#include #include #include #include #include #define max_string 63 FILE* source_file; bool Reached_EOF; struct Token { struct Token* next; uint8_t type; char* Text; char* Expression; }; enum type { macro = 1, str = (1 << 1) }; struct Token* newToken() { struct Token* p; p = calloc (1, sizeof (struct Token)); if (NULL == p) { fprintf (stderr, "calloc failed.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } return p; } struct Token* addToken(struct Token* head, struct Token* p) { if(NULL == head) { return p; } if(NULL == head->next) { head->next = p; } else { addToken(head->next, p); } return head; } void purge_lineComment() { int c = fgetc(source_file); while((10 != c) && (13 != c)) { c = fgetc(source_file); } } char* store_atom(char c) { char* store = calloc(max_string + 1, sizeof(char)); int32_t ch; uint32_t i = 0; ch = c; do { store[i] = (char)ch; ch = fgetc(source_file); i = i + 1; } while ((9 != ch) && (10 != ch) && (32 != ch)); return store; } char* store_string(char c) { char* store = calloc(max_string + 1, sizeof(char)); int32_t ch; uint32_t i = 0; ch = c; do { store[i] = (char)ch; i = i + 1; ch = fgetc(source_file); } while(ch != c); return store; } struct Token* Tokenize_Line(struct Token* head) { int32_t c; c = fgetc(source_file); if((35 == c) || (59 == c)) { purge_lineComment(); return Tokenize_Line(head); } if((9 == c) || (10 == c) || (32 == c)) { return Tokenize_Line(head); } struct Token* p = newToken(); if(-1 == c) { Reached_EOF = true; free(p); return head; } else if((34 == c) || (39 == c)) { p->Text = store_string(c); p->type = str; } else { p->Text = store_atom(c); } return addToken(head, p); } void setExpression(struct Token* p, char match[], char Exp[]) { if(NULL != p->next) { setExpression(p->next, match, Exp); } /* Leave macros alone */ if((p->type & macro)) { return; } /* Only if there is an exact match replace */ if(0 == strncmp(p->Text, match, max_string)) { p->Expression = Exp; } } void identify_macros(struct Token* p) { if(0 == strncmp(p->Text, "DEFINE", max_string)) { p->type = macro; p->Text = p->next->Text; p->Expression = p->next->next->Text; p->next = p->next->next->next; } if(NULL != p->next) { identify_macros(p->next); } } void line_macro(struct Token* p) { if(p->type & macro) { setExpression(p->next, p->Text, p->Expression); } if(NULL != p->next) { line_macro(p->next); } } void hexify_string(struct Token* p) { char table[16] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46}; int i = ((strnlen(p->Text + 1 , max_string)/4) + 1) * 8; char* d = calloc(max_string, sizeof(char)); p->Expression = d; while(0 < i) { i = i - 1; d[i] = 0x30; } while( i < max_string) { if(0 == p->Text[i+1]) { i = max_string; } else { d[2*i] = table[p->Text[i+1] / 16]; d[2*i + 1] = table[p->Text[i+1] % 16]; i = i + 1; } } } void process_string(struct Token* p) { if(p->type & str) { if('\'' == p->Text[0]) { p->Expression = p->Text + 1; } else if('"' == p->Text[0]) { hexify_string(p); } } if(NULL != p->next) { process_string(p->next); } } void preserve_other(struct Token* p) { if(NULL != p->next) { preserve_other(p->next); } if((NULL == p->Expression) && !(p->type & macro)) { p->Expression = p->Text; } } uint16_t numerate_string(char a[]) { char *ptr; return (uint16_t)strtol(a, &ptr, 0); } void eval_immediates(struct Token* p) { if(NULL != p->next) { eval_immediates(p->next); } if((NULL == p->Expression) && !(p->type & macro)) { uint16_t value; value = numerate_string(p->Text); if(('0' == p->Text[0]) || (0 != value)) { char* c = calloc(5, sizeof(char)); sprintf(c, "%04x", value); p->Expression = c; } } } void print_hex(struct Token* p) { if(p->type ^ macro) { fprintf(stdout, "\n%s", p->Expression); } if(NULL != p->next) { print_hex(p->next); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } /* Standard C main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Make sure we have a program tape to run */ if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s $FileName\nWhere $FileName is the name of the paper tape of the program being run\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } source_file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); Reached_EOF = false; struct Token* head = NULL; while(!Reached_EOF) { head = Tokenize_Line(head); } identify_macros(head); line_macro(head); process_string(head); eval_immediates(head); preserve_other(head); print_hex(head); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }