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;; A simple lisp with a precise garbage collector for cells
2017-02-05 14:31:48 +00:00
;; Cells are in the following form:
;; Type (0), CAR (4), CDR (8), ENV (12)
;; Each being the length of a register [32bits]
;; Type maps to the following values
;; FREE = 1, MARKED = (1 << 1),INT = (1 << 2),SYM = (1 << 3),
;; CONS = (1 << 4),PROC = (1 << 5),PRIMOP = (1 << 6),ASCII = (1 << 7)
;; Start function
LOADUI R15 $stack ; Put stack at end of program
;; We will be using R14 for our condition codes
;; We will be using R13 for which IO we will be using
;; Initialize
CALLI R15 @garbage_init
CALLI R15 @init_sl3
;; Prep TAPE_01
LOADUI R0 0x1100
;; We first read Tape_01 until completion
LOADUI R13 0x1100
;; Main loop
CALLI R15 @garbage_collect ; Clean up unused cells
CALLI R15 @Readline ; Read another S-expression
CALLI R15 @parse ; Convert into tokens
CALLI R15 @eval ; Evaluate tokens
CALLI R15 @writeobj ; Print result
JUMP @main ; Loop forever
HALT ; If broken get the fuck out now
2017-02-05 14:31:48 +00:00
;; Append_Cell
;; Adds a cell to the end of a CDR chain
;; Recieves HEAD in R0 and Tail in R1
;; Returns HEAD if not NULL
MOVE R0 R1 ; Swap TAIL and HEAD
PUSHR R3 R15 ; Protect R3
PUSHR R0 R15 ; Preserve HEAD
2017-02-05 14:31:48 +00:00
LOAD32 R3 R0 8 ; Load HEAD->CDR
JUMP @append_Cell_done ; Append and call it done
;; Walk down list
MOVE R0 R3 ; Make HEAD->CDR the new HEAD
JUMP @append_Cell_loop ; And try again
STORE32 R1 R0 8 ; Store HEAD->CDR = Tail
POPR R0 R15 ; Ensure we are returning HEAD of list
POPR R3 R15 ; Restore R3
;; Tokenize
;; Converts a string into a list of tokens
;; Recieves HEAD in R0, Pointer to String in R1 and Size of string in R2
;; Returns HEAD of list in R0
;; Deal with Edge case
CMPSKIPI.NE R2 0 ; If remaining is 0
RET R15 ; Just return
PUSHR R3 R15 ; Protect R3
PUSHR R4 R15 ; Protect R4
FALSE R4 ; Set Counter to 0
;; Try to find whitespace Char
LOADXU8 R3 R1 R4 ; Get char
CMPSKIPI.G R3 32 ; If control character or SPACE
JUMP @tokenize_append ; Stop
;; Walk further down string
ADDUI R4 R4 1 ; Next char
JUMP @tokenize_loop ; And try again
FALSE R3 ; NULL terminate
STOREX8 R3 R1 R4 ; Found Token
CMPSKIPI.NE R4 0 ; If empty
JUMP @tokenize_iterate ; Don't bother to append
;; Make string token and append
SWAP R0 R1 ; Need to send string in R0 for call
COPY R3 R0 ; Preserve pointer to string
CALLI R15 @make_sym ; Convert string to token
SWAP R0 R1 ; Put HEAD and Tail in proper order
CALLI R15 @append_Cell ; Append Token to HEAD
ADD R1 R3 R4 ; Update string pointer
SUB R2 R2 R4 ; Decrement by size used
;; Loop down string until end, appending tokens along the way
ADDUI R1 R1 1 ; Move past NULL
SUBUI R2 R2 1 ; And reduce size accordingly
FALSE R4 ; Reset Counter
CMPSKIPI.LE R2 0 ; If NOT end of string
JUMP @tokenize_loop ; try to append another token
;; Clean up
POPR R4 R15 ; Restore R4
POPR R3 R15 ; Restore R3
;; Stack starts at the end of the program