
40 lines
947 B

.text # section declaration
# we must export the entry point to the ELF linker or loader.
# They convientionally recognize _start as their entry point.
# Use ld -e main to override the default if you wish
.global _start
# first check that we got the correct number of inputs
pop %rax # Get the number of arguments
pop %rdi # Get the program name
pop %rdi # Get the actual argument
# Check if we have the correct number of inputs
cmp $2, %rax
# Jump to Bail if the number is not correct
jne Bail
# Load our preferred mode
mov $0755, %rsi
# Load the syscall number for chmod
mov $90, %rax
# Call the kernel
# program completed Successfully
mov $0, %rdi # All is well
mov $60, %rax # put the exit syscall number in eax
syscall # Call it a good day
# Second terminate with an error
mov $1, %rdi # there was an error
mov $60, %rax # put the exit syscall number in eax
syscall # bail out