
38 KiB

## Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians ## This file is part of stage0. ## ## stage0 is free software: you an redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with stage0. If not, see <>.

High level programming information that is likely useful


What is it?

M0 is the most minimal macro-assembler possible to self bootstrap on the Knight ISA specification. In fact it is so minimal that a definition file or individual definitions need to be prepended to source files for it to work. And example of a definitions is the following: DEFINE ADD 05000

What are its assumptions?

  • all numbers outside of quotes are to be converted to 4 hex nybbles.
  • all strings are to be converted into hex form and start with a " and end with a ", no nesting
  • all definitions need to be applied if possible.
  • definitions can not be recursive or nested
  • all other details about the resulting binary will be handled by a hex2 assembler or better.
  • Line comments start with # or ; and continue to the end of the line and are not output

How to use it

Simply create a definition, such as DEFINE ADD 05000 and then use ADD where you need 05000 That is it.

Does it provide any error checking?



M0 assumes you write perfect code and never make a single mistake. If you want an macro assembler that helps to catch dumb mistakes, use something else.

Can I use M0 without stage0 vm?

Yes, that is why exists


What is it?

Hex2 is a standard set of rules that are architecture dependent which when combined with an implementation that support it functions like an advanced hex assembler. The goal behind hex2 is that any programmer should be able to implement a compatable implemention within a couple hours in C, or a couple of days in assembly or a couple of weeks if they hand encode it in hex itself. Its design is optimal for instruction sets that are nybble aligned or at worst verbose for instruction sets that are byte aligned.

What are its assumptions?

The most important assumption is that ALL labels are globally unique and should have only 1 instance.

Hex2 only assumes 4 types of inputs:

  1. Hex nybbles to be assembled
  2. Line comments beginning with # or ; to be ignored and dropped
  3. Labels that begin with :
  4. Pointers to labels that start with @,$ or &

For pointers starting with @, it is assumed that the user wants the 16bit relative displacement required by the preceeding instruction to the label; this is primarily used for jump, calli address immediates and PC relative loads and stores. For pointers starting with $, it is assumed that the user wants the 16bit absolute address of the label; this is primarily used for pointer comparisons involving hand encoded objects. For pointers starting with &, it is assumed that the user wants the 32bit absolute address of the label; this is primarily for hand encoding objects or instructions that want 32bit absolute addresses

More advanced?

It is possible for a hex2 assembler to support more than just the minimal set as defined above and is frequently the case on complicated instruction sets. However, to be considered hex2 compliant a program should not depend on those additions. However, a hex assembler which supports those extensions can be considered fully compliant as long as hex2 compliant programs can be compiled correctly.

How to use it

In theory, you should never have to use hex2 directly as it is a rather tedious language to program in. Its primary design is to allow extremely low level and auditable bootstrap programs. But should you wish to do so, it'll probably be advisable for it to look something like this: :Store_String_0 05049045 # STOREX8 R0 R4 R5 ; Store the Byte 42100100 # FGETC ; Get next Byte 0F550001 # ADDUI R5 R5 1 ; Prep for next loop C306 @Store_String_0 # CMPJUMPI.NE R0 R6 @Store_String_0 ; Loop if matching not found

With very clear label names, a mixture of low and high level comments. It does become possible to write fixable code. But lets be honest, the only time you need to write hex2 is: When bootstrapping something new/ugly without M0 OR All of stage0 was lost due to a category 5 disaster.

Should you use it?

Only if engaged in low level bootstrapping with the desire to defend against the trusting trust attack in an auditable fashion. Otherwise, just use gcc or llvm and save yourself alot of responsibility.

Instruction Listing

00 xx xx xx :: NOP

Hex Name Comment
00 00 00 00 Proper NOP
00 xx xx xx NOP equivelent. Although these instructions will all be treated as NOPs. DO NOT USE THEM.

4OP Groups

4OP nn is the XOP, a = b OP c Cond d

01 nn ab cd :: 4OP Integer group

Add subgroup
Hex Name Comment
01 00 ab cd ADD.CI a b c d a = b + c + CARRY? d [signed]
01 01 ab cd ADD.CO a b c d a = b + c; d = CARRY? [signed]
01 02 ab cd ADD.CIO a b c d a = b + c + CARRY? d; d = CARRY? [signed]
01 03 ab cd ADDU.CI a b c d a = b + c + CARRY? d [unsigned]
01 04 ab cd ADDU.CO a b c d a = b + c; d = CARRY? [unsigned]
01 05 ab cd ADDU.CIO a b c d a = b + c + CARRY? d; d = CARRY? [unsigned]
Subtract subgroup
Hex Name Comment
01 06 ab cd SUB.BI a b c d a = b - c - BORROW? d [signed]
01 07 ab cd SUB.BO a b c d a = b - c; d = BORROW? [signed]
01 08 ab cd SUB.BIO a b c d a = b - c - BORROW? d; d = BORROW? [signed]
01 09 ab cd SUBU.BI a b c d a = b - c - BORROW? d [unsigned]
01 0A ab cd SUBU.BO a b c d a = b - c; d = BORROW? [unsigned]
01 0B ab cd SUBU.BIO a b c d a = b - c - BORROW? d; d = BORROW? [unsigned]
long math subgroup
Hex Name Comment
01 0C ab cd MULTIPLY a b c d a = MUL c d; b = MULH c d [signed]
01 0D ab cd MULTIPLYU a b c d a = MUL c d; b = MULH c d [unsigned]
01 0E ab cd DIVIDE a b c d a = DIV c d; b = MOD c d [signed]
01 0F ab cd DIVIDEU a b c d a = DIV c d; b = MOD c d [unsigned]
Logic subgroup
Hex Name Comment
01 10 ab cd MUX a b c d a = (c & ~b) | (d & b)
01 11 ab cd NMUX a b c d a = (c & b) | (d & ~b)
01 12 ab cd SORT a b c d a = MAX(c, d); b = MIN(c, d) [signed]
01 13 ab cd SORTU a b c d a = MAX(c, d); b = MIN(c, d) [unsigned]
Reserved Block
Hex Name
01 14 xx xx Reserved
01 FF xx xx Reserved

02 nn ab cd :: 4OP Floating group

03 nn ab cd :: 4OP SIMD group

04 nn ab cd :: 4OP Reserved group

3OP Groups

3OP nn n is the XOP, a = b OP c

05 nn na bc :: 3OP Integer group

Turing group
Hex Name Comment
05 00 0a bc ADD a b c a = b + c [signed]
05 00 1a bc ADDU a b c a = b + c [unsigned]
05 00 2a bc SUB a b c a = b - c [signed]
05 00 3a bc SUBU a b c a = b - c [unsigned]
05 00 4a bc CMP a b c a = b CMP c [signed]
05 00 5a bc CMPU a b c a = b CMP c [unsigned]
Convience group
Hex Name Comment
05 00 6a bc MUL a b c a = b * c [signed] bottom n bits
05 00 7a bc MULH a b c a = (b * c) >> n [signed] top n bits
05 00 8a bc MULU a b c a = b * c [unsigned] bottom n bits
05 00 9a bc MULUH a b c a = (b * c) >> n [unsigned] top n bits
05 00 Aa bc DIV a b c a = b / c [signed]
05 00 Ba bc MOD a b c a = b % c [signed]
05 00 Ca bc DIVU a b c a = b / c [unsigned]
05 00 Da bc MODU a b c a = b % c [unsigned]
Reserved group 0
Hex Name
05 00 Ex xx Reserved
05 00 Fx xx Reserved
Sort group
Hex Name Comment
05 01 0a bc MAX a b c a = MAX(b, c) [signed]
05 01 1a bc MAXU a b c a = MAX(b, c) [unsigned]
05 01 2a bc MIN a b c a = MIN(b, c) [signed]
05 01 3a bc MINU a b c a = MIN(b, c) [unsigned]
Binary packing group

Due to the complexity of building/programming the pack instructions, the have been removed to simplify the porting task. The Opcodes will be preserved should we wish in the future to be binary compatable with the Knight specification.

Hex Name Comment
05 01 4a bc Reserved
05 01 Fx xx Reserved
Logical group
Hex Name Comment
05 02 0a bc AND a b c a = b & c
05 02 1a bc OR a b c a = b | c
05 02 2a bc XOR a b c a = b XOR c
05 02 3a bc NAND a b c a != b & c
05 02 4a bc NOR a b c a != b | c
05 02 5a bc XNOR a b c a != b XOR c
05 02 6a bc MPQ a b c a = b MPQ c [Converse Nonimplication]
05 02 7a bc LPQ a b c a = b LPQ c [Material Nonimplication]
05 02 8a bc CPQ a b c a = b CPQ c [Material Implication]
05 02 9a bc BPQ a b c a = b BPQ c [Converse Implication]
Reserved group 1
Hex Name
05 02 Ax xx Reserved
05 02 Fx xx Reserved
Bit rotation group
Hex Name Comment
05 03 0a bc SAL a b c a = b << c [arithmetically]
05 03 1a bc SAR a b c a = b >> c [arithmetically]
05 03 2a bc SL0 a b c a = b << c [Fill with zeros]
05 03 3a bc SR0 a b c a = b >> c [Fill with zeros]
05 03 4a bc SL1 a b c a = b << c [Fill with ones]
05 03 5a bc SR1 a b c a = b >> c [Fill with ones]
05 03 6a bc ROL a b c a = ROL(b, c) [Circular rotate left]
05 03 7a bc ROR a b c a = ROR(b, c) [Circular rotate right]
Load group
Hex Name Comment
05 03 8a bc LOADX a b c a = MEM[b+c]
05 03 9a bc LOADX8 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [signed 8bits]
05 03 Aa bc LOADXU8 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [unsigned 8bits]
05 03 Ba bc LOADX16 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [signed 16bits]
05 03 Ca bc LOADXU16 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [unsigned 16bits]
05 03 Da bc LOADX32 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [signed 32bits]
05 03 Ea bc LOADXU32 a b c a = MEM[b+c] [unsigned 32bits]
05 03 Fx xx Reserved
05 04 0x xx Reserved
05 04 1x xx Reserved
05 04 2x xx Reserved
05 04 3x xx Reserved
05 04 4x xx Reserved
05 04 5x xx Reserved
05 04 6x xx Reserved
05 04 7x xx Reserved
Store group
Hex Name Comment
05 04 8a bc STOREX a b c MEM[b+c] = a
05 04 9a bc STOREX8 a b c MEM[b+c] = a [8bits]
05 04 Aa bc STOREX16 a b c MEM[b+c] = a [16bits]
05 04 Ba bc STOREX32 a b c MEM[b+c] = a [32bits]
05 04 Cx xx Reserved
05 04 Dx xx Reserved
05 04 Ex xx Reserved
05 04 Fx xx Reserved
Hex Name Comment
05 05 0a bc CMPJUMP.G a b c a > b ? PC = c
05 05 1a bc CMPJUMP.GE a b c a >= b ? PC = c
05 05 2a bc CMPJUMP.E a b c a == b ? PC = c
05 05 3a bc CMPJUMP.NE a b c a != b ? PC = c
05 05 4a bc CMPJUMP.LE a b c a <= b ? PC = c
05 05 5a bc CMPJUMP.L a b c a < b ? PC = c
05 05 6x xx Reserved
05 05 Fx xx Reserved
05 06 0a bc CMPJUMPU.G a b c a > b ? PC = c
05 06 1a bc CMPJUMPU.GE a b c a >= b ? PC = c
05 06 2a bc Reserved
05 06 3a bc Reserved
05 06 4a bc CMPJUMPU.LE a b c a <= b ? PC = c
05 06 5a bc CMPJUMPU.L a b c a < b ? PC = c
05 06 6x xx Reserved
05 06 Fx xx Reserved
Reserved group 2
Hex Name
05 07 0x xx Reserved
05 FF Fx xx Reserved

06 nn na bc :: 3OP Floating group

07 nn na bc :: 3OP SIMD group

08 nn na bc :: 3OP Reserved group

2OP Groups

2OP nn nn is the XOP, a = OP b

09 nn nn ab :: 2OP Integer group

Numeric group
Hex Name Comment
09 00 00 ab NEG a b a = (b > 0) ? -b : b
09 00 01 ab ABS a b a = | b |
09 00 02 ab NABS a b a = - | b |
Movement group
Hex Name Comment
09 00 03 ab SWAP a b a <=> b
09 00 04 ab COPY a b a = b
09 00 05 ab MOVE a b a = b; b = 0
09 00 06 ab NOT a b a = !b
Reserved Block 0
Hex Name
09 00 07 xx Reserved
09 00 FF xx Reserved
Function call group
Hex Name Comment
09 01 00 ab BRANCH a b MEM[b] = PC; PC = a
09 01 01 ab CALL a b MEM[b] = PC; b = b + (register size in bytes); PC = a
Stack group
Hex Name Comment
09 02 00 ab PUSHR a b MEM[b] = a; b = b + (register size in bytes)
09 02 01 ab PUSH8 a b MEM[b] = bottom_8_bits(a); b = b + 1
09 02 02 ab PUSH16 a b MEM[b] = bottome_16_bits(a); b = b + 2
09 02 03 ab PUSH32 a b MEM[b] = bottome_32_bits(a); b = b + 4
09 02 04 xx Reserved
09 02 7F xx Reserved
09 02 80 ab POPR a b a = MEM[b]; MEM[b] = 0; b = b - (register size in bytes)
09 02 81 ab POP8 a b a = MEM[b] (signed); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 1
09 02 82 ab POPU8 a b a = MEM[b] (unsigned); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 1
09 02 83 ab POP16 a b a = MEM[b] (signed); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 2
09 02 84 ab POPU16 a b a = MEM[b] (unsigned); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 2
09 02 85 ab POP32 a b a = MEM[b] (signed); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 4
09 02 86 ab POPU32 a b a = MEM[b] (signed); MEM[b] = 0; b = b - 4
09 02 FF xx Reserved
Hex Name Comment
09 03 00 ab CMPSKIP.G a b a > b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 01 ab CMPSKIP.GE a b a >= b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 02 ab CMPSKIP.E a b a == b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 03 ab CMPSKIP.NE a b a != b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 04 ab CMPSKIP.LE a b a <= b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 05 ab CMPSKIP.L a b a < b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 06 xx Reserved
09 03 7F ab Reserved
09 03 80 ab CMPSKIPU.G a b a > b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 81 ab CMPSKIPU.GE a b a >= b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 82 ab Reserved
09 03 83 ab Reserved
09 03 84 ab CMPSKIPU.LE a b a <= b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 85 ab CMPSKIPU.L a b a < b ? Skip Next instruction
09 03 86 xx Reserved
09 03 FF ab Reserved
Reserved Block 1
Hex Name
09 02 87 xx Reserved
09 FF FF xx Reserved

0A nn nn ab :: 2OP Floating group

0B nn nn ab :: 2OP SIMD group

0C nn nn ab :: 2OP Reserved group

1OP Groups

1OP nn nn n is the XOP, a = OP a

0D nn nn na :: 1OP group

State group
Hex Name Comment
0D 00 00 0a READPC a a = PC
0D 00 00 1a READSCID a a = SCID
0D 00 00 2a FALSE a a = 0
0D 00 00 3a TRUE a a = FF … FF
Reserved block 0
Hex Name
0D 00 00 4x Reserved
0D 00 FF Fx Reserved
Function return group
Hex Name Comment
0D 01 00 0a JSR_COROUTINE a PC = a
0D 01 00 1a RET a PC = MEM[a]; a = a - (register size in bytes)
Reserved block 1
Hex Name
0D 01 00 2x Reserved
0D 01 FF Fx Reserved
Stack state group
Hex Name Comment
0D 02 00 0a PUSHPC a MEM[a] = PC; a = a + (register size in bytes)
0D 02 00 1a POPPC a PC = MEM[a]; a = a - (register size in bytes)
Hex Name
0D 02 00 2x Reserved
0D FF FF Fx Reserved

2OPI Groups

2OPI ii ii is the Immediate, a = b OP ii ii

2OPI Integer

Hex Name Comment
0E ab ii ii ADDI a b ii ii a = b + ii ii [signed]
0F ab ii ii ADDUI a b ii ii a = b + ii ii [unsigned]
10 ab ii ii SUBI a b ii ii a = b - ii ii [signed]
11 ab ii ii SUBUI a b ii ii a = b - ii ii [unsigned]

2OPI Integer signed compare

Hex Name Comment
12 ab ii ii CMPI a b ii ii a = b CMP ii ii [signed]

2OPI Integer Load

Hex Name Comment
13 ab ii ii LOAD a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii]
14 ab ii ii LOAD8 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [signed 8bits]
15 ab ii ii LOADU8 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [unsigned 8bits]
16 ab ii ii LOAD16 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [signed 16bits]
17 ab ii ii LOADU16 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [unsigned 16bits]
18 ab ii ii LOAD32 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [signed 32bits]
19 ab ii ii LOADU32 a b ii ii a = MEM[b + ii ii] [unsigned 32bits]
1A ab ii ii Reserved
1B ab ii ii Reserved
1C ab ii ii Reserved
1D ab ii ii Reserved
1E ab ii ii Reserved

2OPI Integer unsigned compare

Hex Name Comment
1F ab ii ii CMPUI a b ii ii a = b CMP ii ii [unsigned]

2OPI Integer store

Hex Name Comment
20 ab ii ii STORE a b ii MEM[b + ii ii] = a
21 ab ii ii STORE8 a b ii MEM[b + ii ii] = a [signed 8bits]
22 ab ii ii STORE16 a b ii MEM[b + ii ii] = a [signed 16bits]
23 ab ii ii STORE32 a b ii MEM[b + ii ii] = a [signed 32bits]
24 ab ii ii Reserved
25 ab ii ii Reserved
26 ab ii ii Reserved
27 ab ii ii Reserved
28 ab ii ii Reserved
29 ab ii ii Reserved
2A ab ii ii Reserved
2B ab ii ii Reserved

1OPI Groups

1OPI i ii ii is the Immediate, a = a OP i ii ii

Conditional Integer Jumps

Hex Name Comment
2C 0a ii ii JUMP.C a ii ii Carry? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 1a ii ii JUMP.B a ii ii Borrow? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 2a ii ii JUMP.O a ii ii Overflow? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 3a ii ii JUMP.G a ii ii GT? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 4a ii ii JUMP.GE a ii ii GT? a | EQ? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 5a ii ii JUMP.E a ii ii EQ? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 6a ii ii JUMP.NE a ii ii NEQ? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 7a ii ii JUMP.LE a ii ii LT? a | EQ? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 8a ii ii JUMP.L a ii ii LT? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C 9a ii ii JUMP.Z a ii ii ZERO? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C Aa ii ii JUMP.NZ a ii ii NZERO? a; PC = PC + i ii ii
2C Ba ii ii JUMP.P POSITIVE? a; PC = PC + ii ii
2C Ca ii ii JUMP.NP NEGATIVE? a; PC = PC + ii ii
2C Dx xx xx Reserved
2C Ex xx xx Reserved
2C Fx xx xx Reserved

Branch Immediates

Hex Name Comment
2D 0a ii ii CALLI a ii ii MEM[a] = PC; a = a + (register size in bytes); PC = PC + ii ii
2D 1a ii ii LOADI a ii ii a = ii ii (signed)
2D 2a ii ii LOADUI a ii ii a = ii ii (unsigned)
2D 3a ii ii SALI a ii ii a = a << ii ii [arithmetically]
2D 4a ii ii SARI a ii ii a = a >> ii ii [arithmetically]
2D 5a ii ii SL0I a ii ii a = a << ii ii [Fill with zeros]
2D 6a ii ii SR0I a ii ii a = a >> ii ii [Fill with zeros]
2D 7a ii ii SL1I a ii ii a = a << ii ii [Fill with ones]
2D 8a ii ii SR1I a ii ii a = a >> ii ii [Fill with ones]

Relative Loads

Hex Name Comment
2E 0a ii ii LOADR a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii]
2E 1a ii ii LOADR8 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [signed 8 bits]
2E 2a ii ii LOADRU8 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [unsigned 8 bits]
2E 3a ii ii LOADR16 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [signed 16 bits]
2E 4a ii ii LOADRU16 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [unsigned 16 bits]
2E 5a ii ii LOADR32 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [signed 32 bits]
2E 6a ii ii LOADRU32 a ii ii a = MEM[ip + ii ii] [unsigned 32 bits]
2E 7a ii ii Reserved
2E 8a ii ii Reserved
2E 9a ii ii Reserved
2E Aa ii ii Reserved
2E Ba ii ii Reserved
2E Ca ii ii Reserved
2E Da ii ii Reserved
2E Ea ii ii Reserved
2E Fa ii ii Reserved

Relative Stores

Hex Name Comment
2F 0a ii ii STORER a ii ii MEM[ip + ii ii] = a
2F 1a ii ii STORER8 a ii ii MEM[ip + ii ii] = a [signed 8 bits]
2F 2a ii ii STORER16 a ii ii MEM[ip + ii ii] = a [signed 16 bits]
2F 3a ii ii STORER32 a ii ii MEM[ip + ii ii] = a [signed 32 bits]
2F 4a ii ii Reserved
2F 5a ii ii Reserved
2F 6a ii ii Reserved
2F 7a ii ii Reserved
2F 8a ii ii Reserved
2F 9a ii ii Reserved
2F Aa ii ii Reserved
2F Ba ii ii Reserved
2F Ca ii ii Reserved
2F Da ii ii Reserved
2F Ea ii ii Reserved
2F Fa ii ii Reserved

0OPI group

0OPI ii ii is the Immediate, OP ii ii

Unconditional jumps

Hex Name Comment
3C 00 ii ii JUMP ii ii PC = PC + ii ii

Reserved Block 0

At this time these instructions only produce a warning; but could do anything. DO NOT USE.

Hex Name
3D 00 00 00 Reserved
41 FF FF FF Reserve


42 hh hh hh is the HALCODE callID, invalid HALCODE SHOULD NOT BE USED.

HALCODE Reserved for Operating Systems

The following block contains both instructions that are reserved for Operating systems and for internal use by Operating systems

Hex Name
42 00 xx xx Reserved
42 0F xx xx Reserved

Tape console HALCODE

This HALCODE is used for interacting with any tape console attached to the system.

Reference specific notes

In this reference implementation we will be interacting with a simplified version of the series 10 console. All compatible implementations need to ensure to implement functional equivelents. Provided of course that any deviations would not change any output specified to be written to tape. Padding with Zeros til start/end of page/segment however is acceptable.

Standard compatibility requirements

The following 3 devices must exist with the following exact IDs

Interface Name ID
Keyboard/tty 00 00 00 00
Tape 1 00 00 11 00
Tape 2 00 00 11 01
Required Device HALCODE
Hex Name Comment
42 10 00 00 FOPEN_READ Feed on device who's ID matches the contents of register 0 until first non-zero byte is found.
42 10 00 01 FOPEN_WRITE Feed on device who's ID matches the contents of register 0 until first zero byte is found
42 10 00 02 FCLOSE Close out writes to device who's ID matches the contents of register 0.
42 10 00 03 REWIND rewind back to first non-zero byte found on tape.
42 10 00 04 FSEEK seek forward or backward the number of bytes specified in register 1 on
the device who's ID matches the contents of register 0.
Reserved Block for Hardware specific implementation details
Hex Name
42 10 00 04 Reserved
42 10 00 FF Reserved
Required Device capability HALCODE
Device Read HALCODE
Hex Name Comment
42 10 01 00 FGETC read 1 byte into register 0 from device who's ID is in register 1
Reserved Block for Hardware specific implementation details
Hex Name
42 10 01 01 Reserved
42 10 01 FF Reserved
Device Write HALCODE
Hex Name Comment
42 10 02 00 FPUTC write 1 byte from register 0 to device who's ID is in register 1
Reserved Block for Hardware specific implementation details
Hex Name
42 10 02 01 Reserved
42 10 02 FF Reserved
Reserved Block for Future HALCODE Expansion
Hex Name
42 10 03 00 Reserved
42 10 FF FF Reserved
Device physical specifications
Hex Name Comment
42 11 00 00 HAL_MEM Loads the total amount of physical Memory that is functional into register 0
Reserved Block for Future HALCODE Expansion
Hex Name
42 12 00 00 Reserved
42 FF FF FF Reserved

Reserved Block 1

At this time these instructions only produce a warning; but could do anything. DO NOT USE.

Hex Name
43 00 00 00 Reserved
9F FF FF FF Reserved


Hex Name Comment
A0 0a ii ii CMPSKIPI.G a ii ii a > ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 1a ii ii CMPSKIPI.GE a ii ii a >= ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 2a ii ii CMPSKIPI.E a ii ii a == ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 3a ii ii CMPSKIPI.NE a ii ii a != ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 4a ii ii CMPSKIPI.LE a ii ii a <= ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 5a ii ii CMPSKIPI.L a ii ii a < ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A0 6a ii ii Reserved
A0 Fa ii ii Reserved
A1 0a ii ii CMPSKIPUI.G a ii ii a > ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A1 1a ii ii CMPSKIPUI.GE a ii ii a >= ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A1 2a ii ii Reserved
A1 3a ii ii Reserved
A1 4a ii ii CMPSKIPUI.LE a ii ii a <= ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A1 5a ii ii CMPSKIPUI.L a ii ii a < ii ii ? Skip Next instruction
A1 6a ii ii Reserved
A1 Fa ii ii Reserved

Reserved Block 2

At this time these instructions only produce a warning; but could do anything. DO NOT USE.

Hex Name
A2 00 00 00 Reserved
AF FF FF FF Reserved

Bit optimization group

Hex Name Comment
B0 ab ii ii ANDI a b ii ii a = b & ii ii
B1 ab ii ii ORI a b ii ii a = b | ii ii
B2 ab ii ii XORI a b ii ii a = b XOR ii ii
B3 ab ii ii NANDI a b ii ii a != b && ii ii
B4 ab ii ii NORI a b ii ii a != b | ii ii
B5 ab ii ii XNORI a b ii ii a != b XOR ii ii
B6 00 00 00 Reserved
BF FF FF FF Reserved


Hex Name Comment
C0 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.G a b ii ii a > b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C1 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.GE a b ii ii a >= b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C2 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.E a b ii ii a == b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C3 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.NE a b ii ii a != b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C4 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.LE a b ii ii a <= b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C5 ab ii ii CMPJUMPI.L a b ii ii a < b ? PC = PC + ii ii
C6 ab ii ii Reserved
CF ab ii ii Reserved
D0 ab ii ii CMPJUMPUI.G a b ii ii a > b ? PC = PC + ii ii (unsigned)
D1 ab ii ii CMPJUMPUI.GE a b ii ii a >= b ? PC = PC + ii ii (unsigned)
D2 ab ii ii Reserved
D3 ab ii ii Reserved
D4 ab ii ii CMPJUMPUI.LE a b ii ii a <= b ? PC = PC + ii ii (unsigned)
D5 ab ii ii CMPJUMPUI.L a b ii ii a < b ? PC = PC + ii ii (unsigned)
D6 ab ii ii Reserved
DF ab ii ii Reserved

Reserved Block 3

At this time these instructions only produce a warning; but could do anything. DO NOT USE.

Hex Name
E0 00 00 00 Reserved
FE FF FF FF Reserved


Hex Name Comment
FF xx xx xx HALT equivelent. Although these instructions will all be treated as HALTs. DO NOT USE THEM.

Encoding/Decoding Reference


There is a direct and consistent relationship between the nybbles and the registers.

Hex Name
0 REG0
1 REG1
2 REG2
3 REG3
4 REG4
5 REG5
6 REG6
7 REG7
8 REG8
9 REG9