/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include "efi/efi.h" #define EOF -4 #define EXIT_FAILURE 1 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define max_string 4096 typedef struct efi_file_protocol FILE; struct entry { struct entry* next; unsigned target; char* name; }; /* Globals */ FILE* output; struct entry* jump_table; int Base_Address; int ip; char* scratch; struct efi_boot_table *boot; efi_handle_t efi_image_handle; struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *stdout; char c; char fgetc(FILE* fin) { uint64_t size = 1; fin->read(fin, &size, &c); if (size == 0) { c = EOF; } uint16_t temp; temp = c; return c; } __attribute__((noreturn)) void exit(efi_status_t exit_code) { boot->exit(efi_image_handle, exit_code, 0); __builtin_unreachable(); } void* memset(void* ptr, int value, int num) { char* s; for(s = ptr; 0 < num; num = num - 1) { s[0] = value; s = s + 1; } return ptr; } void* malloc(unsigned size) { uint16_t *pool; boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, size, (void **) &pool); return pool; } void* calloc(int count, int size) { void* ret = malloc(count * size); if(NULL == ret) return NULL; memset(ret, 0, (count * size)); return ret; } char fputc(char c, FILE* fout) { uint64_t size = 1; fout->write(fout, &size, &c); return c; } int match(char* a, char* b) { if((NULL == a) && (NULL == b)) return TRUE; if(NULL == a) return FALSE; if(NULL == b) return FALSE; int i = -1; do { i = i + 1; if(a[i] != b[i]) { return FALSE; } } while((0 != a[i]) && (0 !=b[i])); return TRUE; } int in_set(int c, char* s) { /* NULL set is always false */ if(NULL == s) return FALSE; while(0 != s[0]) { if(c == s[0]) return TRUE; s = s + 1; } return FALSE; } int consume_token(FILE* source_file) { int i = 0; int c = fgetc(source_file); while(!in_set(c, " \t\n>")) { scratch[i] = c; i = i + 1; c = fgetc(source_file); if(EOF == c) break; } return c; } int Throwaway_token(FILE* source_file) { int c; do { c = fgetc(source_file); if(EOF == c) break; } while(!in_set(c, " \t\n>")); return c; } int length(char* s) { int i = 0; while(0 != s[i]) i = i + 1; return i; } void Clear_Scratch(char* s) { do { s[0] = 0; s = s + 1; } while(0 != s[0]); } void Copy_String(char* a, char* b) { while(0 != a[0]) { b[0] = a[0]; a = a + 1; b = b + 1; } } unsigned GetTarget(char* c) { struct entry* i; for(i = jump_table; NULL != i; i = i->next) { if(match(c, i->name)) { return i->target; } } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int storeLabel(FILE* source_file, int ip) { struct entry* entry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct entry)); /* Ensure we have target address */ entry->target = ip; /* Prepend to list */ entry->next = jump_table; jump_table = entry; /* Store string */ int c = consume_token(source_file); entry->name = calloc(length(scratch) + 1, sizeof(char)); Copy_String(scratch, entry->name); Clear_Scratch(scratch); return c; } void outputPointer(int displacement, int number_of_bytes) { unsigned value = displacement; while(number_of_bytes > 0) { unsigned byte = value % 256; value = value / 256; fputc(byte, output); number_of_bytes = number_of_bytes - 1; } } void Update_Pointer(char ch) { /* Calculate pointer size*/ if(in_set(ch, "%&")) ip = ip + 4; /* Deal with % and & */ else if(in_set(ch, "@$")) ip = ip + 2; /* Deal with @ and $ */ else if('!' == ch) ip = ip + 1; /* Deal with ! */ else exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void storePointer(char ch, FILE* source_file) { /* Get string of pointer */ Clear_Scratch(scratch); Update_Pointer(ch); int base_sep_p = consume_token(source_file); /* Lookup token */ int target = GetTarget(scratch); int displacement; int base = ip; /* Change relative base address to : */ if ('>' == base_sep_p) { Clear_Scratch(scratch); consume_token (source_file); base = GetTarget (scratch); } displacement = target - base; /* output calculated difference */ if('!' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 1); /* Deal with ! */ else if('$' == ch) outputPointer(target, 2); /* Deal with $ */ else if('@' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 2); /* Deal with @ */ else if('&' == ch) outputPointer(target, 4); /* Deal with & */ else if('%' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 4); /* Deal with % */ else exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void line_Comment(FILE* source_file) { int c = fgetc(source_file); while(!in_set(c, "\n\r")) { if(EOF == c) break; c = fgetc(source_file); } } int hex(int c, FILE* source_file) { if (in_set(c, "0123456789")) return (c - 48); else if (in_set(c, "abcdef")) return (c - 87); else if (in_set(c, "ABCDEF")) return (c - 55); else if (in_set(c, "#;")) line_Comment(source_file); return -1; } int hold; int toggle; void process_byte(char c, FILE* source_file, int write) { if(0 <= hex(c, source_file)) { if(toggle) { if(write) fputc(((hold * 16)) + hex(c, source_file), output); ip = ip + 1; hold = 0; } else { hold = hex(c, source_file); } toggle = !toggle; } } void first_pass(FILE* input) { toggle = FALSE; int c; for(c = fgetc(input); EOF != c; c = fgetc(input)) { /* Check for and deal with label */ if(':' == c) { c = storeLabel(input, ip); } /* check for and deal with relative/absolute pointers to labels */ if(in_set(c, "!@$~%&")) { /* deal with 1byte pointer !; 2byte pointers (@ and $); 3byte pointers ~; 4byte pointers (% and &) */ Update_Pointer(c); c = Throwaway_token(input); if ('>' == c) { /* deal with label>base */ c = Throwaway_token(input); } } else process_byte(c, input, FALSE); } } void second_pass(FILE* input) { toggle = FALSE; hold = 0; int c; for(c = fgetc(input); EOF != c; c = fgetc(input)) { if(':' == c) c = Throwaway_token(input); /* Deal with : */ else if(in_set(c, "!@$~%&")) storePointer(c, input); /* Deal with !, @, $, ~, % and & */ else process_byte(c, input, TRUE); } } void rewind(FILE* f) { f->set_position(f, 0); } efi_status_t efi_main(efi_handle_t image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system) { struct efi_loaded_image_protocol *image; struct efi_simple_file_system_protocol *rootfs; struct efi_file_protocol *rootdir; struct efi_guid guid1 = EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL_GUID; struct efi_guid guid2 = EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL_GUID; boot = system->boot; efi_image_handle = image_handle; stdout = system->out; /* Open Loaded Image protocol */ boot->open_protocol(image_handle, &guid1, (void **) &image, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL); /* Get root file system */ efi_handle_t root_device = image->device; boot->open_protocol(root_device, &guid2, (void **) &rootfs, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL); /* Get root directory */ rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir); /* Command line args */ uint16_t *options = image->load_options; uint16_t *in; uint16_t *out; do { ++options; } while (*options != ' '); /* Skip application name */ in = ++options; do { ++options; } while (*options != ' '); *options = 0; out = ++options; /* Open file for writing */ struct efi_file_protocol *fout; rootdir->open(rootdir, &fout, out, EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE| EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); /* Open file for reading */ struct efi_file_protocol *input; rootdir->open(rootdir, &input, in, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY); jump_table = NULL; Base_Address = 0x00600000; output = fout; scratch = calloc(max_string + 1, sizeof(char)); /* Get all of the labels */ ip = Base_Address; first_pass(input); rewind(input); /* Fix all the references*/ ip = Base_Address; second_pass(input); input->close(input); output->close(output); rootdir->close(rootdir); boot->close_protocol(root_device, &guid2, image_handle, 0); boot->close_protocol(image_handle, &guid1, image_handle, 0); return 0; }