/* Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians * This file is part of stage0. * * stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with stage0. If not, see . */ #include "lisp.h" /* Support functions */ struct cell* findsym(char *name) { struct cell* symlist; for(symlist = all_symbols; nil != symlist; symlist = symlist->cdr) { if(!strcmp(name, symlist->car->string)) { return symlist; } } return nil; } struct cell* make_sym(char* name); struct cell* intern(char *name) { struct cell* op = findsym(name); if(nil != op) return op->car; op = make_sym(name); all_symbols = make_cons(op, all_symbols); return op; } /*** Environment ***/ struct cell* extend(struct cell* env, struct cell* symbol, struct cell* value) { return make_cons(make_cons(symbol, value), env); } struct cell* multiple_extend(struct cell* env, struct cell* syms, struct cell* vals) { if(nil == syms) { return env; } return multiple_extend(extend(env, syms->car, vals->car), syms->cdr, vals->cdr); } struct cell* extend_env(struct cell* sym, struct cell* val, struct cell* env) { env->cdr = make_cons(env->car, env->cdr); env->car = make_cons(sym, val); return val; } struct cell* assoc(struct cell* key, struct cell* alist) { if(nil == alist) return nil; for(; nil != alist; alist = alist->cdr) { if(alist->car->car == key) return alist->car; } return nil; } /*** Evaluator (Eval/Apply) ***/ struct cell* eval(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env); struct cell* make_proc(struct cell* a, struct cell* b, struct cell* env); struct cell* evlis(struct cell* exps, struct cell* env) { if(exps == nil) return nil; return make_cons(eval(exps->car, env), evlis(exps->cdr, env)); } struct cell* progn(struct cell* exps, struct cell* env) { if(exps == nil) return nil; for(;;) { struct cell* result; result = eval(exps->car, env); if(exps->cdr == nil) return result; exps = exps->cdr; } } struct cell* apply(struct cell* proc, struct cell* vals) { struct cell* temp = nil; if(proc->type == PRIMOP) { temp = (*(proc->function))(vals); } else if(proc->type == PROC) { struct cell* env = make_cons(proc->env->car, proc->env->cdr); temp = progn(proc->cdr, multiple_extend(env, proc->car, vals)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument to apply\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return temp; } struct cell* evcond(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { /* Return nil but the result is technically undefined per the standard */ if(nil == exp) { return nil; } if(tee == eval(exp->car->car, env)) { return eval(exp->car->cdr->car, env); } return evcond(exp->cdr, env); } struct cell* process_sym(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env); struct cell* process_cons(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env); struct cell* eval(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { if(exp == nil) return nil; switch(exp->type) { case INT: return exp; case SYM: return process_sym(exp, env); case CONS: return process_cons(exp, env); case PRIMOP: return exp; case PROC: return exp; default: return exp; } /* Not reached */ return exp; } struct cell* process_sym(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { struct cell* tmp = assoc(exp, env); if(tmp == nil) { fprintf(stderr,"Unbound symbol\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return tmp->cdr; } struct cell* process_if(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { if(eval(exp->cdr->car, env) != nil) { return eval(exp->cdr->cdr->car, env); } return eval(exp->cdr->cdr->cdr->car, env); } struct cell* process_setb(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { struct cell* newval = eval(exp->cdr->cdr->car, env); struct cell* pair = assoc(exp->cdr->car, env); pair->cdr = newval; return newval; } struct cell* process_let(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { for(struct cell* lets = exp->cdr->car; lets != nil; lets = lets->cdr) { env = make_cons(make_cons(lets->car->car, eval(lets->car->cdr->car, env)), env); } return progn(exp->cdr->cdr, env); } struct cell* process_cons(struct cell* exp, struct cell* env) { if(exp->car == s_if) return process_if(exp, env); if(exp->car == s_cond) return evcond(exp->cdr, env); if(exp->car == s_begin) return progn(exp->cdr, env); if(exp->car == s_lambda) return make_proc(exp->cdr->car, exp->cdr->cdr, env); if(exp->car == quote) return exp->cdr->car; if(exp->car == s_define) return(extend_env(exp->cdr->car, eval(exp->cdr->cdr->car, env), env)); if(exp->car == s_setb) return process_setb(exp, env); if(exp->car == s_let) return process_let(exp, env); return apply(eval(exp->car, env), evlis(exp->cdr, env)); } /*** Primitives ***/ struct cell* make_int(int a); struct cell* prim_sum(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int sum; for(sum = 0; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { sum = sum + args->car->value; } return make_int(sum); } struct cell* prim_sub(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int sum = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { sum = sum - args->car->value; } return make_int(sum); } struct cell* prim_prod(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int prod; for(prod = 1; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { prod = prod * args->car->value; } return make_int(prod); } struct cell* prim_div(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return make_int(1); int div = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { div = div / args->car->value; } return make_int(div); } struct cell* prim_mod(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int mod = args->car->value % args->cdr->car->value; if(nil != args->cdr->cdr) { printf("wrong number of arguments to mod\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return make_int(mod); } struct cell* prim_and(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; for(; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(tee != args->car) return nil; } return tee; } struct cell* prim_or(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; for(; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(tee == args->car) return tee; } return nil; } struct cell* prim_not(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; if(tee != args->car) return tee; return nil; } struct cell* prim_numgt(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int temp = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(temp <= args->car->value) { return nil; } temp = args->car->value; } return tee; } struct cell* prim_numge(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int temp = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(temp < args->car->value) { return nil; } temp = args->car->value; } return tee; } struct cell* prim_numeq(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int temp = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(temp != args->car->value) { return nil; } } return tee; } struct cell* prim_numle(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int temp = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(temp > args->car->value) { return nil; } temp = args->car->value; } return tee; } struct cell* prim_numlt(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; int temp = args->car->value; for(args = args->cdr; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(temp >= args->car->value) { return nil; } temp = args->car->value; } return tee; } struct cell* prim_listp(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) return nil; if(CONS == args->car->type) { return tee; } return nil; } struct cell* prim_output(struct cell* args, FILE* out) { for(; nil != args; args = args->cdr) { if(INT == args->car->type) { fprintf(out, "%d", args->car->value); } else if(ASCII == args->car->type) { fprintf(out, "%c", args->car->value); } else if(CONS == args->car->type) { prim_output(args->car, out); } else { fprintf(out, "%s", args->car->string); } } return tee; } struct cell* prim_display(struct cell* args) { return prim_output(args, stdout); } struct cell* prim_write(struct cell* args) { return prim_output(args, output); } int64_t cells_remaining(); struct cell* prim_freecell(struct cell* args) { if(nil == args) { printf("Remaining Cells: "); } return make_int(cells_remaining()); } struct cell* prim_ascii(struct cell* args) { struct cell* temp; for(temp = args; nil != temp; temp = temp->cdr) { if(INT == temp->car->type) { temp->car->type = ASCII; } } return args; } struct cell* prim_halt(struct cell* args) { fclose(output); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } struct cell* prim_list(struct cell* args) {return args;} struct cell* prim_cons(struct cell* args) { return make_cons(args->car, args->cdr->car); } struct cell* prim_car(struct cell* args) { return args->car->car; } struct cell* prim_cdr(struct cell* args) { return args->car->cdr; } void spinup(struct cell* sym, struct cell* prim) { all_symbols = make_cons(sym, all_symbols); top_env = extend(top_env, sym, prim); } /*** Initialization ***/ struct cell* intern(char *name); struct cell* make_prim(void* fun); struct cell* make_sym(char* name); void init_sl3() { /* Special symbols */ nil = make_sym("nil"); tee = make_sym("#t"); quote = make_sym("quote"); s_if = make_sym("if"); s_cond = make_sym("cond"); s_lambda = make_sym("lambda"); s_define = make_sym("define"); s_setb = make_sym("set!"); s_begin = make_sym("begin"); s_let = make_sym("let"); /* Globals of interest */ all_symbols = make_cons(nil, nil); top_env = extend(nil, nil, nil); /* Add Eval Specials */ spinup(tee, tee); spinup(quote, quote); spinup(s_if, s_if); spinup(s_cond, s_cond); spinup(s_lambda, s_lambda); spinup(s_define, s_define); spinup(s_setb, s_setb); spinup(s_begin, s_begin); spinup(s_let, s_let); /* Add Primitive Specials */ spinup(make_sym("+"), make_prim(prim_sum)); spinup(make_sym("-"), make_prim(prim_sub)); spinup(make_sym("*"), make_prim(prim_prod)); spinup(make_sym("/"), make_prim(prim_div)); spinup(make_sym("mod"), make_prim(prim_mod)); spinup(make_sym("and"), make_prim(prim_and)); spinup(make_sym("or"), make_prim(prim_or)); spinup(make_sym("not"), make_prim(prim_not)); spinup(make_sym(">"), make_prim(prim_numgt)); spinup(make_sym(">="), make_prim(prim_numge)); spinup(make_sym("="), make_prim(prim_numeq)); spinup(make_sym("<="), make_prim(prim_numle)); spinup(make_sym("<"), make_prim(prim_numlt)); spinup(make_sym("display"), make_prim(prim_display)); spinup(make_sym("write"), make_prim(prim_write)); spinup(make_sym("free_mem"), make_prim(prim_freecell)); spinup(make_sym("ascii!"), make_prim(prim_ascii)); spinup(make_sym("list?"), make_prim(prim_listp)); spinup(make_sym("list"), make_prim(prim_list)); spinup(make_sym("cons"), make_prim(prim_cons)); spinup(make_sym("car"), make_prim(prim_car)); spinup(make_sym("cdr"), make_prim(prim_cdr)); spinup(make_sym("HALT"), make_prim(prim_halt)); }