Initial high level prototype for lisp

This commit is contained in:
Jeremiah Orians 2016-12-16 20:59:57 -05:00
parent 23ee396135
commit 4af5f5156e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7457821534D2ACCD
7 changed files with 617 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include "lisp.h"
#include <stdint.h>
/* Prototypes */
struct cell* eval(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env);
void init_sl3();
uint32_t Readline(FILE* source_file, char* temp);
struct cell* parse(char* program, int32_t size);
void writeobj(FILE *ofp, struct cell* op);
/*** Main Driver ***/
int main()
int read;
char* message = calloc(1024, sizeof(char));
read = Readline(stdin, message);
struct cell* temp = parse(message, read);
temp = eval(temp, top_env);
writeobj(stdout, temp);
return 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
enum otype
INT = 1,
SYM = (1 << 1),
CONS = (1 << 2),
PROC = (1 << 3),
PRIMOP = (1 << 4),
typedef struct cell* (*Operation)(struct cell *);
typedef struct cell
enum otype type;
struct cell* car;
int value;
char* string;
Operation function;
struct cell* cdr;
struct cell* env;
} cell;
#define MAXLEN 256
struct cell* make_cons(struct cell* a, struct cell* b);
/* Global objects */
struct cell *all_symbols, *top_env, *nil, *tee, *quote, *s_if, *s_lambda, *s_define, *s_setb;

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include "lisp.h"
struct cell* make_int(int a)
struct cell* c = calloc(1, sizeof(cell));
c->type = INT;
c->value = a;
return c;
struct cell* make_sym(char* name)
struct cell* c = calloc(1, sizeof(cell));
c->type = SYM;
c->string = name;
return c;
struct cell* make_cons(struct cell* a, struct cell* b)
struct cell* c = calloc(1, sizeof(cell));
c->type = CONS;
c->car = a;
c->cdr = b;
return c;
struct cell* make_proc(struct cell* a, struct cell* b, struct cell* env)
struct cell* c = calloc(1, sizeof(cell));
c->type = PROC;
c->car = a;
c->cdr = b;
c->env = env;
return c;
struct cell* make_prim(void* fun)
struct cell* c = calloc(1, sizeof(cell));
c->type = PRIMOP;
c->function = fun;
return c;

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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
#include "lisp.h"
/* Support functions */
struct cell* car(struct cell* a)
return a->car;
struct cell* cdr(struct cell* a)
return a->cdr;
struct cell* findsym(char *name)
struct cell* symlist;
for(symlist = all_symbols; nil != symlist; symlist = symlist->cdr)
if(!strcmp(name, symlist->car->string))
return symlist;
return nil;
struct cell* make_sym(char* name);
struct cell* intern(char *name)
struct cell* op = findsym(name);
if(nil != op) return op->car;
op = make_sym(name);
all_symbols = make_cons(op, all_symbols);
return op;
/*** Environment ***/
struct cell* extend(struct cell* env, struct cell* symbol, struct cell* value)
return make_cons(make_cons((symbol), (value)), (env));
struct cell* multiple_extend(struct cell* env, struct cell* syms, struct cell* vals)
if(nil == syms)
return env;
return multiple_extend(extend(env, car(syms), car(vals)), cdr(syms), cdr(vals));
struct cell* extend_top(struct cell* sym, struct cell* val)
top_env->cdr = make_cons(make_cons(sym, val), cdr(top_env));
return val;
struct cell* assoc(struct cell* key, struct cell* alist)
if(nil == alist) return nil;
if(car(car(alist)) == key) return car(alist);
return assoc(key, cdr(alist));
/*** Evaluator (Eval/Apply) ***/
struct cell* eval(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env);
struct cell* make_proc(struct cell* a, struct cell* b, struct cell* env);
struct cell* evlis(struct cell* exps, struct cell* env)
if(exps == nil) return nil;
return make_cons(eval(car(exps), env), evlis(cdr(exps), env));
struct cell* progn(struct cell* exps, struct cell* env)
if(exps == nil) return nil;
if(cdr(exps) == nil) return eval(car(exps), env);
eval(car(exps), env);
exps = cdr(exps);
struct cell* apply(struct cell* proc, struct cell* vals)
struct cell* temp = nil;
if(proc->type == PRIMOP)
temp = (*(proc->function))(vals);
else if(proc->type == PROC)
temp = progn(proc->cdr, multiple_extend(proc->env, proc->car, vals));
fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument to apply\n");
return temp;
struct cell* eval(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env)
if(exp == nil) return nil;
case INT: return exp;
case SYM:
struct cell* tmp = assoc(exp, env);
if(tmp == nil)
fprintf(stderr,"Unbound symbol\n");
return cdr(tmp);
case CONS:
if(car(exp) == s_if)
if(eval(car(cdr(exp)), env) != nil)
return eval(car(cdr(cdr(exp))), env);
return eval(car(cdr(cdr(cdr(exp)))), env);
if(car(exp) == s_lambda) return make_proc(car(cdr(exp)), cdr(cdr(exp)), env);
if(car(exp) == quote) return car(cdr(exp));
if(car(exp) == s_define) return(extend_top(car(cdr(exp)), eval(car(cdr(cdr(exp))), env)));
if(car(exp) == s_setb)
struct cell* pair = assoc(car(cdr(exp)), env);
struct cell* newval = eval(car(cdr(cdr(exp))), env);
pair->cdr = newval;
return newval;
return apply(eval(car(exp), env), evlis(cdr(exp), env));
case PRIMOP: return exp;
case PROC: return exp;
/* Not reached */
return exp;
/*** Primitives ***/
struct cell* make_int(int a);
struct cell* prim_sum(struct cell* args)
int sum;
for(sum = 0; nil != args; args = cdr(args))
sum = sum + car(args)->value;
return make_int(sum);
struct cell* prim_sub(struct cell* args)
int sum = car(args)->value;
for(args = cdr(args); nil != args; args = cdr(args))
sum = sum - car(args)->value;
return make_int(sum);
struct cell* prim_prod(struct cell* args)
int prod;
for(prod = 1; nil != args; args = cdr(args))
prod = prod * car(args)->value;
return make_int(prod);
struct cell* prim_numeq(struct cell* args)
return car(args)->value == car(cdr(args))->value ? tee : nil;
struct cell* prim_cons(struct cell* args) { return make_cons(car(args), car(cdr(args))); }
struct cell* prim_car(struct cell* args) { return car(car(args)); }
struct cell* prim_cdr(struct cell* args) { return cdr(car(args)); }
/*** Initialization ***/
struct cell* intern(char *name);
struct cell* make_prim(void* fun);
struct cell* make_sym(char* name);
void init_sl3()
nil = make_sym("nil");
all_symbols = make_cons(nil, nil);
top_env = make_cons(make_cons(nil, nil), nil);
tee = intern("t");
extend_top(tee, tee);
quote = intern("quote");
s_if = intern("if");
s_lambda = intern("lambda");
s_define = intern("define");
s_setb = intern("set!");
extend_top(intern("+"), make_prim(prim_sum));
extend_top(intern("-"), make_prim(prim_sub));
extend_top(intern("*"), make_prim(prim_prod));
extend_top(intern("="), make_prim(prim_numeq));
extend_top(intern("cons"), make_prim(prim_cons));
extend_top(intern("car"), make_prim(prim_car));
extend_top(intern("cdr"), make_prim(prim_cdr));

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include "lisp.h"
void writeobj(FILE *ofp, struct cell* op)
case INT: fprintf(ofp, "%d", op->value); break;
case CONS:
fprintf(ofp, "(");
writeobj(ofp, op->car);
if(nil == op->cdr)
fprintf(ofp, ")");
op = op->cdr;
if(op->type != CONS)
fprintf(ofp, " . ");
writeobj(ofp, op);
fprintf(ofp, ")");
fprintf(ofp, " ");
case SYM:
if(nil == op) fprintf(ofp, "()");
else fprintf(ofp, "%s", op->string);
case PRIMOP: fprintf(ofp, "#<PRIMOP>"); break;
case PROC: fprintf(ofp, "#<PROC>"); break;
default: exit(1);

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
#include "lisp.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define max_string 255
FILE* source_file;
bool Reached_EOF;
static struct cell* token_stack;
struct cell* make_sym(char* name);
struct cell* intern(char *name);
struct cell* findsym(char *name);
struct cell* append_Cell(struct cell* head, struct cell* tail)
if(NULL == head)
return tail;
if(NULL == head->cdr)
head->cdr = tail;
return head;
append_Cell(head->cdr, tail);
return head;
* def tokenize(s): *
* "Convert a string into a list of tokens." *
* return s.replace('(',' ( ').replace(')',' ) ').split() *
struct cell* tokenize(struct cell* head, char* fullstring, int32_t size)
int32_t c;
int32_t i = 0;
bool done = false;
if((0 >= size) || (0 == fullstring[0]))
return head;
char *store = calloc(max_string + 1, sizeof(char));
c = fullstring[i];
if((i > size) || (max_string <= i))
done = true;
if((' ' == c) || ('\t' == c) || ('\n' == c) | ('\r' == c))
i = i + 1;
done = true;
store[i] = c;
i = i + 1;
} while(!done);
if(i > 1)
head = append_Cell(head, make_sym(store));
head = tokenize(head, (fullstring+i), (size - i));
return head;
bool is_integer(char* a)
if(('0' <= a[0]) && ('9' >= a[0]))
return true;
return false;
* def atom(token): *
* "Numbers become numbers; every other token is a symbol." *
* try: return int(token) *
* except ValueError: *
* try: return float(token) *
* except ValueError: *
* return Symbol(token) *
struct cell* atom(struct cell* a)
/* Check for integer */
a->type = INT;
a->value = atoi(a->string);
return a;
/* Check for functions */
struct cell* op = findsym(a->string);
if(nil != op)
return op->car;
/* Assume new symbol */
all_symbols = make_cons(a, all_symbols);
return a;
* def read_from_tokens(tokens): *
* "Read an expression from a sequence of tokens." *
* if len(tokens) == 0: *
* raise SyntaxError('unexpected EOF while reading') *
* token = tokens.pop(0) *
* if '(' == token: *
* L = [] *
* while tokens[0] != ')': *
* L.append(read_from_tokens(tokens)) *
* tokens.pop(0) # pop off ')' *
* return L *
* elif ')' == token: *
* raise SyntaxError('unexpected )') *
* else: *
* return atom(token) *
struct cell* readlist();
struct cell* readobj()
cell* head = token_stack;
token_stack = head->cdr;
head->cdr = NULL;
if (! strncmp("(", head->string, max_string))
return readlist();
return atom(head);
struct cell* readlist()
cell* head = token_stack;
if (! strncmp(")", head->string, max_string))
token_stack = head->cdr;
return nil;
cell* tmp = readobj();
// token_stack = head->cdr;
return make_cons(tmp,readlist());
* def parse(program): *
* "Read a Scheme expression from a string." *
* return read_from_tokens(tokenize(program)) *
struct cell* parse(char* program, int32_t size)
token_stack = tokenize(NULL, program, size);
if(NULL == token_stack)
return nil;
return readobj();
uint32_t Readline(FILE* source_file, char* temp)
char store[max_string + 2] = {0};
int32_t c;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t depth = 0;
for(i = 0; i < max_string; i = i + 1)
c = fgetc(source_file);
if(-1 == c)
else if((0 == depth) && ((10 == c) || (13 == c) || (32 == c) || (9 == c)))
goto Line_complete;
else if(('(' == c) || (')' == c))
if('(' == c)
depth = depth + 1;
if(')' == c)
depth = depth - 1;
store[i] = ' ';
store[i+1] = c;
store[i+2] = ' ';
i = i + 2;
store[i] = (char)c;
if(1 >= i)
return Readline(source_file, temp);
strncpy(temp, store, max_string);
return i;

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
all: lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c
gcc -ggdb lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c -o lisp
lisp: lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c
gcc lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c -o lisp
coverage-test: lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c
gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage lisp.h lisp.c lisp_cell.c lisp_eval.c lisp_print.c lisp_read.c -o lisp
clean: lisp
rm lisp
rm *.gc{da,no,ov}