
138 lines
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.text # section declaration
# we must export the entry point to the ELF linker or loader.
# They convientionally recognize _start as their entry point.
# Use ld -e main to override the default if you wish
.global _start
# Purge Comment Lines
cmp $35, %rax
je purge_comment
# deal all ascii less than 0
cmp $48, %rax
jl ascii_other
# deal with 0-9
cmp $58, %rax
jl ascii_num
# deal with all ascii less than A
cmp $65, %rax
jl ascii_other
# deal with A-F
cmp $71, %rax
jl ascii_high
#deal with all ascii less than a
cmp $97, %rax
jl ascii_other
#deal with a-f
cmp $103, %rax
jl ascii_low
# The rest that remains needs to be ignored
jmp ascii_other
# Attempt to read 1 byte from STDIN
mov $1, %rdx # set the size of chars we want
mov $input, %rsi # Where to put it
mov $0, %rdi # Where are we reading from
mov $0, %rax # the syscall number for read
syscall # call the Kernel
test %rax, %rax # check what we got
jz Done # Got EOF call it done
# load byte
movb input, %al # load char
movzx %al, %rax # We have to zero extend it to use it
# Loop if not LF
cmp $10, %rax
jne purge_comment
# Otherwise return -1
mov $-1, %rax
sub $48, %rax
sub $87, %rax
sub $55, %rax
mov $-1, %rax
# Our flag for byte processing
mov $-1, %r15
# temp storage for the sum
mov $0, %r14
# Attempt to read 1 byte from STDIN
mov $1, %rdx # set the size of chars we want
mov $input, %rsi # Where to put it
mov $0, %rdi # Where are we reading from
mov $0, %rax # the syscall number for read
syscall # call the Kernel
test %rax, %rax # check what we got
jz Done # Got EOF call it done
# load byte
movb input, %al # load char
movzx %al, %rax # We have to zero extend it to use it
# process byte
call hex
# deal with -1 values
cmp $0, %rax
jl loop
# deal with toggle
cmp $0, %r15
jge print
# process first byte of pair
mov %rax, %r14
mov $0, %r15
jmp loop
# process second byte of pair
# update the sum and store in output
shl $4, %r14
add %r14, %rax
mov %al, output
# flip the toggle
mov $-1, %r15
# Print our first Hex
mov $1, %rdx # set the size of chars we want
mov $output, %rsi # What we are writing
mov $1, %rdi # Stdout File Descriptor
mov $1, %rax # the syscall number for write
syscall # call the Kernel
jmp loop
# program completed Successfully
mov $0, %rdi # All is well
mov $60, %rax # put the exit syscall number in eax
syscall # Call it a good day
# Our writable space
read_size = 2
.byte read_size
.byte 0x00