# stage0-uefi This is a port of stage0-posix (https://github.com/oriansj/stage0-posix) to UEFI. ## Usage `make build/disk.img` will create bootable images with stage0-uefi. You can use `dd` to write them on bootable media. `make qemu` will create disk image and launch it in QEMU. To test this in QEMU, you need to provide some QEMU compatible UEFI implementation. In particular, you can use Tianocore's OVMF. `make qemu` is looking for it in a few paths where distros tend to install it. If not you can specify it via `make qemu OVMF_IMG=/path/to/OVMF_CODE.fd` ## Minimal images It is possible to create images without `kaem-optional-seed.efi` that contain only `hex0-seed.efi`. Those are a bit less automated but if your UEFI implementation lets you to pass command line arguments, you can recreate kaem using just hex0. - `make MINIMAL=1 qemu`. - Open UEFI settings (often F2 but it varies from system to system). - Go to `Add Boot option` and pick appropriate boot volume that contains `hex0-seed.efi`. - Pick `\bootstrap-seeds\UEFI\amd64\hex0-seed.efi`. - Description can be anything, say `kaem-seed`. - Optional Data has to be `hex0 amd64\kaem-minimal.hex0 EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi`. - Save boot entry and boot it. This will build kaem-minimal and exit. - Now boot normally from bootable media.