/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Andrius Štikonas * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #define MSR_EFER (0x60000080 + 0x60000000) #define MSR_STAR (0x60000081 + 0x60000000) #define MSR_LSTAR (0x60000082 + 0x60000000) void* syscall_table; int prev_tpl; #define MAX_MEMORY_PER_PROC (768 * 1024 * 1024) #define __FILEDES_MAX 4096 struct mem_block { void* address; int length; }; struct process { struct process* parent; void* entry_point; void* brk; void* saved_brk; void* stack; void* saved_stack_pointer; mem_block program; mem_block saved_program; mem_block saved_stack; mem_block saved_memory; int child_exit_code; int forked; int fd_map[__FILEDES_MAX]; int argc; int envc; char **argv; char **envp; }; struct process* current_process; void* _brk; void* _get_stack() { asm("mov_rax,rsp"); } void* get_stack() { /* Adjust to stack depth of _get_stack function */ return _get_stack() + (7 * sizeof(void *)); } int extract_field(char* file_data, int position, int length) { void* data; memcpy(&data, file_data + position, length); return data; } int load_elf(FILE* file_in, struct process* current) { int file_size = fseek(file_in, 0, SEEK_END); char* file_data = calloc(1, file_size + 0x1000); /* Allocate extra space in case application tries to use it */ if (file_data == NULL) { fputs("Could not allocate memory to load ELF file.", stderr); exit(1); } rewind(file_in); fread(file_data, 1, file_size, file_in); fclose(file_in); if ((file_data[0] != 0x7F) || (file_data[1] != 'E') || (file_data[2] != 'L') || (file_data[3] != 'F')) { return 1; } current->program.address = file_data; current->program.length = file_size; return 0; } void* entry_point(char* raw_elf) { int entry_point = extract_field(raw_elf, 24, 8); int header_table = extract_field(raw_elf, 32, 8); int base_address = extract_field(raw_elf, header_table + 0x10, 8); return entry_point - base_address + raw_elf; } void jump(void* start_address, int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { /* Make a copy of argv */ current_process->argc = argc; current_process->argv = calloc(argc + 1, sizeof(char *)); int i; size_t length; for (i = 0; i < argc; i += 1) { length = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; current_process->argv[i] = malloc(length); memcpy(current_process->argv[i], argv[i], length); } current_process->argv[argc] = 0; /* Make a copy of envp */ current_process->envc = 0; char** e = envp; for (; *e != 0; e += sizeof(char *)) { current_process->envc += 1; } current_process->envp = calloc(current_process->envc + 1, sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < current_process->envc; i += 1) { length = strlen(envp[i]) + 1; current_process->envp[i] = malloc(length); memcpy(current_process->envp[i], envp[i], length); } current_process->envp[current_process->envc] = 0; /* Prepare stack of the new executable */ current_process->stack = get_stack(); for (i = current_process->envc; i >= 0; i -= 1) { current_process->envp[i]; asm("push_rax"); } for (i = argc; i >= 0; i -= 1) { current_process->argv[i]; asm("push_rax"); } argc; asm("push_rax"); asm("lea_rcx,[rbp+DWORD] %-8" "mov_rcx,[rcx]" "jmp_rcx" ); } void init_io() { current_process->fd_map[STDIN_FILENO] = STDIN_FILENO; current_process->fd_map[STDOUT_FILENO] = STDOUT_FILENO; current_process->fd_map[STDERR_FILENO] = STDERR_FILENO; } int find_free_fd() { int i; for (i = 3; i < __FILEDES_MAX; i += 1) { if (current_process->fd_map[i] == NULL) { return i; } } return -1; } int sys_read(int fd, char* buf, unsigned count, void, void, void) { return read(current_process->fd_map[fd], buf, count); } int sys_write(int fd, char* buf, unsigned count, void, void, void) { return write(current_process->fd_map[fd], buf, count); } int sys_open(char* name, int flag, int mode, void, void, void) { int rval; int fd; rval = open(name, flag, mode); if (rval == -1) { return rval; } fd = find_free_fd(); current_process->fd_map[fd] = rval; return fd; } int sys_close(int fd, void, void, void, void, void) { int rval; rval = close(current_process->fd_map[fd]); current_process->fd_map[fd] = NULL; return rval; } int sys_lseek(int fd, int offset, int whence, void, void, void) { return lseek(current_process->fd_map[fd], offset, whence); } int sys_brk(void* addr, void, void, void, void, void) { if (current_process->brk == NULL) { current_process->brk = _brk; } if (addr == NULL) { return current_process->brk; } else { memset(current_process->brk, 0, addr - current_process->brk); current_process->brk = addr; return current_process->brk; } } int sys_access(char* pathname, int mode, void, void, void, void) { return access(pathname, mode); } int sys_fork(void, void, void, void, void, void) { current_process->saved_brk = current_process->brk; current_process->saved_stack_pointer = get_stack(); current_process->forked = TRUE; current_process->saved_stack.length = current_process->stack - current_process->saved_stack_pointer; current_process->saved_stack.address = malloc(current_process->saved_stack.length); if (current_process->saved_stack.address == NULL ) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for saved process stack.", stderr); exit(1); } memcpy(current_process->saved_stack.address, current_process->saved_stack_pointer, current_process->saved_stack.length); current_process->saved_memory.length = current_process->brk - _brk; current_process->saved_memory.address = malloc(current_process->saved_memory.length); if (current_process->saved_stack.address == NULL ) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for saved process memory.", stderr); exit(1); } memcpy(current_process->saved_memory.address, _brk, current_process->saved_memory.length); current_process->saved_program.length = current_process->program.length; current_process->saved_program.address = malloc(current_process->saved_program.length); if (current_process->saved_program.address == NULL ) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for saved process.", stderr); exit(1); } memcpy(current_process->saved_program.address, current_process->program.address, current_process->saved_program.length); return 0; /* return as child */ } int sys_execve(char* file_name, char** argv, char** envp, void, void, void) { if (current_process->forked) { struct process* new; new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct process)); if (new == NULL) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for new process metadata.", stderr); exit(1); } new->parent = current_process; current_process->forked = FALSE; /* fork was handled */ current_process = new; init_io(); } // else { // restore_stack(current_process->saved_stack); // FIXME // } FILE* file_in; file_in = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (file_in == NULL) { return -1; } int rval; rval = load_elf(file_in, current_process); if (rval == 1) { return -1; } current_process->entry_point = entry_point(current_process->program.address); int argc; for(argc = 0; argv[argc] != 0; argc += 1) {} jump(current_process->entry_point, argc, argv, envp); } void sys_exit(unsigned value, void, void, void, void, void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < current_process->argc; i += 1) { free(current_process->argv[i]); } free(current_process->argv); for (i = 0; i < current_process->envc; i += 1) { free(current_process->envp[i]); } free(current_process->envp); for (i = 3; i < __FILEDES_MAX; i += 1) { if (current_process->fd_map[i] != NULL) { sys_close(i, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } if (current_process->parent == NULL) { exit(value); } current_process->parent->child_exit_code = value; struct process* child; child = current_process; current_process = current_process->parent; free(child); memcpy(current_process->saved_stack_pointer, current_process->saved_stack.address, current_process->saved_stack.length); memcpy(_brk, current_process->saved_memory.address, current_process->saved_memory.length); memcpy(current_process->program.address, current_process->saved_program.address, current_process->saved_program.length); free(current_process->saved_stack.address); free(current_process->saved_memory.address); free(current_process->saved_program.address); current_process->brk = current_process->saved_brk; current_process->saved_stack_pointer; /* Simulate return from sys_fork() */ asm("mov_rsp,rax" "mov_rax, %1" "ret" ); } int sys_wait4(int pid, int* status_ptr, int options) { *status_ptr = current_process->child_exit_code << 8; return 0; } int sys_uname(struct utsname* unameData) { return uname(unameData); } int sys_getcwd(char* buf, int size, void, void, void, void) { return getcwd(buf, size); } int sys_chdir(char* path, void, void, void, void, void) { return chdir(path); } int sys_fchdir(int fd, void, void, void, void, void) { return fchdir(current_process->fd_map[fd]); } int sys_mkdir(char const* a, mode_t b, void, void, void, void) { return mkdir(a, b); } int sys_unlink(char* filename, void, void, void, void, void) { return unlink(filename); } int sys_chroot(char const *path) { return chroot(path); } void init_syscalls() { syscall_table = calloc(300, sizeof(void *)); if (syscall_table == NULL) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for syscall table.", stderr); exit(1); } syscall_table[0] = sys_read; syscall_table[1] = sys_write; syscall_table[2] = sys_open; syscall_table[3] = sys_close; syscall_table[8] = sys_lseek; syscall_table[12] = sys_brk; syscall_table[21] = sys_access; syscall_table[57] = sys_fork; syscall_table[59] = sys_execve; syscall_table[60] = sys_exit; syscall_table[61] = sys_wait4; syscall_table[63] = sys_uname; syscall_table[79] = sys_getcwd; syscall_table[80] = sys_chdir; syscall_table[81] = sys_fchdir; syscall_table[83] = sys_mkdir; syscall_table[87] = sys_unlink; syscall_table[161] = sys_chroot; } void wrmsr(unsigned msr, int low, int high) { asm("lea_rcx,[rbp+DWORD] %-8" "mov_rcx,[rcx]" "lea_rax,[rbp+DWORD] %-16" "mov_rax,[rax]" "lea_rdx,[rbp+DWORD] %-24" "mov_rdx,[rdx]" "wrmsr" ); } void wrmsrl(unsigned msr, long value) { wrmsr(msr, value && 0xFFFFFFFF, value >> 32); } ulong rdmsrl(unsigned msr) { asm("lea_rcx,[rbp+DWORD] %-8" "mov_rcx,[rcx]" "rdmsr" "shr_rdx, !20" "add_rax,rdx" ); } void _entry_syscall(long syscall, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3, long arg4, long arg5, long arg6) { FUNCTION process_syscall = syscall_table[syscall]; if (process_syscall != NULL) { int rval; __uefi_1(prev_tpl, _system->boot_services->restore_tpl); rval = process_syscall(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); __uefi_1(TPL_HIGH_LEVEL, _system->boot_services->raise_tpl); return rval; } /* Unsupported syscall */ return 0; } void entry_syscall() { /* Fix SS register */ asm("push_rax" "mov_rax, %0x30" "mov_ss,eax" "pop_rax" ); /* Save registers */ asm("push_rcx" "push_rbx" "push_rbp" "push_r12" "push_r13" "push_r14" "push_r15" ); asm("mov_rbp,rsp" "push_rax" "push_rdi" "push_rsi" "push_rdx" "push_r10" "push_r8" "push_r9" "call %FUNCTION__entry_syscall" "pop_r9" "pop_r8" "pop_r10" "pop_rdx" "pop_rsi" "pop_rdi" "pop_rbx" /* rax is return code, do not overwrite it */ ); /* Restore registers */ asm("pop_r15" "pop_r14" "pop_r13" "pop_r12" "pop_rbp" "pop_rbx" "pop_rcx" ); /* Jump back to POSIX program */ asm("jmp_rcx"); } int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { if (argc < 2) { fputs("Usage: ", stderr); fputs(argv[0], stderr); fputs(" [arguments]\n", stderr); exit(1); } FILE* file_in = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (file_in == NULL) { fputs("Error opening input file.\n", stderr); exit(2); } current_process = calloc(1, sizeof(struct process)); if (current_process == NULL) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for current process metadata.", stderr); exit(3); } init_io(); _brk = malloc(MAX_MEMORY_PER_PROC); if (_brk == NULL) { fputs("Could not allocate memory for brk area.", stderr); exit(4); } /* Load binary into memory */ int rval = load_elf(file_in, current_process); if (rval == 1) { fputs("ELF magic header was not found.\n", stderr); exit(5); } prev_tpl = __uefi_1(TPL_HIGH_LEVEL, _system->boot_services->raise_tpl); current_process->entry_point = entry_point(current_process->program.address); ulong msr_efer = rdmsrl(MSR_EFER); msr_efer |= 1; /* Enable syscalls */ ulong msr_star = rdmsrl(MSR_STAR); msr_star |= 0x38 << 32; wrmsrl(MSR_STAR, msr_star); wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, msr_efer); wrmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, entry_syscall); init_syscalls(); int argc0 = 1; /* skip argv[0] since it contains the name of efi binary */ jump(current_process->entry_point, argc - 1, argv + sizeof(char *), envp); return 1; }