## Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians ## This file is part of stage0. ## ## stage0 is free software: you an redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with stage0. If not, see . # Don't rebuild the built things in bin or roms VPATH = bin:roms # Collections of tools all: libvm.so vm ALL-ROMS production: libvm-production.so vm-production asm dis ALL-ROMS development: vm libvm.so asm dis ALL-ROMS # VM Builds vm-minimal: vm.h vm_minimal.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c | bin gcc vm.h vm_minimal.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c -o bin/vm-minimal vm: vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c tty.c | bin gcc -ggdb -Dtty_lib=true vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c tty.c -o bin/vm vm-production: vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c | bin gcc vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c -o bin/vm-production vm-trace: vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c tty.c dynamic_execution_trace.c | bin gcc -ggdb -Dtty_lib=true -DTRACE=true vm.h vm.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c tty.c dynamic_execution_trace.c -o bin/vm # Build the roms ALL-ROMS: stage0_monitor stage1_assembler-0 SET stage1_assembler-1 stage1_assembler-2 M0 CAT lisp forth stage0_monitor: hex stage0/stage0_monitor.hex0 | roms ./bin/hex < stage0/stage0_monitor.hex0 > roms/stage0_monitor stage1_assembler-0: hex stage1/stage1_assembler-0.hex0 | roms ./bin/hex < stage1/stage1_assembler-0.hex0 > roms/stage1_assembler-0 SET: stage1_assembler-0 vm stage1/SET.hex0 | roms ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-0 --tape_01 stage1/SET.hex0 --tape_02 roms/SET stage1_assembler-1: stage1_assembler-0 vm stage1/stage1_assembler-1.hex0 | roms ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-0 --tape_01 stage1/stage1_assembler-1.hex0 --tape_02 roms/stage1_assembler-1 stage1_assembler-2: stage1_assembler-1 vm stage1/stage1_assembler-2.hex1 | roms ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-1 --tape_01 stage1/stage1_assembler-2.hex1 --tape_02 roms/stage1_assembler-2 M0: stage1_assembler-2 vm stage1/M0-macro.hex2 | roms ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-2 --tape_01 stage1/M0-macro.hex2 --tape_02 roms/M0 --memory 48K CAT: M0 stage1_assembler-2 vm High_level_prototypes/defs stage1/CAT.s | roms cat High_level_prototypes/defs stage1/CAT.s >| temp ./bin/vm --rom roms/M0 --tape_01 temp --tape_02 temp2 --memory 48K ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-2 --tape_01 temp2 --tape_02 roms/CAT --memory 48K lisp: M0 stage1_assembler-2 vm High_level_prototypes/defs stage2/lisp.s | roms cat High_level_prototypes/defs stage2/lisp.s > temp ./bin/vm --rom roms/M0 --tape_01 temp --tape_02 temp2 --memory 256K ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-2 --tape_01 temp2 --tape_02 roms/lisp --memory 48K forth: M0 stage1_assembler-2 vm High_level_prototypes/defs stage2/forth.s | roms cat High_level_prototypes/defs stage2/forth.s > temp ./bin/vm --rom roms/M0 --tape_01 temp --tape_02 temp2 --memory 128K ./bin/vm --rom roms/stage1_assembler-2 --tape_01 temp2 --tape_02 roms/forth --memory 48K # Primitive development tools, not required but it was handy asm: High_level_prototypes/asm.c | bin gcc -ggdb High_level_prototypes/asm.c -o bin/asm dis: High_level_prototypes/disasm.c | bin gcc -ggdb High_level_prototypes/disasm.c -o bin/dis hex: Linux\ Bootstrap/hex.c | bin gcc Linux\ Bootstrap/hex.c -o bin/hex # libVM Builds for Development tools libvm.so: wrapper.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c vm.h tty.c gcc -ggdb -Dtty_lib=true -shared -Wl,-soname,libvm.so -o libvm.so -fPIC wrapper.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c vm.h tty.c libvm-production.so: wrapper.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c vm.h gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libvm.so -o libvm-production.so -fPIC wrapper.c vm_instructions.c vm_decode.c vm.h # Clean up after ourselves .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f libvm.so libvm-production.so bin/vm bin/vm-production .PHONY: clean-hard clean-hard: clean rm -rf bin/ roms/ .PHONY: clean-hardest clean-hardest: git reset --hard git clean -fd clean-SO-hard-You-probably-do-NOT-want-this-option-because-it-will-destory-everything: @echo "I REALLY REALLY HOPE you know what you are doing" git reset --hard git clean -xdf # Our essential folders bin: mkdir -p bin roms: mkdir -p roms