check if return code is 0
jne8 !print_error # print error and exit
jmp %next_command # process another line from kaem script
push_rax # save exit code
lea_rdx,[rip+DWORD] %subprocess_error # get error message
call %File_Print # print it
pop_rax # restore exit code
# Close script file and exit
# Free pool
mov_rcx,rbx # arg1 = command
push_rax # save exit code
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+BYTE] !72 # system->boot->free_pool(commmand)
mov_rcx,r12 # arg1 = fin
call_[rcx+BYTE] !16 # fin->close(fin)
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %rootdir # arg1 = rootdir
call_[rcx+BYTE] !16 # rootdir->close(rootdir)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # restore exit code
# Exit without closing script file
mov_r8,[rip+DWORD] %image_handle # arg3 = image_handle
push_r8 # save image_handle
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %root_device # arg1 = root_device
call %close_protocol # close protocol
pop_r8 # arg3 = image_handle
mov_rcx,r8 # arg1 = image_handle
call %close_protocol # close protocol
mov_rsp,rbp # restore stack
ret # return to UEFI
# File_Print function
# Receives WCHAR* in RDX
mov_rcx,[rip+DWORD] %system_out # get system_out
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !8 # system->out->output_string(system->out, WCHAR*)
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
# read_byte function
# reads a single character
mov_rcx,r12 # arg1 = fin
push !1 # size = 1
mov_rdx,rsp # arg2 = &size
2022-10-09 21:35:00 +01:00
push !0 # allocate stack
mov_r8,rsp # arg3 = &c
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push_rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[rcx+BYTE] !32 # fin->read()
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # deallocate stack
pop_rax # save c to rax
pop_rcx # save size to rcx
# If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
test_ecx,ecx # if size = 0
je8 !terminate # then we are done
ret # return
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r9: agent_handle
# returns interface
push_rax # allocate stack for interface
mov_r8,rsp # arg3 = &interface
push !0 # arg5 = NULL
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+DWORD] %280 # system->boot->open_protocol(handle, &guid, &interface, agent_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add_rsp, !48 # deallocate stack
pop_rax # get interface
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r8: agent_handle
xor_r9,r9 # arg4 = NULL
sub_rsp, !32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call_[r14+DWORD] %288 # system->boot->close_protocol(handle, &guid, agent_handle, 0)
add_rsp, !32 # deallocate stack
# rdx: number of bytes to allocate
# r14: system->boot
# returns pointer in rax
push_rdx # allocate stack for pool pointer
mov_r8,rsp # arg3 = &pool
push !2
pop_rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
sub_rsp, !24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call_[r14+BYTE] !64 # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 2048, &pool)
add_rsp, !24 # deallocate stack
pop_rax # get pool
# Protocol GUIDs
!0x8e !0x3f !0 !0xa0 !0xc9 !0x69 !0x72 !0x3b
!0x8e !0x39 !0 !0xa0 !0xc9 !0x69 !0x72 !0x3b
!0x8e !0x39 !0 !0xa0 !0xc9 !0x69 !0x72 !0x3b
"k" "a" "e" "m" "." "a" "m" "d" "6" "4" @0
" " "+" ">" " " @0
"S" "u" "b" "p" "r" "o" "c" "e" "s" "s" " "
"e" "r" "r" "o" "r"
!0xa !0 !0xd !0 @0 # L"\n\r"
%0 %0
%0 %0
%0 %0
%0 %0
%0 %0