## This file is part of stage0. ## ## stage0 is free software: you an redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with stage0. If not, see . import subprocess import ctypes import re import sys, getopt vm = ctypes.CDLL('./libvm.so') vm.get_memory.argtype = ctypes.c_uint vm.get_memory.restype = ctypes.c_char_p vm.step_lilith.restype = ctypes.c_uint vm.set_register.argtype = (ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint) vm.set_memory.argtype = (ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_ubyte) def Reset_lilith(): vm.initialize_lilith() global Current_IP Current_IP = 0 global Watchpoints Watchpoints = {0} global ROM_Name vm.load_lilith(ctypes.create_string_buffer(ROM_Name.encode('ascii'))) def Step_lilith(): global Current_IP Current_IP = vm.step_lilith() global Count Count = Count + 1 return def Set_Memory(address, value): vm.set_memory(address, value) return def Set_Register(register, value): vm.set_register(register, value) return def returnPage(): return get_header() + (vm.get_memory(Current_Page)).decode('utf-8') + get_spacer1() + get_registers(0) + get_registers(8) + get_spacer2() + get_Window_shortcut() + get_disassembled() + get_footer() hexlookup = { 0 : '0', 1 : '1', 2 : '2', 3 : '3', 4 : '4', 5 : '5', 6 : '6', 7 : '7', 8 : '8', 9 : '9', 10 : 'A', 11 : 'B', 12 : 'C', 13 : 'D', 14 : 'E', 15 : 'F' } def formatByte(a): first = a >> 4 second = a % 16 return str(hexlookup[first]+hexlookup[second]) def formatAddress(a): first = a >> 24 second = (a % 16777216) >> 16 third = (a % 65536) >> 8 fourth = a % 256 myreturn = formatByte(first) + formatByte(second) + formatByte(third) + formatByte(fourth) return myreturn[:-1] + "x" def formatRegister(a): first = a >> 24 second = (a % 16777216) >> 16 third = (a % 65536) >> 8 fourth = a % 256 return formatByte(first) + formatByte(second) + formatByte(third) + formatByte(fourth) def get_header(): return """ Knight CPU Debugger
""" def get_spacer1(): return """
Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 A B C D E F
""" def get_registers(index): vm.get_register.argtype = ctypes.c_uint vm.get_register.restype = ctypes.c_uint # R0 = vm.get_register(3) # print("Register R0 value:") # print(R0) temp = """ """ for i in range(0,8): temp = temp + """\n" return temp + """
Register Value
R""" + str(index + i) + "" + formatRegister(vm.get_register(index + i)) + "
""" def get_spacer2(): return """
""" def get_Window_shortcut(): return """
""" def get_disassembled(): f = open('z_disassembled', "r") temp = """
""" i = 0 for line in f: pieces = re.split(r'\t+', line) if (i < Current_IP): temp = temp + "" elif (i == Current_IP): temp = temp + """\n" elif i in Watchpoints: temp = temp + """\n" else: temp = temp + "\n" i = i + 4 f.close() return temp + "
""" + formatRegister(i) + "" + pieces[0] + "" + pieces[1] + "
""" + formatRegister(i) + "" + pieces[0] + "" + pieces[1] + "
" + formatRegister(i) + "" + pieces[0] + "" + pieces[1] + "
" def get_footer(): return """
""" def main(argv): global Debug_Point try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"R:D:",["ROM=","DEBUG="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ('Knight.py ROM=$NAME DEBUG=$NUMBER\n') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ('Knight.py ROM=$NAME DEBUG=$NUMBER\n') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-R", "--ROM"): global ROM_Name ROM_Name = arg elif opt in ("-D", "--DEBUG"): global Debug_Point Debug_Point = int(arg) subprocess.call("./bin/dis " + ROM_Name + " | sponge z_disassembled", shell=True) Current_IP = 0 Current_Page = 0 Watchpoints = {0} Count=0 Debug_Point = 0 ROM_Name = "rom" Reset_lilith()