#include "vm.h" #define DEBUG true; /* Load program tape into Memory */ void load_program(struct lilith* vm, char **argv) { FILE* program; program = fopen(argv[1], "r"); /* Figure out how much we need to load */ fseek(program, 0, SEEK_END); size_t end = ftell(program); rewind(program); /* Load the entire tape into memory */ fread(vm->memory, 1, end, program); fclose(program); } /* Load instruction addressed at IP */ void read_instruction(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction *current) { memset(current, 0, sizeof(struct Instruction)); /* Store IP for debugging */ current->ip = vm->ip; /* Read the actual bytes and increment the IP */ current->raw0 = (uint8_t)vm->memory[vm->ip]; vm->ip = vm->ip + 1; current->raw1 = (uint8_t)vm->memory[vm->ip]; vm->ip = vm->ip + 1; current->raw2 = (uint8_t)vm->memory[vm->ip]; vm->ip = vm->ip + 1; current->raw3 = (uint8_t)vm->memory[vm->ip]; vm->ip = vm->ip + 1; unpack_instruction(current); } /* Process 4OP Integer instructions */ bool eval_4OP_Int(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { int32_t tmp1, tmp2; uint32_t utmp1, utmp2; int64_t btmp1; uint64_t ubtmp1; bool C, B; utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg3]; C = utmp1 & Carry; B = utmp1 & Borrow; switch(c->raw_XOP) { case 0x00: /* ADD.CI */ { tmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; tmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; /* If carry bit set add in the carry */ if(1 == C) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 + tmp2 + 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 + tmp2; } break; } case 0x01: /* ADD.CO */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); btmp1 = ((int64_t)tmp1) + ((int64_t)tmp2); /* If addition exceeds int32_t MAX, set carry bit */ if(1 == ( btmp1 >> 31 )) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Carry; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Carry); } /* Standard addition */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = (tmp1 + tmp2); break; } case 0x02: /* ADD.CIO */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); btmp1 = ((int64_t)tmp1) + ((int64_t)tmp2); /* If addition exceeds int32_t MAX, set carry bit */ if(1 == ( btmp1 >> 31 )) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Carry; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Carry); } /* If carry bit set before operation add in the carry */ if(1 == C) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 + tmp2 + 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 + tmp2; } break; } case 0x03: /* ADDU.CI */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; /* If carry bit set add in the carry */ if(1 == C) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + utmp2 + 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + utmp2; } break; } case 0x04: /* ADDU.CO */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; ubtmp1 = ((uint64_t)utmp1) + ((uint64_t)utmp2); /* If addition exceeds uint32_t MAX, set carry bit */ if(0 != ( ubtmp1 >> 32 )) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Carry; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Carry); } /* Standard addition */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = (utmp1 + utmp2); break; } case 0x05: /* ADDU.CIO */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; ubtmp1 = ((uint64_t)utmp1) + ((uint64_t)utmp2); /* If addition exceeds uint32_t MAX, set carry bit */ if(0 != ( ubtmp1 >> 32 )) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Carry; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Carry); } /* If carry bit was set before operation add in the carry */ if(1 == C) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + utmp2 + 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + utmp2; } break; } case 0x06: /* SUB.BI */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); /* If borrow bit set subtract out the borrow */ if(1 == B) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 - tmp2 - 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 - tmp2; } break; } case 0x07: /* SUB.BO */ { btmp1 = (int64_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(btmp1 - tmp1); /* If subtraction goes below int32_t MIN set borrow */ if(btmp1 != (tmp2 + tmp1)) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Borrow; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Borrow); } /* Standard subtraction */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2; break; } case 0x08: /* SUB.BIO */ { btmp1 = (int64_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(btmp1 - tmp1); /* If subtraction goes below int32_t MIN set borrow */ if(btmp1 != (tmp2 + tmp1)) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Borrow; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Borrow); } /* If borrow bit was set prior to operation subtract out the borrow */ if(1 == B) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2 - 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2; } break; } case 0x09: /* SUBU.BI */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; /* If borrow bit set subtract out the borrow */ if(1 == B) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - utmp2 - 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - utmp2; } break; } case 0x0A: /* SUBU.BO */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; ubtmp1 = (uint64_t)(utmp1 - utmp2); /* If subtraction goes below uint32_t MIN set borrow */ if(utmp1 != (ubtmp1 + utmp2)) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Borrow; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Borrow); } /* Standard subtraction */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = (utmp1 - utmp2); break; } case 0x0B: /* SUBU.BIO */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; ubtmp1 = (uint64_t)(utmp1 - utmp2); /* If subtraction goes below uint32_t MIN set borrow */ if(utmp1 != (ubtmp1 + utmp2)) { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] | Borrow; } else { vm->reg[c->reg3] = vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(Borrow); } /* If borrow bit was set prior to operation subtract out the borrow */ if(1 == B) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - utmp2 - 1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - utmp2; } break; } case 0x0C: /* MULTIPLY */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); tmp2 = (int32_t)( vm->reg[c->reg3]); btmp1 = ((int64_t)tmp1) * ((int64_t)tmp2); vm->reg[c->reg0] = (int32_t)(btmp1 % 0x100000000); vm->reg[c->reg1] = (int32_t)(btmp1 / 0x100000000); break; } case 0x0D: /* MULTIPLYU */ { ubtmp1 = (uint64_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]) * (uint64_t)(vm->reg[c->reg3]); vm->reg[c->reg0] = ubtmp1 % 0x100000000; vm->reg[c->reg1] = ubtmp1 / 0x100000000; break; } case 0x0E: /* DIVIDE */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg3]); vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 / tmp2; vm->reg[c->reg1] = tmp1 % tmp2; break; } case 0x0F: /* DIVIDEU */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg3]; vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 / utmp2; vm->reg[c->reg1] = utmp1 % utmp2; break; } case 0x10: /* MUX */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = ((vm->reg[c->reg2] & ~(vm->reg[c->reg1])) | (vm->reg[c->reg3] & vm->reg[c->reg1])); break; } case 0x11: /* NMUX */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = ((vm->reg[c->reg2] & vm->reg[c->reg1]) | (vm->reg[c->reg3] & ~(vm->reg[c->reg1]))); break; } case 0x12: /* SORT */ { tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg3]); if(tmp1 > tmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1; vm->reg[c->reg1] = tmp2; } else { vm->reg[c->reg1] = tmp1; vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2; } break; } case 0x13: /* SORTU */ { utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg3]; if(utmp1 > utmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; vm->reg[c->reg1] = utmp2; } else { vm->reg[c->reg1] = utmp1; vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp2; } break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Process 3OP Integer instructions */ bool eval_3OP_Int(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { int32_t tmp1, tmp2; uint32_t utmp1, utmp2; tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); tmp2 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg2]); utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; utmp2 = vm->reg[c->reg2]; switch(c->raw_XOP) { case 0x000: /* ADD */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (int32_t)(tmp1 + tmp2); break; } case 0x001: /* ADDU */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + utmp2; break; } case 0x002: /* SUB */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (int32_t)(tmp1 - tmp2); break; } case 0x003: /* SUBU */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - utmp2; break; } case 0x004: /* CMP */ { /* Clear bottom 3 bits of condition register */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] & 0xFFFFFFF8; if(tmp1 > tmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | GreaterThan; } else if(tmp1 == tmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | EQual; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | LessThan; } break; } case 0x005: /* CMPU */ { /* Clear bottom 3 bits of condition register */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] & 0xFFFFFFF8; if(utmp1 > utmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | GreaterThan; } else if(utmp1 == utmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | EQual; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | LessThan; } break; } case 0x006: /* MUL */ { int64_t sum = tmp1 * tmp2; /* We only want the bottom 32bits */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = sum % 0x100000000; break; } case 0x007: /* MULH */ { int64_t sum = tmp1 * tmp2; /* We only want the top 32bits */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = sum / 0x100000000; break; } case 0x008: /* MULU */ { uint64_t sum = tmp1 * tmp2; /* We only want the bottom 32bits */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = sum % 0x100000000; break; } case 0x009: /* MULUH */ { uint64_t sum = tmp1 * tmp2; /* We only want the top 32bits */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = sum / 0x100000000; break; } case 0x00A: /* DIV */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 / tmp2; break; } case 0x00B: /* MOD */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1 % tmp2; break; } case 0x00C: /* DIVU */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 / utmp2; break; } case 0x00D: /* MODU */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 % utmp2; break; } case 0x010: /* MAX */ { if(tmp1 > tmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2; } break; } case 0x011: /* MAXU */ { if(utmp1 > utmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp2; } break; } case 0x012: /* MIN */ { if(tmp1 < tmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp2; } break; } case 0x013: /* MINU */ { if(utmp1 < utmp2) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp2; } break; } case 0x014: /* PACK */ { break; } case 0x015: /* UNPACK */ { break; } case 0x016: /* PACK8.CO */ { break; } case 0x017: /* PACK8U.CO */ { break; } case 0x018: /* PACK16.CO */ { break; } case 0x019: /* PACK16U.CO */ { break; } case 0x01A: /* PACK32.CO */ { break; } case 0x01B: /* PACK32U.CO */ { break; } case 0x020: /* AND */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 & utmp2; break; } case 0x021: /* OR */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 | utmp2; break; } case 0x022: /* XOR */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 ^ utmp2; break; } case 0x023: /* NAND */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = ~(utmp1 & utmp2); break; } case 0x024: /* NOR */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = ~(utmp1 | utmp2); break; } case 0x025: /* XNOR */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = ~(utmp1 ^ utmp2); break; } case 0x026: /* MPQ */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (~utmp1) & utmp2; break; } case 0x027: /* LPQ */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 & (~utmp2); break; } case 0x028: /* CPQ */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (~utmp1) | utmp2; break; } case 0x029: /* BPQ */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 | (~utmp2); break; } case 0x030: /* SAL */ { break; } case 0x031: /* SAR */ { break; } case 0x032: /* SL0 */ { break; } case 0x033: /* SR0 */ { break; } case 0x034: /* SL1 */ { break; } case 0x035: /* SR1 */ { break; } case 0x036: /* ROL */ { break; } case 0x037: /* ROR */ { break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Process 2OP Integer instructions */ bool eval_2OP_Int(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { int32_t tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; switch(c->raw_XOP) { case 0x0000: /* NEG */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1*-1; break; } case 0x0001: /* ABS */ { if(0 <= tmp1) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1*-1; } break; } case 0x0002: /* NABS */ { if(0 > tmp1) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp1*-1; } break; } case 0x0003: /* SWAP */ { vm->reg[c->reg1] = vm->reg[c->reg0]; vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; break; } case 0x0004: /* COPY */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; break; } case 0x0005: /* MOVE */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1; vm->reg[c->reg1] = 0; break; } case 0x0100: /* BRANCH */ { /* Preserve index */ uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; /* Use the index register to store the PC for upload to MEM */ vm->reg[c->reg1] = vm->ip; /* Write out the PC */ writeout_Reg(vm, utmp1, c->reg1); /* Restore our index */ vm->reg[c->reg1] = utmp1; /* Update PC */ vm->ip = vm->reg[c->reg0]; break; } case 0x0101: /* CALL */ { /* Preserve index */ uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; /* Use the index register to store the PC for upload to MEM */ vm->reg[c->reg1] = vm->ip; /* Write out the PC */ writeout_Reg(vm, utmp1, c->reg1); /* Update our index */ vm->reg[c->reg1] = utmp1 + 4; /* Update PC */ vm->ip = vm->reg[c->reg0]; break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Process 1OP Integer instructions */ bool eval_1OP_Int(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { switch(c->raw_XOP) { case 0x00000: /* READPC */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->ip; break; } case 0x00001: /* READSCID */ { /* We only support Base 8,16 and 32*/ vm->reg[c->reg0] = 0x00000007; break; } case 0x00002: /* FALSE */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = 0; break; } case 0x00003: /* TRUE */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; break; } case 0x01000: /* JSR_COROUTINE */ { vm->ip = vm->reg[c->reg0]; break; } case 0x01001: /* RET */ { /* Preserve index */ uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg0]; /* Read in the new PC */ readin_Reg(vm, utmp1, c->reg0); vm->ip = vm->reg[c->reg0]; /* Update our index */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - 4; break; } case 0x02000: /* PUSHPC */ { /* Preserve index */ uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg0]; /* Use the index register to store the PC for upload to MEM */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->ip; /* Write out the PC */ writeout_Reg(vm, utmp1, c->reg0); /* Update our index */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + 4; break; } case 0x02001: /* POPPC */ { /* Preserve index */ uint32_t utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg0]; /* Read in the new PC */ readin_Reg(vm, utmp1, c->reg0); vm->ip = vm->reg[c->reg0]; /* Update our index */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 - 4; break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Process 2OPI Integer instructions */ bool eval_2OPI_Int(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { int32_t tmp1; uint32_t utmp1; uint8_t raw0, raw1; tmp1 = (int32_t)(vm->reg[c->reg1]); utmp1 = vm->reg[c->reg1]; /* 0x0E ... 0x2B */ switch(c->raw0) { case 0x0E: /* ADDI */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (int32_t)(tmp1 + c->raw_Immediate); break; } case 0x0F: /* ADDUI */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate; break; } case 0x10: /* SUBI */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (int32_t)(tmp1 - c->raw_Immediate); break; } case 0x11: /* SUBUI */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate; break; } case 0x12: /* CMPI */ { /* Clear bottom 3 bits of condition register */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] & 0xFFFFFFF8; if(tmp1 > c->raw_Immediate) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | GreaterThan; } else if(tmp1 == c->raw_Immediate) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | EQual; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | LessThan; } break; } case 0x13: /* LOAD */ { readin_Reg(vm, (utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate) , c->reg0); break; } case 0x14: /* LOAD8 */ { raw0 = vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate]; int32_t tmp = raw0; /* Sign extend Register */ tmp = tmp << 24; tmp = tmp >> 24; vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp; break; } case 0x15: /* LOADU8 */ { vm->reg[c->reg0] = (uint8_t)(vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate]); break; } case 0x16: /* LOAD16 */ { raw0 = vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate]; raw1 = vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate + 1]; int32_t tmp = raw0*0x100 + raw1; /* Sign extend Register */ tmp = tmp << 16; tmp = tmp >> 16; vm->reg[c->reg0] = tmp; break; } case 0x17: /* LOADU16 */ { raw0 = vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate]; raw1 = vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate + 1]; vm->reg[c->reg0] = raw0*0x1000000 + raw1; break; } case 0x18: /* LOAD32 */ case 0x19: /* LOADU32 */ { readin_Reg(vm, (utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate) , c->reg0); break; } case 0x1F: /* CMPUI */ { /* Clear bottom 3 bits of condition register */ vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] & 0xFFFFFFF8; if(utmp1 > (uint32_t)c->raw_Immediate) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | GreaterThan; } else if(utmp1 == (uint32_t)c->raw_Immediate) { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | EQual; } else { vm->reg[c->reg0] = vm->reg[c->reg0] | LessThan; } break; } case 0x20: /* STORE */ { writeout_Reg(vm, (utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate), c->reg0); break; } case 0x21: /* STORE8 */ { int32_t tmp = (int8_t)(vm->reg[c->reg0]); raw0 = tmp%0x100; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate] = raw0; break; } case 0x22: /* STOREU8 */ { uint32_t tmp = vm->reg[c->reg0]; raw0 = tmp%0x100; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate] = raw0; break; } case 0x23: /* STORE16 */ { int32_t tmp = (int16_t)(vm->reg[c->reg0]); raw1 = tmp%0x100; tmp = tmp/0x100; raw0 = tmp%0x100; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate] = raw0; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate + 1] = raw1; break; } case 0x24: /* STOREU16 */ { uint32_t tmp = vm->reg[c->reg0]; raw1 = tmp%0x100; tmp = tmp/0x100; raw0 = tmp%0x100; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate] = raw0; vm->memory[utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate + 1] = raw1; break; } case 0x25: /* STORE32 */ case 0x26: /* STOREU32 */ { writeout_Reg(vm, (utmp1 + c->raw_Immediate), c->reg0); break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Process 1OPI instructions */ bool eval_1OPI(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* c) { bool C, B, O, GT, EQ, LT; uint32_t tmp; tmp = vm->reg[c->reg0]; C = tmp & Carry; B = tmp & Borrow; O = tmp & Overflow; GT = tmp & GreaterThan; EQ = tmp & EQual; LT = tmp & LessThan; /* 0x2C ... 0x3B */ switch(c->raw0) { case 0x2C: /* JUMP.C */ { if(1 == C) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x2D: /* JUMP.B */ { if(1 == B) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x2E: /* JUMP.O */ { if(1 == O) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x2F: /* JUMP.G */ { if(1 == GT) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x30: /* JUMP.GE */ { if((1 == GT) || (1 == EQ)) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x31: /* JUMP.E */ { if(1 == EQ) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x32: /* JUMP.NE */ { if(1 != EQ) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x33: /* JUMP.LE */ { if((1 == EQ) || (1 == LT)) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x34: /* JUMP.L */ { if(1 == LT) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x35: /* JUMP.Z */ { if(0 == tmp) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } case 0x36: /* JUMP.NZ */ { if(0 != tmp) { /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + c->raw_Immediate - 4; } break; } default: return true; } return false; } /* Use Opcode to decide what to do and then have it done */ void eval_instruction(struct lilith* vm, struct Instruction* current) { bool invalid = false; switch(current->raw0) { case 0x00: /* Deal with NOPs */ { return; } case 0x01: { decode_4OP(current); invalid = eval_4OP_Int(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x05: { decode_3OP(current); invalid = eval_3OP_Int(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x09: { decode_2OP(current); invalid = eval_2OP_Int(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x0D: { decode_1OP(current); invalid = eval_1OP_Int(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x0E ... 0x2B: { decode_2OPI(current); invalid = eval_2OPI_Int(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x2C ... 0x3B: { decode_1OPI(current); invalid = eval_1OPI(vm, current); if ( invalid) goto fail; break; } case 0x3C: /* JUMP */ { decode_0OPI(current); /* Adust the IP relative the the start of this instruction*/ vm->ip = vm->ip + current->raw_Immediate - 4; break; } case 0x42: /* HALCODE */ { } case 0xFF: /* Deal with HALT */ { vm->halted = true; fprintf(stderr, "Computer Program has Halted\n"); break; } default: /* Deal with illegal instruction */ { fail: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to execute the following instruction:\n%c %c %c %c\n", current->raw0, current->raw1, current->raw2, current->raw3); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", current->operation); current->invalid = true; break; } } } void execute_vm(struct lilith* vm) { struct Instruction* current; current = calloc(1, sizeof(struct Instruction)); while(!vm->halted) { read_instruction(vm, current); eval_instruction(vm, current); } free(current); return; } /* Standard C main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Make sure we have a program tape to run */ if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s $FileName\nWhere $FileName is the name of the paper tape of the program being run\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Perform all the essential stages in order */ struct lilith* vm; vm = create_vm(1 << 20); load_program(vm, argv); execute_vm(vm); destroy_vm(vm); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }