
215 lines
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;; Steps for building
;; nasm -o stage1_hex_editor stage1_hex_editor.s
;; Steps for testing
;; qemu -fda stage0
;; manually toggle in program hex
;; or
;; qemu -fda stage1_loader -fdb output
;; then change floppy0 to the compiled version of this file
mov ax, 02000h ; Set ES segment to where our working space is
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0h ; Set stack space in 0x0000:0x7e00 <- 0x0000:0xffff
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0FFFFh
mov ax, 01000h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
mov ds, ax
mov bp, 0h ; Our Index should be Zero
mov di, 1 ; Our toggle
mov si, 0 ; Our holder
call read_char
;; Check for C-d
cmp al, 4
jne .L0
call write_floppy2
mov bp, 0h ; Reset our index as we finished
jmp loop
;; Check for C-l
cmp al, 12
jne .L1
call clear_screen
jmp loop
;; Check for [Enter]
cmp al, 13
jne .L2
call display_newline
jmp loop
;; Otherwise just print the char
call print_char ; Show the user what they input
call hex ; Convert to what we want
cmp al, 0 ; Check if it is hex
jl loop ; Don't use nonhex chars
cmp di, 0 ; Check if toggled
je .L99 ; Jump if toggled
;; Process first byte of pair
mov si, 0Fh ; Mask out top
and si, ax ; Store first nibble
mov di, 0 ; Flip the toggle
jmp loop
shl si, 4 ; shift our first nibble
and ax, 0Fh ; Mask out top
add ax, si ; Combine nibbles
mov di, 1 ; Flip the toggle
mov bx, bp ; Index registers are weird
mov [es:bx], al ; Write our byte out
add bp, 1 ; Increment our pointer by 1
call insert_spacer
jmp loop
; Routine: output char in al to screen
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function
int 10h ; print it
;; Routine: read a char into al
mov ah, 00h
int 16h
;; Routine: clears the display
mov al, 0 ; Clear screen
mov ah, 06h ; Scroll up
mov bh, 07h ; Move Color
mov cl, 0 ; UL x coordinate
mov ch, 0 ; UL y coordinate
mov dl, 80 ; LR x coordinate
mov dh, 24 ; LR y coordinate
int 10h
;; Routine: reset the cursor
mov ah, 02h ; Set cursor position
mov bh, 0 ; Set Page number to 0
mov dh, 0 ; Set Row Number
mov dl, 0 ; Set Column Number
int 10h
;; Routine for determining if we should scroll or move cursor
call get_cursor_position
cmp ah, 12
jle .L0
call scroll_window
;; Routine: Move the cursor down
mov dh, 1 ; How many rows we want to move
add dh, ah ; Add our current Row Number
mov ah, 02h ; Set cursor position
mov bh, 0 ; Set Page number to 0
mov dl, 0 ; Set Column Number
int 10h
mov al, 13 ; Print a new line
call print_char
;; Routine for getting cursor position
mov ah, 03h ; Request Cursor position
mov bh, 0 ; For page 0
int 10h
mov ax, dx ; Mov the row and column into ax
;; Routine scroll window up
mov al, 1 ; Move the line up one
mov ah, 06h ; Scroll up
mov bh, 07h ; Move Color
mov cl, 0 ; UL x coordinate
mov ch, 0 ; UL y coordinate
mov dl, 80 ; LR x coordinate
mov dh, 24 ; LR y coordinate
int 10h
mov al, 13 ; Print a new line
call print_char
; deal with line comments starting with #
cmp al, 35
je ascii_comment
; deal with line comments starting with ;
cmp al, 59
je ascii_comment
; deal all ascii less than 0
cmp al, 48
jl ascii_other
; deal with 0-9
cmp al, 58
jl ascii_num
; deal with all ascii less than A
cmp al, 65
jl ascii_other
; deal with A-F
cmp al, 71
jl ascii_high
; deal with all ascii less than a
cmp al, 97
jl ascii_other
; deal with a-f
cmp al, 103
jl ascii_low
; The rest that remains needs to be ignored
jmp ascii_other
sub al, 48
sub al, 87
sub al, 55
mov al, -1
call read_char
call print_char
cmp al, 13
jne ascii_comment
call scroll_window
jmp ascii_other
;; Clear the screen to be nice
call clear_screen
;; Write bytes onto floppy2
mov al, 128 ; Write 2^16 Bytes to diskette
mov ah, 03h ; Write Sectors from Memory
mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder Number
mov cl, 1 ; Starting sector number
mov dh, 0 ; Drive head number
mov dl, 01h ; Drive number [second floppy]
mov bx, 0h ; Starting address
int 13h ; Make the function call
jc write_floppy2
mov al, 32
call print_char
jmp loop