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2017-04-01 22:26:44 +01:00
/* Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians
* This file is part of stage0.
2017-03-29 01:25:39 +01:00
* stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with stage0. If not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef VM256
typedef __int512_t signed_wide_register;
typedef __uint512_t unsigned_wide_register;
typedef __int256_t signed_vm_register;
typedef __uint256_t unsigned_vm_register;
#define umax 256
#define imax 255
#define reg_size 32
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
#define arch_name "knight256-base"
#elif VM128
typedef __int256_t signed_wide_register;
typedef __uint256_t unsigned_wide_register;
typedef __int128_t signed_vm_register;
typedef __uint128_t unsigned_vm_register;
#define umax 128
#define imax 127
#define reg_size 16
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
#define arch_name "knight128-base"
#elif VM64
typedef __int128_t signed_wide_register;
typedef __uint128_t unsigned_wide_register;
typedef int64_t signed_vm_register;
typedef uint64_t unsigned_vm_register;
#define umax 64
#define imax 63
#define reg_size 8
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
#define arch_name "knight64-base"
#elif VM32
typedef int64_t signed_wide_register;
typedef uint64_t unsigned_wide_register;
typedef int32_t signed_vm_register;
typedef uint32_t unsigned_vm_register;
#define umax 32
#define imax 31
#define reg_size 4
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
#define arch_name "knight32-base"
typedef int32_t signed_wide_register;
typedef uint32_t unsigned_wide_register;
typedef int16_t signed_vm_register;
typedef uint16_t unsigned_vm_register;
#define umax 16
#define imax 15
#define reg_size 2
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
#define arch_name "knight16-base"
/* Virtual machine state */
struct lilith
uint8_t *memory;
size_t amount_of_Ram;
unsigned_vm_register reg[16];
unsigned_vm_register ip;
bool halted;
bool exception;
/* Unpacked instruction */
struct Instruction
unsigned_vm_register ip;
uint8_t raw0, raw1, raw2, raw3;
char opcode[3];
uint32_t raw_XOP;
char XOP[6];
char operation[9];
int16_t raw_Immediate;
char Immediate[7];
uint32_t HAL_CODE;
uint8_t reg0;
uint8_t reg1;
uint8_t reg2;
uint8_t reg3;
bool invalid;
2016-08-09 01:10:46 +01:00
/* Prototypes for functions in vm_instructions.c*/
void vm_EXIT(struct lilith* vm, uint64_t performance_counter);
void vm_CHMOD(struct lilith* vm);
2019-03-09 16:01:29 +00:00
void vm_UNAME(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FOPEN(struct lilith* vm);
2016-08-09 01:10:46 +01:00
void vm_FOPEN_READ(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FOPEN_WRITE(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FCLOSE(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FSEEK(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_REWIND(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FGETC(struct lilith* vm);
void vm_FPUTC(struct lilith* vm);
2017-06-18 03:51:28 +01:00
void vm_HAL_MEM(struct lilith* vm);
2016-08-09 01:10:46 +01:00
void ADD_CI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADD_CO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADD_CIO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDU_CI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDU_CO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDU_CIO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUB_BI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUB_BO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUB_BIO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBU_BI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBU_BO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBU_BIO(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MULTIPLY(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MULTIPLYU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void DIVIDE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void DIVIDEU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MUX(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NMUX(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SORT(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SORTU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADD(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUB(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMP(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MUL(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MULH(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MULU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MULUH(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void DIV(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MOD(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void DIVU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MODU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MAX(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MAXU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MIN(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MINU(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void AND(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void OR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void XOR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NAND(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NOR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void XNOR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MPQ(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LPQ(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CPQ(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void BPQ(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SAL(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SAR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SL0(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SR0(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SL1(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SR1(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ROL(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ROR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADX(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADX8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADXU8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADX16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADXU16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADX32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADXU32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STOREX(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STOREX8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STOREX16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STOREX32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NEG(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ABS(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NABS(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SWAP(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void COPY(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void MOVE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void BRANCH(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CALL(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void READPC(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void READSCID(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void FALSE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void TRUE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JSR_COROUTINE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void RET(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void PUSHPC(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POPPC(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ADDUI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SUBUI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOAD(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOAD8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADU8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOAD16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADU16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOAD32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADU32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPUI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORE8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORE16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORE32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_C(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_B(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_O(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_E(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_NE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_Z(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_NZ(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CALLI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADUI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SALI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SARI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SL0I(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SR0I(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SL1I(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void SR1I(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADR8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADRU8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADR16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADRU16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADR32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void LOADRU32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORER(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORER8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORER16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void STORER32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_P(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void JUMP_NP(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_E(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_NE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPI_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPUI_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPUI_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPUI_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPUI_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_E(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_NE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPI_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPUI_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPUI_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPUI_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPUI_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void PUSHR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void PUSH8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void PUSH16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void PUSH32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POPR(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POP8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POPU8(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POP16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POPU16(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POP32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void POPU32(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ANDI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void ORI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void XORI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NANDI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void NORI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void XNORI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
2016-10-01 17:27:32 +01:00
void NOT(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
2016-10-29 13:51:20 +01:00
void CMPSKIP_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIP_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIP_E(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIP_NE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIP_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIP_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPU_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPU_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPU_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPSKIPU_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
2016-10-29 14:52:31 +01:00
void CMPJUMP_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMP_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMP_E(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMP_NE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMP_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMP_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPU_G(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPU_GE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPU_LE(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
void CMPJUMPU_L(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c);
2016-08-09 01:10:46 +01:00
/* Prototypes for functions in vm_decode.c*/
struct lilith* create_vm(size_t size);
void destroy_vm(struct lilith* vm);
void read_instruction(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction *current);
void eval_instruction(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* current);
void outside_of_world(struct lilith* vm, unsigned_vm_register place, char* message);
/* Allow tape names to be effectively changed */
char* tape_01_name;
char* tape_02_name;
/* Enable POSIX Mode */