
1034 lines
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2022-09-25 23:00:52 +01:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jeremiah Orians <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.intel_syntax noprefix
2022-09-25 23:00:52 +01:00
.global _start
# Register usage:
# RAX, RSI, RDI => Temps
# R12 => MALLOC
# R13 => HEAD
# R14 => system->boot
# Struct format: (size 32)
# NEXT => 0
# TYPE => 8
# TEXT => 16
# Types
# None => 0
# MACRO => 1
# STRING => 2
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
mov rbp, rsp # save stack pointer
mov [rip+image_handle], rcx # save image_handle
mov r14, [rdx+96] # system->boot
# Open Loaded Image protocol
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, r9 # arg1 = image_handle
call open_protocol # open protocol
mov rdi, rax # save image
# Get root file system
mov r9, [rip+image_handle] # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rdi+24] # arg1 = root_device = image->device
mov [rip+root_device], rcx # save root_device
call open_protocol # open protocol
mov rcx, rax # get rootfs
# Get root directory
lea rdx, [rip+rootdir] # arg2 = &rootdir
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
# Push command line arguments onto stack
mov rbx, [rdi+56] # options = image->load_options
mov rdx, rbx # save beginning of load_options
add rbx, [rdi+48] # go to the end of load_options
push 0 # Save end of arguments (NULL) onto stack
cmp rbx, rdx # Check if we are done
je loop_options_done # We are done
sub rbx, 2 # --options
mov al, [rbx] # *options
cmp al, 0x20 # if *options != ' '
jne loop_options # then continue looping
mov BYTE PTR [rbx], 0 # zero it
add rbx, 2 # ++options
push rbx # push another argument onto stack
jmp loop_options # next argument
# Open file for reading
pop r8 # arg3 = in
push 1 # Set exit code in case of failure
cmp r8, 0 # If NULL
je failed_input # then exit
lea rdx, [rip+fin] # arg2 = &fin
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push 1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
cmp rax, 0 # If failed to open
jne failed_input # then exit
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
# Open file for writing
pop r8 # arg3 = out
push 1 # Set exit code in case of failure
cmp r8, 0 # If NULL
je failed_output # then exit
lea rdx, [rip+fout] # arg2 = &fout
push 0 # arg5 = 0
push 7 # to get 0x8000000000000003 we set the rightmost 3 bits
pop r9 # and then do right rotation by 1
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
# Allocate ourselves 16 MiB of memory
mov rdx, 0x1000000 # allocate 16 MiB of memory for malloc pool
call allocate_pool # allocate memory
mov r12, rax # save malloc pointer
mov [rip+malloc_pool], rax # save the beginning of malloc pool
# Zero allocated memory buffer
add rax, 0x1000000 # end of malloc area
dec rax # next byte
mov BYTE PTR [rax], 0 # zero it
cmp rax, r12 # if we are not done yet
jne zero_loop # then continue looping
xor r13, r13 # Set HEAD = NULL
call Tokenize_Line # Process it
mov rax, r13 # prepare for Reverse_List
call Reverse_List # Correct order
mov r13, rax # Update HEAD
call Identify_Macros # Find the DEFINEs
call Line_Macro # Apply the DEFINEs
call Process_String # Handle strings
call Eval_Immediates # Handle Numbers
call Preserve_Other # Collect the remaining
call Print_Hex # Output our results
xor eax, eax # Set exit code 0
# Free pool
push rax # save exit code
mov rcx, [rip+malloc_pool] # arg1 = malloc_pool
call free_pool # system->boot->free_pool(malloc_pool)
mov rcx, [rip+fout] # get fout
call close_file # close fout
mov rcx, [rip+fin] # get fin
call close_file # close fin
mov rcx, [rip+rootdir] # get rootdir
call close_file # close rootdir
mov r8, [rip+image_handle] # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rip+root_device] # arg1 = root_device
call close_protocol # close protocol
mov r8, [rip+image_handle] # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, r8 # arg1 = image_handle
call close_protocol # close protocol
pop rax # restore exit code
abort: # used for debugging only
mov rsp, rbp # restore stack
ret # return to UEFI
# Tokenize_Line Function
# Using input file R15 and Head R13
# Creates a linked list of structs
# Uses RBX for in_set strings, RCX for Int C and RDX for Struct Token* p
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
call fgetc # Read a char
cmp rax, -4 # Check for EOF
je done # File is collected
movzx rax, al # We have to zero extend it to use it
mov rcx, rax # Protect C
lea rbx, [rip+comments] # Get pointer to "#;"
call In_Set # Check for comments
cmp rax, 1 # If comments
je Purge_LineComment # try again
mov rax, rcx # put C in place for check
lea rbx, [rip+terminators] # Get pointer to "\n\t "
call In_Set # Check for terminators
cmp rax, 1 # If terminator
je restart # try again
mov rax, 32 # Malloc the struct P
call malloc # Get pointer to P
mov rdx, rax # Protect P
mov [rdx], r13 # P->NEXT = HEAD
mov r13, rdx # HEAD = P
mov rax, rcx # put C in place for check
lea rbx, [rip+string_char] # Get pointer to "\"'"
call In_Set # Check for string chars
cmp rax, 1 # If string char
je Store_String # Get string
call Store_Atom # Get whole token
jmp restart
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# fgetc function
# Returns -4 (EOF) or char in RAX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, [rip+fin] # arg1 = fin
push 1 # size = 1
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
xor esi, esi # zero rsi
push rsi # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &input
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fin->read()
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # deallocate stack
pop rax # save input to rax
pop rsi # save size to rsi
# If the file ended (0 bytes read) return EOF
cmp rsi, 0 # if size == 0
jne fgetc_1
mov rax, -4 # Put EOF in rax
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
ret # return
# Malloc isn't actually reserving memory here.
# It just updates the pointer in our already reserved storage pool.
push r12 # Save current malloc pointer
add r12, rax # Request number of desired bytes
pop rax # Return pointer
# Purge_LineComment function
# Reads chars until LF and jumps to restart
call fgetc # Get a char
cmp rax, 10 # While not LF
jne Purge_LineComment # Keep reading
jmp restart
# Store_String Function
# Receives C in RCX, HEAD in RDX and Input file in R15
# Uses RBX for terminator, RCX for C and RDX for string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rax, 2 # Using TYPE STRING
mov [rdx+8], rax # HEAD->TYPE = STRING
mov rax, 256 # Malloc the string
call malloc # Get pointer to P
mov [rdx+16], rax # HEAD->TEXT = STRING
mov rbx, rcx # Protect terminator
mov rdx, rax # Protect string pointer
mov [rdx], cl # write byte
call fgetc # read next char
mov rcx, rax # Update C
add rdx, 1 # STRING = STRING + 1
cmp rcx, rbx # See if we hit terminator
jne Store_String_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, rdx # return HEAD
jmp restart
# Store_Atom Function
# Receives C in RCX, HEAD in RDX and Input file in R15
# Uses RBX for in_set strings, RCX for C and RDX for string
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rax, 256 # Malloc the string
call malloc # Get pointer to P
mov [rdx+16], rax # HEAD->TEXT = STRING
lea rbx, [rip+terminators] # Get pointer to "\n\t "
mov rdx, rax # Protect string pointer
mov [rdx], cl # write byte
call fgetc # read next char
mov rcx, rax # Update C
add rdx, 1 # STRING = STRING + 1
call In_Set # Check for terminators
cmp rax, 0 # Check for "\n\t "
je Store_Atom_loop # Loop otherwise
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, rdx # return HEAD
# In_Set function
# Receives Char C in AL and CHAR* in RBX
# Returns 1 if true, zero if false in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov cl, [rbx] # Read char
movzx rcx, cl # Zero extend it
cmp rax, rcx # See if they match
je In_Set_True # return true
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for NULL
je In_Set_False # return false
add rbx, 1 # s = s + 1
jmp In_Set_loop # Keep looping
mov rax, 1 # Set True
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
mov rax, 0 # Set FALSE
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Char sets
.byte 10, 9, 32, 0 # "\n\t \0"
.byte 35, 59, 0 # "#;\0"
.byte 34, 39, 0 # "\"'\0"
# Reverse_List function
# Receives List in RAX
# Returns the list reversed in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, rax # Set HEAD
mov rax, 0 # ROOT = NULL
cmp rbx, 0 # WHILE HEAD != NULL
je Reverse_List_Done # Stop otherwise
mov rcx, [rbx] # NEXT = HEAD->NEXT
mov [rbx], rax # HEAD->NEXT = ROOT
mov rax, rbx # ROOT = HEAD
mov rbx, rcx # HEAD = NEXT
jmp Reverse_List_Loop # Keep Going
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Identify_Macros function
# Receives List in RAX
# Updates the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RBX for DEFINE, RCX for I
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
lea rbx, [rip+DEFINE_str] # Setup define string
mov rcx, rax # I = HEAD
mov rax, [rcx+16] # I->TEXT
call match # IF "DEFINE" == I->TEXT
cmp rax, 0 # Check if match
jne Identify_Macros_Next # Skip the work
# Deal with MACRO
mov rax, 1 # Using MACRO
mov [rcx+8], rax # I->TYPE = MACRO
mov rax, [rcx] # I->NEXT
mov rax, [rax+16] # I->NEXT->TEXT
mov [rcx+16], rax # I->TEXT = I->NEXT->TEXT
mov rax, [rcx] # I->NEXT
mov rax, [rax] # I->NEXT->NEXT
mov rax, [rax+16] # I->NEXT->NEXT->TEXT
mov [rcx+24], rax # I->EXPRESSION = I->NEXT->NEXT->TEXT
mov rax, [rcx] # I->NEXT
mov rax, [rax] # I->NEXT->NEXT
mov rax, [rax] # I->NEXT->NEXT->NEXT
mov [rcx], rax # I->NEXT = I->NEXT->NEXT->NEXT
mov rcx, [rcx] # I = I->NEXT
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for NULL
jne Identify_Macros_Loop # Keep looping otherwise
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
.byte 68, 69, 70, 73, 78, 69, 0 # "DEFINE"
# match function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX and CHAR* in RBX
# Returns 0 (TRUE) or 1 (FALSE) in RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, rax # S1 in place
mov rdx, rbx # S2 in place
mov al, [rcx] # S1[0]
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
mov bl, [rdx] # S2[0]
movzx rbx, bl # Make it useful
cmp rax, rbx # See if they match
jne match_False # If not
add rcx, 1 # S1 = S1 + 1
add rdx, 1 # S2 = S2 + 1
cmp rax, 0 # If reached end of string
je match_Done # Perfect match
jmp match_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
mov rax, 1 # Return false
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Line_Macro function
# Receives List in RAX
# Updates the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RAX for I, RBX for I->TEXT, RCX for I->EXPRESSION
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rbx, [rax+8] # I->TYPE
cmp rbx, 1 # IF MACRO == I->TYPE
jne Line_Macro_Next # Otherwise move on
# Is a macro apply
mov rbx, [rax+16] # I->TEXT
mov rcx, [rax+24] # I->EXPRESSION
mov rax, [rax] # I->NEXT
call Set_Expression # Apply it
jmp Line_Macro_Loop # Move on to next
mov rax, [rax] # I->NEXT
cmp rax, 0 # Check for NULL
jne Line_Macro_Loop # Keep going
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# Set_Expression function
# Receives List in RAX, CHAR* in RBX and CHAR* in RCX
# Updates the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RBX for C, RCX for EXP and RDX for I
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # Set I
mov rax, [rdx+8] # I->TYPE
cmp rax, 1 # IF MACRO == I->TYPE
je Set_Expression_Next # Ignore and move on
mov rax, [rdx+16] # I->TEXT
call match # Check for match
cmp rax, 0 # If match
jne Set_Expression_Next # Otherwise next
# We have a non-macro match
mov [rdx+24], rcx # I->EXPRESSION = EXP
mov rdx, [rdx] # I = I->NEXT
cmp rdx, 0 # IF NULL == I
jne Set_Expression_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# Process_String function
# Receives List in RAX
# Update the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RBX for I->TEXT, RCX for I and RDX for S
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, rax # I = HEAD
mov rax, [rcx+8] # I->TYPE
cmp rax, 2 # IF STRING == I->TYPE
jne Process_String_Next # Skip to next
mov rbx, [rcx+16] # I->TEXT
mov al, [rbx] # I->TEXT[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 39 # IF '\'' == I->TEXT[0]
jne Process_String_Raw # Deal with '"'
# Deal with '\''
add rbx, 1 # I->TEXT + 1
mov [rcx+24], rbx # I->EXPRESSION = I->TEXT + 1
jmp Process_String_Next # Move on to next
mov rax, rbx # Get length of I->TEXT
call string_length # Do it
shr rax, 2 # LENGTH = LENGTH >> 2
add rax, 1 # LENGTH = LENGTH + 1
shl rax, 3 # LENGTH = LENGTH << 3
call malloc # Get string
mov rdx, rbx # S = I->TEXT
add rdx, 1 # S = S + 1
mov [rcx+24], rax # I->EXPRESSION = hexify
mov rbx, rax # Put hexify buffer in rbx
mov al, [rdx] # Read 1 chars
movzx rax, al # Make it useful
add rdx, 1 # S = S + 1
cmp al, 0 # Check for NULL
pushf # Protect condition
call hex8 # write them all
popf # restore condition
jne Process_String_Raw_Loop # Keep looping
mov rcx, [rcx] # I = I->NEXT
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == I
jne Process_String_loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# string_length function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX
# Returns INT in RAX
# Uses RAX for CH, RBX for S and RCX for INDEX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
mov rbx, rax # Set S
mov rcx, 0 # INDEX = 0
mov al, [rbx+rcx] # S[0]
movzx rax, al # make it useful
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == S[0]
je string_length_done # Stop
add rcx, 1 # INDEX = INDEX + 1
jmp string_length_loop # Keep going
mov rax, rcx # RETURN INDEX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# Eval_Immediates function
# Receives List in RAX
# Updates the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RBX for I->TEXT[0], RCX for I->TEXT[1] and RDX for I
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rdx, rax # I = HEAD
# Check for MACRO
mov rax, [rdx+8] # I->TYPE
cmp rax, 1 # IF MACRO == I->TYPE
je Eval_Immediates_Next # Skip to next
mov rax, [rdx+24] # I->EXPRESSION
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == I->EXPRESSION
jne Eval_Immediates_Next # Skip to next
# Check if number
mov rax, [rdx+16] # I->TEXT
mov bl, [rax] # I->TEXT[0]
movzx rbx, bl # Extend to use
add rax, 1 # I->TEXT + 1
mov cl, [rax] # I->TEXT[1]
movzx rcx, cl # Extend to use
call numerate_string # Convert string to INT
cmp rax, 0 # IF 0 == numerate_string(I->TEXT + 1)
jne Eval_Immediates_value # Has a value
# Last chance for Immediate
cmp rcx, 48 # If '0' == I->TEXT[1]
jne Eval_Immediates_Next # Skip to next
call express_number # Convert value to hex string
mov [rdx+24], rax # I->EXPRESSION = express_number(value, I-TEXT[0])
mov rdx, [rdx] # I = I->NEXT
cmp rdx, 0 # IF NULL == I
jne Eval_Immediates_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# numerate_string function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX
# Returns value of CHAR* in RAX
# Uses RAX for VALUE, RBX for S, RCX for CH and RSI for NEGATIVE?
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
push rsi # Protect RSI
mov rbx, rax # put S in correct place
mov rax, 0 # Initialize to Zero
mov cl, [rbx+1] # S[1]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 120 # IF 'x' == S[1]
je numerate_hex # Deal with hex input
# Assume decimal input
mov rsi, 0 # Assume no negation
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 45 # IF '-' == S[0]
jne numerate_decimal # Skip negation
mov rsi, 1 # Set FLAG
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == S[0]
je numerate_decimal_done # We are done
imul rax, 10 # VALUE = VALUE * 10
sub rcx, 48 # CH = CH - '0'
cmp rcx, 9 # Check for illegal
jg numerate_string_fail # If CH > '9'
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for illegal
jl numerate_string_fail # IF CH < 0
add rax, rcx # VALUE = VALUE + CH
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp numerate_decimal # Keep looping
cmp rsi, 1 # Check if need to negate
jne numerate_string_done # Nope
imul rax, -1 # VALUE = VALUE * -1
jmp numerate_string_done # Done
add rbx, 2 # S = S + 2
mov cl, [rbx] # S[0]
movzx rcx, cl # make it useful
cmp rcx, 0 # IF NULL == S[0]
je numerate_string_done # We are done
shl rax, 4 # VALUE = VALUE << 4
sub rcx, 48 # CH = CH - '0'
cmp rcx, 10 # IF 10 >= CH
jl numerate_hex_digit # NO
sub rcx, 7 # Push A-F into range
cmp rcx, 15 # Check for illegal
jg numerate_string_fail # If CH > 'F'
cmp rcx, 0 # Check for illegal
jl numerate_string_fail # IF CH < 0
add rax, rcx # VALUE = VALUE + CH
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp numerate_hex_loop # Keep looping
mov rax, 0 # return ZERO
pop rsi # Restore RSI
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# express_number function
# Receives INT in RAX and CHAR in RBX
# Allocates a string and expresses the value in hex
# Returns string in RAX
# Uses RAX for VALUE, RBX for S and RCX for CH
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, rbx # Put CH in right place
mov rbx, rax # Protect VALUE
cmp rcx, 37 # IF '%' == CH
jne express_number2 # Otherwise try @
mov rax, 9 # We need 9 bytes
call malloc # Get S pointer
xchg rax, rbx # Put S and VALUE in place
push rbx # Protect S
call hex32l # Store 32bits
jmp express_number_done # done
cmp rcx, 64 # IF '@' == CH
jne express_number1 # Othrewise try !
mov rax, 5 # We need 5 bytes
call malloc # Get S pointer
xchg rax, rbx # Put S and VALUE in place
push rbx # Protect S
call hex16l # Store 16bits
jmp express_number_done # done
mov rax, 3 # We need 3 bytes
call malloc # Get S pointer
xchg rax, rbx # Put S and VALUE in place
push rbx # Protect S
call hex8 # Store 8bit
pop rax # Restore S
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# HEX to ascii routine
# Receives INT in RAX and CHAR* in RBX
# Stores ascii of INT in CHAR*
# Returns only modifying RAX
push rax # Protect top 32
call hex32l # Store it
pop rax # do top 32
shr rax, 32 # do bottom 32 first
push rax # Protect top 16
call hex16l # Store it
pop rax # do top 16
shr rax, 16 # do bottom 16 first
push rax # Protect top byte
call hex8 # Store it
pop rax # do high byte
shr rax, 8 # do bottom byte first
push rax # Protect bottom nibble
shr rax, 4 # do high nibble first
call hex4 # Store it
pop rax # do low nibble
and rax, 0xf # isolate nibble
add al, '0' # convert to ascii
cmp al, '9' # valid digit?
jbe hex1 # yes
add al, 7 # use alpha range
mov [ebx], al # store result
add ebx, 1 # next position
# Preserve_Other function
# Receives List in RAX
# Updates the list in place; does not modify registers
# Uses RAX for I, RBX for I->TEXT
push rax # Protect RAX
push rbx # Protect RBX
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rbx, [rax+24] # I->EXPRESSION
cmp rbx, 0 # IF NULL == I->EXPRESSION
jne Preserve_Other_Next # Otherwise next
# Needs preserving
mov rbx, [rax+16] # I->TEXT
mov [rax+24], rbx # I->EXPRESSION = I->TEXT
mov rax, [rax] # I = I->NEXT
cmp rax, 0 # IF NULL == I
jne Preserve_Other_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
pop rbx # Restore RBX
pop rax # Restore RAX
# Print_Hex function
# Receives list in RAX
# walks the list and prints the I->EXPRESSION for all nodes followed by newline
# Uses RBX for I
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, r13 # I = Head
mov rax, [rbx+8] # I->TYPE
cmp rax, 1 # IF MACRO == I->TYPE
je Print_Hex_Next # Skip
mov rax, [rbx+24] # Using EXPRESSION
call File_Print # Print it
mov rax, 10 # NEWLINE
call fputc # Append it
mov rbx, [rbx] # Iterate to next Token
cmp rbx, 0 # Check for NULL
jne Print_Hex_Loop # Otherwise keep looping
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# File_Print function
# Receives CHAR* in RAX
# calls fputc for every non-null char
push rbx # Protect RBX
mov rbx, rax # Protect S
cmp rax, 0 # Protect against nulls
je File_Print_Done # Simply don't try to print them
mov al, [rbx] # Read byte
movzx rax, al # zero extend
cmp rax, 0 # Check for NULL
je File_Print_Done # Stop at NULL
call fputc # write it
add rbx, 1 # S = S + 1
jmp File_Print_Loop # Keep going
pop rbx # Restore RBX
# fputc function
# receives CHAR in RAX
2022-09-25 23:00:52 +01:00
# writes char and returns
push rcx # Protect RCX
push rdx # Protect RDX
mov rcx, [rip+fout] # arg1 = fout
push 1 # set size
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
push rax # allocate stack
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &output
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+40] # fout->write()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop rdx # Restore RDX
pop rcx # Restore RCX
ret # return
# rcx: file handle
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+16] # file_handle->close(file_handle)
pop rax # deallocate stack
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r9: agent_handle
# returns interface
push rax # allocate stack for interface
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &interface
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(handle, &guid, &interface, agent_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rax # get interface
# rcx: handle
# rdx: &guid
# r8: agent_handle
xor r9, r9 # arg4 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(handle, &guid, agent_handle, 0)
add rsp, 32 # deallocate stack
# rdx: number of bytes to allocate
# r14: system->boot
# returns pointer in rax
push rdx # allocate stack for pool pointer
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &pool
push 2
pop rcx # arg1 = EFI_LOADER_DATA
sub rsp, 24 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI
call [r14+64] # system->boot->allocate_pool(EFI_LOADER_DATA, 2048, &pool)
add rsp, 24 # deallocate stack
pop rax # get pool
# rcx: memory pool
# r14: system->boot
push rax # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+72] # system->boot->free_pool(pool)
pop rax # deallocate stack
# Protocol GUIDs
.long 0x5b1b31a1
.short 0x9562
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x0964e5b22
.short 0x6459
.short 0x11d2
.byte 0x8e, 0x39, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0
.long 0, 0