# start 2D2A000f # LOADUI R10 0x0F ; Byte mask 2D2B0001 # LOADUI R11 1 ; Our toggle 2D2D0600 # LOADUI R13 0x600 ; Where we are starting our Stack # ;; R14 will be storing our condition 0D00002F # FALSE R15 ; Our holder # ;; Prep TAPE_01 2D201100 # LOADUI R0 0x1100 42100001 # FOPEN_WRITE # ;; Prep TAPE_02 2D201101 # LOADUI R0 0x1101 42100001 # FOPEN_WRITE # loop 2D210000 # LOADUI R1 0 ; Read from tty 42100100 # FGETC ; Read a Char # ;; Check for Ctrl-D 1FE00004 # CMPUI R14 R0 4 2C6E0008 # JUMP.NE R14 @.L0 2D0D00d0 # CALLI R13 @finish # .L0 # ;; Check for EOF 12E0ffff # CMPI R14 R0 -1 2C6E0008 # JUMP.NE R14 @.L1 2D0D00c4 # CALLI R13 @finish # .L1 2D211101 # LOADUI R1 0x1101 ; Write to TAPE_02 42100200 # FPUTC ; Print the Char 2D0D0038 # CALLI R13 @hex ; Convert it 12E00000 # CMPI R14 R0 0 ; Check if it is hex 2C8Effd0 # JUMP.L R14 @loop ; Don't use nonhex chars 2C9B0010 # JUMP.Z R11 @.L99 ; Jump if toggled # ;; Process first byte of pair 05020F0A # AND R15 R0 R10 ; Store First nibble 0D00002B # FALSE R11 ; Flip the toggle 3C00ffc0 # JUMP @loop # .L99 2D5F0004 # SL0I R15 4 ; Shift our first nibble 0502000A # AND R0 R0 R10 ; Mask out top 0500000F # ADD R0 R0 R15 ; Combine nibbles 2D1B0001 # LOADI R11 1 ; Flip the toggle 2D211100 # LOADUI R1 0x1100 ; Write the combined byte 42100200 # FPUTC ; To TAPE_01 3C00ffa4 # JUMP @loop ; Try to get more bytes # hex # ;; Deal with line comments starting with # 1FE00023 # CMPUI R14 R0 35 2C5E0060 # JUMP.E R14 @ascii_comment # ;; Deal with line comments starting with ; 1FE0003b # CMPUI R14 R0 59 2C5E0058 # JUMP.E R14 @ascii_comment # ;; Deal with all ascii less than '0' 1FE00030 # CMPUI R14 R0 48 2C8E0048 # JUMP.L R14 @ascii_other # ;; Deal with '0'-'9' 1FE00039 # CMPUI R14 R0 57 2C7E0028 # JUMP.LE R14 @ascii_num # ;; Deal with all ascii less than 'A' 1FE00041 # CMPUI R14 R0 65 2C8E0038 # JUMP.L R14 @ascii_other # ;; Deal with 'A'-'F' 1FE00046 # CMPUI R14 R0 70 2C7E0028 # JUMP.LE R14 @ascii_high # ;; Deal with all ascii less than 'a' 1FE00061 # CMPUI R14 R0 97 2C8E0028 # JUMP.L R14 @ascii_other # ;; Deal with 'a'-'f' 1FE00066 # CMPUI R14 R0 102 2C7E0010 # JUMP.LE R14 @ascii_low # ;; Ignore the rest 3C00001c # JUMP @ascii_other # ascii_num 11000030 # SUBUI R0 R0 48 0D01001D # RET R13 # ascii_low 11000057 # SUBUI R0 R0 87 0D01001D # RET R13 # ascii_high 11000037 # SUBUI R0 R0 55 0D01001D # RET R13 # ascii_other 0D000030 # TRUE R0 0D01001D # RET R13 # ascii_comment 2D210000 # LOADUI R1 0 ; Read from tty 42100100 # FGETC ; Read another char 1FE0000a # CMPUI R14 R0 10 ; Stop at the end of line 2D211101 # LOADUI R1 0x1101 ; Write to TAPE_02 42100200 # FPUTC ; The char we just read 2C6Effec # JUMP.NE R14 @ascii_comment ; Otherwise keep looping 3C00ffe0 # JUMP @ascii_other # finish 2D201100 # LOADUI R0 0x1100 ; Close TAPE_01 42100002 # FCLOSE 2D201101 # LOADUI R0 0x1101 ; Close TAPE_02 42100002 # FCLOSE FFFFFFFF # HALT