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;; Steps for building
;; nasm -o stage1_disk_copier stage1_disk_copier.s
;; Steps for testing
;; qemu -fda stage0
;; manually toggle in program hex
;; or
;; qemu -fda stage1_loader -fdb output
;; then change floppy0 to the compiled version of this file
mov sp, 256 ; Allocate 256B for stack
mov ax, 7e00h ; Which is much more than we need
mov ss, ax ; And stopping before this code
;; Prompt user to press any key after loading desire source into A:
mov ax, MSG0
call print_string
;; Wait until the user presses a key
call read_key
;; Inform the user that we are starting to read
mov ax, MSG1
call print_string
;; Read A: into memory
call read_floppy
;; Inform the user that we completed reading A: and are starting to write B:
mov ax, MSG2
call print_string
;; Start writing memory into B:
call write_floppy2
;; Inform the user that we completed writing to B:
mov ax, MSG3
call print_string
jmp start
;; Our glourious strings
MSG0 db 'Load source into A: and hit any key',10,13,0
MSG1 db 'Starting to read A:',10,13,0
MSG2 db 'Read Complete, Starting to write B:',10,13,0
MSG3 db 'Write Complete',10,13, 0
;; Deal with the problem of printing the above strings
push bx
mov bx, ax
mov al, [cs:bx]
cmp al, 0
je .L99
call print_char
add bx, 1
jmp .L0
pop bx
; Routine: output char in al to screen
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function
int 10h ; print it
;; Read bytes from floppy
push 02000h ; Use The read space
pop es ; ES is needed to be set for bios call
mov al, 128 ; Read 2^15 Bytes from diskette
mov ah, 02h ; Read Sectors to Memory
mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder Number
mov cl, 1 ; Starting sector number
mov dh, 0 ; Drive head number
mov dl, 00h ; Drive number [first floppy]
mov bx, 0h ; Starting address
int 13h ; Make the function call
jc read_floppy
;; Routine: read a char into al
mov ah, 00h
int 16h
;; Write bytes onto floppy2
push 02000h ; Use the read space
pop es ; ES is needed to be set for bios all
mov al, 128 ; Write 2^15 Bytes to diskette
mov ah, 03h ; Write Sectors from Memory
mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder Number
mov cl, 1 ; Starting sector number
mov dh, 0 ; Drive head number
mov dl, 01h ; Drive number [second floppy]
mov bx, 0h ; Starting address
int 13h ; Make the function call
jc write_floppy2